Repeal the Dirty, Back Room, Unconstitutional Deal … People Say Change Obamacare NOW!


According to the following CBS poll, most Americans want the Republican Party to “REPEAL THE DIRTY DEAL”. A resounding 62% of Americans stated that they want Congressional Republicans to keep challenging the bill, while 33 percent say they should not do so.


You wanted bipartisanship America? It would appear you have it against Obamacare. 89%  of Republicans say yes to challenging the law.  But what about the 41% of Democrats and 66% of Independents that state the same?

I guess this can explain why the Democrat spin doctors are in full mode with their Obamacare talking points and the reason why The Chosen One, Barack Hussin Obama, feels the need to go out to the America people and sell this bill of goods to “WE THE PEOPLE” after the Democrats have already rammed it down our collective throats.

A CBS News poll released Wednesday finds that nearly two in three Americans want Republicans in Congress to continue to challenge parts of the health care reform bill.

Senate Republicans are now challenging whether the bill is truly a budget reconciliation bill (which is what makes it filibuster-proof) and inserting amendments designed to slow down passage. Republican attorneys general are also planning to challenge the constitutionality of the law.

The poll finds that 62 percent want Congressional Republicans to keep challenging the bill, while 33 percent say they should not do so. Nearly nine in ten Republicans and two in three independents want the GOP to keep challenging. Even 41 percent of Democrats support continued challenges.

Americans are split about the fact that the bill largely lacked bipartisan support. Fifty percent said they were disappointed that the bill did not have support from both parties, while 44 percent said that it doesn’t matter.

Some how we are supposed to believe Obama and his minions that the people are for Obamacare. It’s only supposed to be as Weasel Zippers states, those evil tea party folks that are against it.  Really? The One might want to step back and instead of calling people tea baggers, read the tea leaves instead.  Hell, even Obama own Dr cousin Milton Wolf is against Obamacare.

Obama and the Democrats wanted to break the will of the people by ignoring them and making them feel otherized, all they have done is awoke a not so sleeping giant … America is ready for the fight.

There are no threats here, there are only promises … say good bye Democrats to your jobs in 2010 and to your Chosen One in 2012. REPEAL THE DIRT DEAL!!!

Tennessee Governor Election 2010: Republicans Haslam, Ramsey & Wamp All Lead Democrat Challengers by Double Digits

Can Republicans regain the majority of Governorships in 2010 as well?

The Tennessee governors race could see a shift of power in The Volunteer state this November. Republican candidates Bill Haslam, Rom Ramsey and Zach Wamp all have early double digit leads over their Democrat challengers Mike McWherter and Kim McMillan in a recent Rasmussen poll.

In the first Rasmussen Reports Election 2010 survey of the governor’s race in Tennessee, all three top Republican candidates hold double-digit leads over two potential Democratic opponents, but no one earns 50% support in any of the match-ups. Nearly one-quarter of the state’s voters remain undecided, too, in every potential contest.

Knoxville’s GOP Mayor Bill Haslam leads former State House Majority Speaker Kim McMillan 46% to 26%. He posts a similar 45% to 27% lead over businessman Mike McWherter.

The 2010 race this Fall in Tennessee is to replace outgoing, term limited Democrat Gov. Phil Bredesen. Although popular in the Volunteer state, Bredesen’s 70% job approval rating is not rubbing off on any of his fellow Democrats challengers.

The mood of most TN voters is anti-incumbency and especially anti-Democrat, anti-Stimulus bill and  anti-Obamacare. The Tea Parties in Tennessee have been a tremendous success.

Fifty-one percent (51%) of Tennessee voters hold a favorable opinion of the Tea Party movement, but only 22% consider themselves a part of it.

Look for the vote in November to be a Tennessee ballot revolt against Washington, DC in the off year midterm election.  Politics may be local, but it has been the federal government controlled by Barack Obama and the Democrats that has overstepped it’s authority and mandate. Look for Tennessee to show their displeasure this Fall in the Governor and House races.

Opposition to the recently passed national health care plan is even higher in Tennessee than it is nationally. Thirty-one percent (31%) favor the plan, while 65% oppose it. This includes 24% who Strongly Favor it and 57% who Strongly Oppose it.

This gives the GOP candidates an edge for now since all three are strongly supported by those who strongly oppose the health care plan. Both Democrats are the favorites of those who strongly support the plan.

Both Republican and Democrat primary elections to pick their gubernatorial nominees is on August 5, 2010.

