On One Year Anniversary of Michael Brown’s Death in Ferguson, MO … Man Shot by Police Officers After He Fired on Them

So we are having a one year anniversary of an individual who attacked a police officer and was killed? 

On the one year anniversary of the faux “hands up, don’t shoot” death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, the day was marred with gun fire and bullets shot at police officers. The violence broke out at about 11 pm when shots were fired at the police. The police responded by firing back and shooting the unidentified man who fired on them. St. Louis County Police Department Chief Jon Belmar explained that two groups exchanged gunfire on the west side of W. Florissant near the Sam’s Market in Ferguson, amid a protest marking Brown’s death. The unidentified gunman was shot by the police. As reported at the NY Times, a gun that the police recovered from the shooting victim was a 9-milimeter Sig Sauer that they said was reported stolen last year. Chief Belmar said that the four detectives who had shot the man had between six and 12 years of experience, but he declined to provide information about their race. Imagine that? The gang violence that continues in Ferguson as seen by the actions of this shooter show what the real issue is in Ferguson.

Where was Al Sharpton, what can’t make any race-bating hay off this anymore?

Fergason anniversary shots fired video

A peaceful day of protest and remembrance dissolved into chaos late Sunday when a man fired multiple shots at four St. Louis County plainclothes detectives in an SUV. The detectives fired back and the shooter was struck, said county Police Chief Jon Belmar. He was in critical condition.

Tyrone Harris identified the victim as his son, Tyrone Harris Jr., 18, of St. Louis. Harris said shortly after 3 a.m. that his son had just gotten out of surgery.

He said his son graduated from Normandy High School and that he and Michael Brown Jr. “were real close.”

“We think there’s a lot more to this than what’s being said,” Harris Sr. said.

In a 2:30 a.m. press conference, Belmar said there is a “small group of people out there that are intent on making sure we don’t have peace that prevails.

“We can’t sustain this as a community,” he said.

Police Shoot Man in Ferguson Following One-Year Anniversary of Michael Brown’s Death.

A male from one of those groups left, walked across the street, and stopped on the shoulder. Four plainclothes officers in an SUV saw that person, and pulled their vehicle out. The suspect opened fire on the car, hitting the grill and windshield.

The detectives got out of their vehicle when the suspect turned and fired at them, prompting the detectives to shoot back, police said. The detectives chased the suspect on foot. When the suspect reengaged the detectives, they shot the suspect multiple times.

The unidentified suspect has been described as approximately 20 years old and in critical condition. Meanwhile, the officers were placed on administrative leave.

A stolen firearm was recovered from the scene, according to authorities.

Fergason anniversary shots fired


So now we make special moments of individuals who attack police officers? Remember folks that Officer Darren Wilson was cleared of all charges in the shooting death of Michael Brown. Even uber-libs like Bill Maher mocked the news reports that this kid was some “Gentle Giant”.  The whole Hands Up Dont Shoot was a lie. But that did not stop the liberal media and race-baiters from destroying Officer Wilson’s life. All based on a lie.

Is it really an anniversary if the original event was based upon a lie?

Posted August 10, 2015 by
Ferguson, Law Enforcement, MO, Racism | 2 comments

Police Dash-Cam Video in Connecticut Debunks College Professor Minati Roychoudhuri’s Claims of Racial Profiling


32 year old Minati Roychoudhuri, a college professor at Capital Community College, in Hartford, CT, accused the Connecticut state police of racial profiling after she was pulled over on May 9, 2015 in Weathersfield. However, her ticket she was given stated her vehicular citation was for failure to drive in the established lane. Of course in the attack police at all chances and call them racist environment, Roychoudhuri sent a letter to the Commissioner of Public Safety claiming that the officer had racially profiled her. As it turns out, the incident was caught on the police dash-cam that proved the 32 year old community college professor was lying through her teeth. Roychoudhuri was subsequently arrested for giving a false statement in the second degree.


Not too smart for a college professor … hopefully the kids she teaches are more honest

A college professor who accused a Connecticut state trooper of racial profiling saw her claims fail when audiotape of the stop proved she was lying, police said.

According to Fox CT, Minati Roychoudhuri, 32, was driving on a highway on May 9 when she was pulled over in the town of Wethersfield. She was cited for failure to drive in the established lane. A month later, Roychoudhuri sent a letter to the Commissioner of Public Safety claiming that the officer had racially profiled her.

“The policeman asked me if I could speak English and if I knew why he had stopped me. I said, “yes” to speaking English and “no” to why he had stopped me,” she wrote in the letter. “The officer did not give me any reason as to why had stopped me. His asking if I could speak English shows that he had racially profiled me and was not able to give me a concrete reason for stopping me.”

When Roychoudhuri, who teaches at Capital Community College, in Hartford, gave an in-person interview in regards to her letter a week later, she repeated her claims of racial profiling and that the officer did not explain why she was stopped. She also signed a statement that it is a crime for her to make any claims that she does not believe to be true in an effort to mislead a public servant.

Read the transcript of the dash cam video HERE.

Officer: Hi ma’am, do you know why I’m stopping you today?
Roychoudhuri: No
Officer: OK. There’s that big gore area with white lines painted across it and you cut in front of it, in front of me, thinking it’s a lane or something. You have to wait until it’s a dotted white line. License and registration.

New York Times/CBS News Poll: Nearly 60% of Americans Think Race Relations Are Bad Under Obama

Remember when Barack Obama was elected and people said that it would make black/white race relations better … Hows that Hopey/Changey stuff working out for you America?

