Is Swing State of New Hampshire Ready for a Republican Gov. and Vote for Romney over Obama? Romney Leads by 3, Lamontagne by 4

It appears that the “Live Free or Die” state is ready to swing Republican.

According to a recent Rasmussen poll, GOP Presidential candidate Mitt Romney leads Barack Obama 48% to 45%. Obama won NH in 2008 by 9 points, 54% to 45% over McCain. Now he finds himself behind by 3, what a difference four years makes. Polling at 45% is hardly encouraging for an incumbent candidate.

Mitt Romney has now taken the lead in the swing state of New Hampshire.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in New Hampshire shows Romney with 48% support to President Obama’s 45%. Four percent (4%) prefer some other candidate, and three percent (3%) are undecided.

Also, Republican Ovide Lamontagne finds  himself slightly ahead of Democrat Maggie Hassan in the NH governors race, 48% to 44%.  In 2008, incumbent Democrat Gov. Lynch defeated his GOP rival by a 70% to 28% margin and won by only 7.6% in 2010.  Gov. Lynch is not seeking reelection.

Rasmussen Reports’ first look at New Hampshire’s gubernatorial race since the state’s party primaries finds Republican Ovide Lamontagne slightly ahead of Democrat Maggie Hassan.  A new telephone survey of Likely Voters in the Granite State shows Lamontagne earning 48% of the vote, while Hassan picks up 44% support.  Two percent (2%) prefer some other candidate, and seven percent (7%) are undecided.

Even though the unemployment rate in the Granite state is lower than the national average, it appears top be going in the wrong direction.

UPDATE I: The Lonely Conservative has linked with a Pennsylvania poll that has a near dead heat between Romney and Obama.

How Naive Does Obama’s 2007 Words Look Now in Retrospect? … The Day I’m Inaugurated Muslim Hostility Will Ease … “the World Will Look at America Differently”

Maybe Samuel L. Jackson was partially correct ... AMERICA, ITS TIME TO WAKE THE F@CK UP. The voting for Obama part, not so much. Ask yourself America, do you think the hostilities have eased since Obama became President? How that Radical Muslin “Hopey-Changey” stuff working u for you?

On New Hampshire Public Radio on November 27, 2007 , Barack Hussein Obama stated that he was uniquely qualified to bring stability to America’s relationships in the Muslim world because he lived in an Islamic country during his youth and his half-sister is Muslim. Wow, Obama actually believed that the relationship between the Middle East and America was going to change because he was Barack “Hussein” Obama. Really?  Sadly, an asleep at the wheel America bought this BS and elected him in 2008. Even more pathetic is Obama may actually believe his own BS.

click on pic for audio of Obama’s comments

Hat Tip:

So what do you think now America? The Arab Street hates America just as much as they ever have and the Middle East is on fire. Once again Obama has failed, this time on foreign policy. It pretty much shows just how naive and Pollyannaish Barack Obama really is and was. Obama stated that on the day he is inaugurated Muslim hostility will ease. Once again we might ask, America, is the Muslin hostility better off today than it was four years ago? Picture from the AP of Protesters torch an effigy of Barack Obama in Afghanistan.

Yup, things look so much better under Barack Obama and his inner knowledge of being a Muslim.

Ambassador Stevens be dragged thru the streets after his death (Al Ahram)

Obama’s arrogance is amazing, the world will look at America differently because of him. UNREAL.

Former Democrat Congressman Artur Davis & Man Who Seconded Obama’s Nomination in 2008 Speaks at the 2012 RNC Supporting Mitt Romney


In 2008 Rep. Artur Davis (AL-D), the four term Democrat Congressman, seconded the nomination of Barack Obama at the Democratic National Convention and served as an Obama campaign co-chairman. However, four years later and too many extreme and far Left policies,Artur Davis has left the Democrat part and is speaking at the 2012 Republican National Convention. Artur Davis asked for a second chance that was the parallel to the theme of his speech, asking to “Let’s Take This Country Back”. The only thing missing was The Who’s music playing in the background, ‘Won’t Get Fooled Again’.

There are Americans who voted for the president, but who are searching right now, because they know that their votes didn’t build the country they wanted.

To those Democrats and independents whose minds are open to argument: listen closely to the Democratic Party that will gather in Charlotte and ask yourself if you ever hear your voice in the clamor.

Ask yourself if these Democrats still speak for you.

When they say we have a duty to grow government even when we can’t afford it, does it sound like compassion to you — or recklessness?

Thank you for Welcoming me to where I belong …

The full transcript can be read HERE.

The Democrats’ ads convince me that Governor Romney can’t sing, but his record convinces me he knows how to lead, and I think you know which skill we need more.

Now, America is a land of second chances, and I gather you have room for the estimated 6 million of us who know we got it wrong in 2008 and who want to fix it.

