Caylee Anthony Memorial … 2005 – 2008 … May She Rest in Peace … To All, Please Respect This Child Today


This morning at 10 AM the Memorial to Caylee Anthony, the 2 year old Orlando little girl who captured so many hearts across America and a far will begin. Caylee is already with her Father, Lord and Saviour; however, maybe this memorial might provide some closure for the many faceless strangers in the public captivated by Caylee.

I would say to the Anthony family, in as much as I have questioned your motives and actions in protecting Casey rather than provide justice for Caylee, I do grieve with you. Cindy, George, Lee … you have an opportunity to make it right. Please do so. I would also ask the others who have exploited this case and little Caylee to have a heart today. Whether you are having a competing memorial or are twisted enough to actually protest a little girls memorial for the publicity just remember God is watching and there will come a day that you will have to answer for your actions.

Today is about Caylee Anthony, not Casey, not Cindy, George, Lee, Kid Finders, Leonard Padilla or the media. If any of them make it about themselves then shame on them.

Watch the Caylee Memorial HERE or HERE. Please leave your wishes to Caylee.

UPDATE I: People start arriving at 9am for the Memorial at First Baptist Church Orlando:


Kidfinders has parked their billboard out in front of the church:

Partial program for the memorial: 

UPDATE II: The service begins with song. The Anthony family along with their attorney in the front row: 




Scared Monkeys Visits the Caylee Anthony Memorial … God Bless & Rest in Peace Caylee

In special memory of Caylee Anthony


Members of Scared Monkeys visited the Memorial to Caylee Anthony over the weekend to pay their respects and leave a note and a stuffed animal for little Caylee who never saw her third birthday. The contrast of the loving memorial and the crime scene are evident as the site of the memorial is just mere yards away from the location and crime scene where Caylee was discovered and less than a half a mile away from the home of Cindy and George Anthony. The outpouring of love for little Caylee has been evident from the outset of her known disappearance of a life cut far too short. Caylee Anthony became America’s little girl.

Caylee Anthony is in a much better place where she will never know again the insipid human qualities pain, jealousy, greed and resentment and only know eternal love. We have pointed out in the past that you deserved so much better in life; however, you are certain to get all the love you truly deserved in death. From all of us at Scared Monkeys we wish you the peace of the Lord, God bless and rest in peace.


Picture Hat Tip: Seemeatthebeach


Note left for Caylee for Scared Monkeys







(Click on all pics to enlarge)


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John Travolta’s Son, Jett Travolta, Dies in the Bahamas

There is sad and tragic news out of the Bahamas. The son of John Travolta, 16 year old Jett Travolta has passed away while on vacation in the Bahamas. According to reports from TMZ,  Jett suffered a seizure and attempts to revive him were unsuccessful.


Jett Travolta, 16, suffered a seizure at his family’s vacation home at the Old Bahama Bay Hotel on Grand Bahama Island, attorney Michael Ossi said.

Attempts were made to revive him, but he died at the scene, Ossi said.

Jett, who had a history of seizures, was the eldest child of Travolta and his wife, actress Kelly Preston.

Report: John Travolta’s Son Dies

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The Passing of Peaches, An Inspiration to Us All … May She Rest in Eternal Peace … God Bless

Scared Monkeys says goodbye to one of their most beloved Monkeys …

Scared Monkeys would like to take a moment to say goodbye to a dear friend. We Peaches_blimp_avatarwere saddened to learn yesterday that Peaches, a dear and treasured member of Scared Monkeys for so may years has passed away from cancer. Our hearts and prayers go out to her husband, her daughter, her family and all those people here who remember Peaches for her kindness and courage.

Today I am saddened by our loss; however, I know that heaven is a much better place with her presence. I never met PEACHES, I only know her through her words, emails  and the kind and insightful things she had to say. I know her for the people who’s lives she touched. I know her for the inspiration and courage that she showed all of us. I know her for her kind spirit that will be missed.

However, I know that she brings that spirit to a much better place and is now sharing it with so many that have passed on before her. God has taken home one of the best. In the face of pain and struggle, Peaches smile and zest for life shined above all.  I have covered and wrote about so much pain, anguish and death over the years, yet few posts have ever been more difficult to write than this when we lose one of our own. One of the truly good and gifted people that one would ever know. Whether we know someone in person or over the internet, when one meets one of the good one’s, you know it in an instant. Thank you Peaches for sharing yourself with Scared Monkeys, it was so very appreciated.


If you never knew Peaches, take a moment to go here and learn about what a phenomenal woman she was. If you knew Peaches, please take a moment to check out what many others are saying about our dear friend in her passing. To know what some one is about is not to hear them talk, but is to listen what others have to say about them. Peaches, you were special and will be missed.

Peaches, you are in a much better place away from the pain. May the peace of the Lord provide you eternal peace. Until we meet again and the next time will be in person, you will be fondly remembered by all of us and your spirit will always remain here at Scared Monkeys.

Rest in peace my friend, you are truly a special person and loved by all.

Posted December 30, 2008 by
Deceased, Obituary, Personal | 30 comments

Eartha Kitt, singer, dancer, actress and “Cat Woman” Dies at Age of 81 from Colon Cancer

Sadly, Eartha Kitt has passed away at the age of 81. She has recently been treated in NYC for colon cancer. The cancer was detected about two years ago and treated but recurred after a period of remission.

Kitt’s career spanned six decades of singing, dancing and acting. Many know her from her role as Cat Woman on the popular “Batman” series in 1967-68, replacing Julie Newmar. How ironic that Eartha Kitt pass away Christmas day, her recording of the saucy Christmas song “Santa Baby” was certified gold last week.


Eartha Kitt, a sultry singer, dancer and actress who rose from South Carolina cotton fields to become an international symbol of elegance and sensuality, has died, a family spokesman said. She was 81.

Eartha Kitt – “Santa Baby”


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