In 2008 many Americans, including many whites with liberal white guilt, elected Barack Hussein Obama because they thought it would ease race relation in the United States and some how correct the evils of slavery and past racism and discrimination. However, some seven years later and any thought of black/white race relations getting any better are out the window. According to a recent New York Times/CBS News poll, nearly six in 10 Americans, including heavy majorities of both whites and blacks, think race relations are generally bad. In fact, nearly four in 10 think the situation is getting worse. During Mr. Obama’s 2008 campaign, nearly 60% of blacks said race relations were generally bad, but that number was cut in half shortly after he won. However, it has now soared to 68%. But although blacks think race relations are worse, they could not find it in them-self to say that Obama has done a poor job with race relations. Imagine that. However, under Obama he has brought the racial pressure cooker to the brink and his taking of of one side has been on display for 7 years. It has become evident that with Obama, only black lives do matter, as he can only see himself as Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, rather than his half white side of murdered Kathryn Steinle. Too bad that Obama is supposed to be the leader of all, not just some.

As Instapundit opines, this is Obama’s true legacy.

Obama Divider

Seven years ago, in the gauzy afterglow of a stirring election night in Chicago, commentators dared ask whether the United States had finally begun to heal its divisions over race and atone for the original sin of slavery by electing its first black president. It has not. Not even close.

A New York Times/CBS News poll conducted last week reveals that nearly six in 10 Americans, including heavy majorities of both whites and blacks, think race relations are generally bad, and that nearly four in 10 think the situation is getting worse. By comparison, two-thirds of Americans surveyed shortly after President Obama took office said they believed that race relations were generally good.

The swings in attitude have been particularly striking among African-Americans. During Mr. Obama’s 2008 campaign, nearly 60 percent of blacks said race relations were generally bad, but that number was cut in half shortly after he won. It has now soared to 68 percent, the highest level of discontent among blacks during the Obama years and close to the numbers recorded in the aftermath of the riots that followed the 1992 acquittal of Los Angeles police officers charged in the beating of Rodney King.

Wake up America, this is what happens when you elect a community agitator who’s entire presidency has been based on racial divide and class warfare. In many respects, the only reason why Obama was ever voted into office, especially among white voters, was because of the notion that he would some how make race relations better. It certainly was not because he was qualified to be president. However, how many times must you be reminded, its not about the color of one’s skin, it is about the content of their character.

Barack Obama, The Poverty President … 3 Million More Children in Poverty Under Obama


Since Barack Obama has become president, 3 million more children live in poverty, including an amazing number of black children. So much for the first black president changing the conditions for black American children, instead he has made matters worse. This is simply criminal, especially as this president has caused division among the races and promoted class warfare. Yet, Obama has done nothing to help the poor and those in poverty, even with his redistribution of wealth. There is a reason why Obama is known as the food stamp president. This is a kin to child abuse. Imagine what the MSM news headlines would be if a white Republican president had resided under such conditions for black and Hispanic children? Obama is simply an epic failure and will go down as the worst president in history.

But blacks and Hispanics continue to vote For Democrats in droves as their lives are made more miserable by their liberal agenda. If this same data occurred during the presidency of a Republican the media would be asking, why does the GOP hate children.

Poverty_children 2013

Ever since President Obama took office, the poverty rate among children has soared to 22 percent, with three million more children living in poor conditions, according to an authoritative new report released Tuesday.

The 2015 “KIDS COUNT” report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation said that the percentage of children living in poverty jumped from 18 percent in 2008, the year Obama was elected, to 22 percent in 2013. It added that the rate dropped from 2012 to 2013, in line with the improving economy.

The child poverty rate among African Americans (39 percent) was more than double the rate for non-Hispanic whites (14 percent) in 2013.

• In 2013, three in 10 children (22.8 million) lived in families where no parent had full-time, year-round employment. Since 2008, the number of such children climbed by nearly 2.7 million.

• Roughly half of all American Indian children (50 percent) and African-American children (48 percent) had no parent with full-time, year-round employment in 2013, compared with 37 percent of Latino children, 24 percent of non-Hispanic white children and 23 percent of Asian and Pacific Islander children.”

More from USA Today ... So much for the war on poverty.

“The fact that it’s happening is disturbing on lots of levels,” said Laura Speer, the associate director for policy reform and advocacy at the Casey Foundation, a non-profit based in Baltimore. “Those kids often don’t have the access to the things they need to thrive.” The foundation says its mission is to help low-income children in the U.S. by providing grants and advocating for policies that promote economic opportunity.

The report examined data from several federal agencies ranging from 2008 to 2013 to assess state-by-state trends of 16 factors of children’s well-being, including economics, education, health and family and community. It found that one in four children — a total of 18.7 million kids — lived in low-income households in 2013; low-income families were defined as those who use more than 30% of their pre-tax income for housing.

The report also examined racial disparities between children living in low-income households. Black, Hispanic and American Indian children were more than twice as likely to live in poverty than white children, the report said.

Daily Commentary – Friday, July 17, 2015 – 94yr Old Oskar Groening, Former Auschwitz Guard Convicted as Accessory to Murder

  • A court ruled on Wednesday that he was guilty of being an accessory to the murder of 300,000 Jews and he was sentenced to four years in prison

Daily Commentary – Friday, July 17, 2015 Download

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