Maybe we should have known that night in Denver that things that begin with plywood Greek columns and artificial smoke typically don’t end well.

Maybe the Hollywood stars and the glamour blinded us a little: you thought it was the glare, some of us thought it was a halo.

But in all seriousness, do you know why so many of us believed? We led with our hearts and our dreams that we could be more inclusive than America had ever been, and no candidate had ever spoken so beautifully.

But dreams meet daybreak: the jobless know what I mean, so do the families who wonder how this Administration could wreck a recovery for three years and counting.

More amazing words from Artur Davis speaking to Independents and open minded Democrats:

To those Democrats and independents whose minds are open to argument: listen closely to the Democratic Party that will gather in Charlotte and ask yourself if you ever hear your voice in the clamor.

Ask yourself if these Democrats still speak for you.

When they say we have a duty to grow government even when we can’t afford it, does it sound like compassion to you — or recklessness?

When you hear the party that glorified Occupy Wall Street blast success; when you hear them minimize the genius of the men and women who make jobs out of nothing, is that what you teach your children about work?

When they tell you America is this unequal place where the powerful trample on the powerless, does that sound like the country your children or your spouse risked their lives for in Iraq or Afghanistan?

Prior to his speech at the RNC, Former Democrat Rep. Artur Davis, one of Barack Obama’s former 2008 campaign co-chairs, explained why he switched parties to CNN’s Wolf Biltzer. For his epiphany, Davis was attacked by the Black Congressional Caucus for leaving the Democrat plantation.

Oh, and by the way MSNBC did not broadcast this speech either.

Could President Barack Obama Actually Lose his Home State of Illinois … Romney Leads in Chicago Suburbs

Is it possible … Could President Barack Obama actually lose his home state of Illinois in the 2012 Presidential election?

According to a poll by Illinois-based pollster and political strategist Michael McKeon, Barack Obama may not be leading enough in Cook County, where the city of Chicago is, to win the state as Mitt Romney leads in downstate Illinois. Although this is almost impossible to believe that Romney could win a state that is not even considered a swing state, anything is possible in 2012. Many never thought that Wisconsin or Michigan could have ever been in play. In 2008 Obama won Illinois 62% to 37%. Obama won Cook County by a whopping 53 percent,  76% to 23%. If the below poll numbers are credible, then yes Obama is in trouble; however, it is just hard to believe Obama could ever lose Illinois. On the other hand as analyzed by Moe Lane, these numbers should be troublesome for Obama and bring up the issue of the enthusiasm gap for Obama. If this polling data ever came to fruition in November, the election night would look like a 1980 Reagan landslide. Because if Illinois was ever really in play, so is every other state that Obama won by double digits in 2008.

President Barack Obama could lose his home state of Illinois in November, a new poll shows.

A poll conducted by Illinois-based pollster and political strategist Michael McKeon found Obama leading Republican Mitt Romney by 49 percent to 37 percent in Cook County, the home of Chicago. That puts him ahead by a far thinner margin than expected in a county he should be winning handsomely.

Cook is the most Democratic leaning county in the state. It is also the most populous.

Those numbers do not bode well for the president.

Also, as reported at The Daily Caller:

In the city of Chicago itself, he retains a 60-29 lead over Romney. But the Republican challenger leads 45-38 in the surrounding areas. Across the county as a whole, Romney leads 43-31 among independent voters, a crucial voting bloc. Romney also holds a 44-38 lead among male voters, and a 53-40 lead among white voters.

Rut-Roh, More 2008 Obama Voters Switching Sides Than Those Who Voted for McCain in 2012 Presidential Election

Yet just another example of my what a difference four years makes …

According to a recent Gallup poll, more individuals who voted for Barack Obama in 2008 are switching sides as opposed to those who voted for John McCain. More people are remaining loyal to the GOP and Mitt Romney than they are to Obama in the 2012 Presidential election. In an election that is supposed to be a squeaker, a shifting electorate away from Obama, no matter how small is important and telling.  The National Review brings up a key and important point in that this 9% change from Obama in 2008 makes many of today’s polling data rather suspect when we are witness to polling data demographics heavily weighted to Democrats.

Eighty-six percent of voters who say they voted for Barack Obama in 2008 are backing Obama again this year, a smaller proportion than the 92% of 2008 John McCain voters who are supporting 2012 Republican candidate Mitt Romney. Nine percent of 2008 Obama voters have switched to supporting Romney this year, while 5% of McCain voters have switched to Obama.

Thus, it follows that fewer voters are supporting Obama this year than in 2008. But the race remains close because Obama’s margin in 2008 was large enough that he could still be tied or in the lead this year if his support is a few percentage points lower.

The data do underscore the high degree of party loyalty in voting across the last two elections. All told, 79% of registered voters are supporting the same party’s candidate in 2012 as in 2008.

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