Tennessee College Republicans from the Obama Generation to “The Debt Generation” … Welcome to Obama’s Generational Theft

Obama’s reelection bid is no longer and promises of “hope & change,” its about running on his record …

Barack Obama has pretty much disillusions ed every one that voted for him in 2008, no voting block more than the college age youth.  They have gone from the Obama generation in 2008 to the “DEBT GENERATION”. Watch the video below from the Tennessee College Republicans, aptly titled, ” The Debt Generation”. Check out the Debt Clock.

The Debt Generation

Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit

In 2008 more than 2/3 of America’s youth voted for Barack Obama; however, little did the naive college kids know that Barack Obama would hang them out to dry and create an out of control debt of political gifts that they would be responsible for. Many of them now regret that they ever voted for Obama. The One handed out gifts like Santa Claus; however, Santa does not charge you for the gifts he gives, Obama does. Fewer young voters see themselves as Democrats and unlike 2008, the Obama magic is gone. The bloom is off the rose and Obama is not perceived as “Hope & Change” but instead the same old, same old of an establishment politician.

Welcome to the “generational” theft of Barack Obama. The result, Obama has lost the luvin’ feeling of America’s youth.

UPDATE I: A blast from the past from Vanderbilt from 2009 … And the Obama gang thought we would just forget.


PPP Has Connecticut a Swing State for Barack Obama in 2012 Presidential Election

How bad is Barack Obama’s reelections chances … PPP has Connecticut, yes, the Nutmeg state is a 2012 Presidential Swing state.

According to Public Policy Polling, Connecticut is a toss up for Barack Obama in the 2012 election. How is this possible? Barack Obama won Connecticut in the 2008 elections by 23 points over John McCain, 61% – 38%. However, Obama’s approval rating in CT is presently underwater at 48% approve,  49% disapprove.  Will states like Connecticut be considered battle grown/swing states in 2012?

Connecticut isn’t a place that would go on anybody’s list of swing states but Barack Obama is in a statistical tie with Mitt Romney there, leading only 47-45.

Obama’s poor showing in Connecticut is mostly a function of his own unpopularity.  Despite having won it by 23 points in 2008 his approval numbers are now under water at 48/49.  That represents a 17 point net shift in the wrong direction since PPP last polled the state in March- at that time Obama’s approval was a positive 55/39 spread.  The decline has come because he’s unpopular with independents (41/53) and also because an unusually high 20% of Democrats disapprove of the job he’s doing.

With such a poor showing in Connecticut, the question becomes how will Obama’s poor approval ratings affect the other New England states? Once considered safe, dark blue states, Obama has made all of them  battleground states and will be forced to campaign in them in 2012.  Every one considered Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Nevada and Virgina battleground states; however, Obama is on path to make states that he easily won in 2008 like Michigan, Wisconsin,  and the New England one’s to be swing states in 2012.

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How Low Can He Go … Barack Obama Loses Ground in 2012 Presidential Reelection Bid

Barack Obama poll numbers are in free fall. Just 41% of those polled in a recent Pew Center Research poll stated that they wanted Obama reelected. Even worse for “the Chosen One” is that a meager 31% of Independents want him reelected. Overall, Independents have all but abandoned Obama in the job approval polls. It’s hard to believe that Obama won 52% of the Independent vote in the 2008 Presidential elections against John McCain. Without the Independent vote Obama has no chance and the numbers continue to trend downward.

Pew Research Center

The sizeable lead Barack Obama held over a generic Republican opponent in polls conducted earlier this year has vanished as his support among independent voters has fallen off.Currently, 41% of registered voters say they would like to see Barack Obama reelected, while 40% say they would prefer to see a Republican candidate win in 2012. In May, Obama held an 11-point lead.

This shift is driven by a steep drop-off in support for Obama among independents. The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted July 20-24 among 1,501 adults and 1,205 registered voters finds that just 31% of independent voters want to see Obama reelected, down from 42% in May and 40% in March. Where Obama held a slim 7-point edge among independent registered voters two months ago, a generic Republican holds an 8-point edge today.

CNN references multiple polls, all that show that Obama’s poll numbers are cratering. Wow, couldn’t happen to a more deserving one term President.

Brian in a Blue State

Michel Hayek, the Middle East’s Answer to Nostradamus Predicts in 2011 … President Barack Obama Will be Confronted with Situations “Never Faced by Previous Presidents”

From The National,  Michel Hayek, the Middle East’s answer to Nostradamus predicts that President Barack Obama will be confronted with situations “never faced by previous presidents”in 2011. Michel Hayek also predicted Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will be “caught on camera broken and devastated.”

The American president Barack Obama got several mentions, with him facing situations “never faced by previous presidents”, and how Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, will be “caught on camera broken and devastated”.

Airports in the US will witness renewed terrorist attempts “due to unknown weak points” and Iran’s streets will be packed in the way not seen since the Islamic Revolution of 1979. He predicted the Iranian opposition will lose one of its important figures.

Remember when Biden said that this administration said it would be tested within the first 6 months? Joe might have got the time frame wrong, but did he get the predicted testing correct?


Mark my words. Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking …  to stand with him. Because it’s not gonna be apparent initially, it’s not gonna be apparent that we’re right.”(Joe Biden)

More predictions at The Hill, an assassination in the Middle East that will be hailed as the crime of the century, a “major disturbance or shake up in the waters at the Strait of Hormuz and Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist Bill Gates will jump into politics.

So what type of incident has  ”never faced by previous presidents” … the thoughts are chilling.

Barack Obama Says 15 US Senate Seats are in Play in 2010 … Really, After All There Are 57 States

WHAT??? 15 states in play for the US Senate … is Obama including the 57 states that he campaigned in 2008 where he had one left to go but his staff would not allow him to visit Alaska?

Remember this doozy from the Obama campaign trail that should have been fair warning to all?


President Barack Hussein Obama in a fundraising email stated that 15 US Senate seats were in play in the 2010 midterm elections. Really, just over the weekend Republicans stated that it might take two cycles to take back the Senate. So what does Obama know that all other pundit and pollsters do not? 15 states? Even if one includes CT, DE and NY, there is no way that 15 states are in play.

I’m counting on the DSCC to win the 15 Senate seats still up for grabs over these last 15 days. But they need $919,100 before midnight Thursday to unleash a massive GOTV blitz this weekend.

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