It’s not just the US House of Representatives and US Senate that Republicans are looking to regain power of, it is the majority of the all important Governorships as well.  Tennessee looks like an almost lock to move from Democrat to Republican in 2010.

More Love from the Left … US Rep Barney Franks (D-MA), “Republicans Just Like Bullies Who Drive Teens To Suicide”

If you did not see the following, which you probably did not as it was on MSNBC … maybe you should.

More love from the LEFT and Democrat US Rep from Massachusetts Barney Franks.  The Democrat compared opponents to Obamacare to  “Bullies Who Drive Teens To Suicide”

So let’s get this straight, Franks goes on TV to complain about name calling, by name calling? No hypocrisy there. Where is the state run MSM to address the hypocrisy?

From Radio Equalizer via the Gateway Pudit

After all, the Massachusetts Democrat pretty much wrote the book on dubious rhetorical associations, though this may prove a fresh low even for him. During last night’s Rachel Maddow Show, Frank linked opponents of socialized medicine and Republicans to schoolyard bullies who drive teens to suicide.

Democrats dare make the charge of bullying after they rammed Obamacare down Americas throat? Who bullied who Mr. Franks?  Losing ugly? It’s called “free speech” and defending the Constitution. That is until Barack Obama and the Democrats releal the First Amendment as well.

But Barney never insults and bullies people, Hmm? Never, he would never bully anyone, right? You make the call.

2010 Vermont Governor’s Race: Republican Brian Dubie Leads Five Potential Democratic Opponents

Will Republicans continue to hold the governorship in Vermont in the 2010 elections?  The signs look rather good. Republican Lieutenant Governor Brian Dubie is presently leading all five of his potential Democrat candidates for the governors race in the Green Mountain state.

Republican Lieutenant Governor Brian Dubie leads all five of his potential Democratic opponents in the first Rasmussen Reports Election 2010 survey of this year’s race for governor in Vermont.

A telephone survey of likely voters in the state shows Secretary of State Deb Markowitz to be the most competitive Democrat for now. Dubie leads her by seven points, 46% to 39%. He posts a 48% to 35% lead over State Senator Doug Racine, a former lieutenant governor.

The Vermont governors race will determine the successor to popular GOP Governor Jim Douglas, who has opted not to run for reelection. 64% of Vermont’s voters approve of the job Douglas is doing in office, while only 36% disapprove. Brian Dubie is viewed very favorably by 31% of Vermont’s voters and very unfavorably by just 13%.

Election 2010: Vermont Governor

Brian Dubie (R) 46%
Deb Markowitz (D) 39%
Some Other Candidate 4%
Not Sure 10%

Brian Dubie (R) 51%
Peter Shumlin (D) 33%
Some Other Candidate 6%
Not Sure 10%

Brian Dubie (R) 48%
Doug Racine (D) 35%
Some Other Candidate 5%
Not Sure 12%

Brian Dubie (R) 48%
Susan Bartlett (D) 35%
Some Other Candidate 5%
Not Sure 12%

Brian Dubie (R) 51%
Matt Dunne (D) 29%
Some Other Candidate 6%
Not Sure 14%

Al Sharpton, “The American public overwhelmingly voted for socialism when they elected President Obama”

Take a good listen to Democrat Al Sharpton folks. This is from his lips to your ears. Those on the right have been demonized for calling Obama a socialist. Al Sharpton has just told all America that President Barack Hussein Obama is a socialist.

Not only is Obama a socialist … you wanted him to be a socialist America.

Question America, did you vote for socialism when you voted for Barack Hussein Obama? Was that the “hope & change” you were looking for?

“The American public overwhelming voted for socialism when they elected President Obama

Sharpton went on to say that Obama ran on health reform and was overwhelmingly elected on that and he has delivered what he promised. Really Al, LIAR! Because you Al have all the credibility in the world. Can we just say Tawana Brawley.

So the mind set is that just because he ran on health care, that any form of socialized medicine and government take over of health care was ok. Even though there was no transparency, no bipartisan dealings, no health care on CSPAN and no change of the way Washington, DC does business.  By the way Al, Obama also promised that health care reform would lower the cost of premiums, it does not do that either.

It is obvious from the polling data that America did not want to elect a socialist, nor did they want the health care reform that Obama delivered.


If America really knew what Obama was all about and did not listen to the state-run media lies that Obama was a moderate and a uniter, he never would have won the Democrat primary, let alone the Presidency.

You can RIGHT that WRONG this November and in 2012.

If you did not, you best start voting out of office all the Democrats that give him his power in 2010 and in 2012 … put Barack Obama on the unemployment line as well.

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