Paulus Van der Sloot and the Man at the Excelsior Casino … You Make the call

The pictures of Paulus Van der Sloot and the man sitting at the poker table in the casino where Natalee Holloway and other Mountain Brook teens were playing are hauntingly similar. How is it possible that more video was not released of the time Natalee Holloway was in the Excelsior Casino? A casino is one of the most video taped businesses. There should be video tape of all areas, at all times of every which angle. Is it the guy in the casino video Paul Van der Sloot?


(Click on pics to enlarge)



(Hat Tip: Klaas)

Update I: Remeber when Michael Posner got so upset about the release of the video tape to ABC news.

ABC VIDEO of the casino

Casino Natalee gambling

What Did Deepak Kalpoe Know about Natalee Holloway and When?

Why would Deepak Kalpoe tell his friend, John Charles Croes, that Natalee put her hands down his pants then tell ALE it was not true, that he said it because he was certain his phone and computer were being monitored?  This chat conversation between John Charles Croes and Deepak Kalpoe took place moments after Deepak claims to have left Joran and Natalee on the beach.  What does Deepak know to suspect surveillance on May 30, 2005?
Why would Satish Kalpoe ask “how the girl was doing“? Was there something wrong with Natalee when he last saw her?  Is that why he’s asking how she’s doing?

(Hat tip: Klaas)
From the secretly recorded police car conversations between Joran, Deepak and Satish:
Deepak: They’re going to give you fifteen years if they find the girl.
Joran: For what? for what?
Deepak: That scholarship of yours. Byeeeeeeee. You can forget it.
Joran: Yeah, by who? By you, retard. You know well that you did bad, otherwise you wouldn’t lie.
Brothers: aaiaaieaaieeaiee!
Joran: I should have killed you, retard. Shut your trap
Police car transcript June 24, 2005:
Deepak Kalpoe June 13, 2005 statement:
Deepak Kalpoe June 29, 2005 statement:
Satish Kalpoe June 13, 2005 statement:

Aruban Justice … 6 Years Is the Punishment in Aruba for the Mutilation and Burning of Pit Bulls Body

Justice is supposed to be blind, not foolish.Aruba_OneSadIsland

One really begins to wonder when they see such justice handed out for such heinous crimes whether it makes any difference whether Aruban officials ever bother to prosecute or find anyone guilty of a crime. However, the mind set of the OM in prosecuting this case speaks volumes of a more media covered case in Aruba, Natalee Holloway. 


In the court of appeals, the joint Court of Justice convicted Sijgmund Heyliger (37) to six years imprisonment.  Heyliger appealed his five-year imprisonment verdict for his involvement in the mutilation and burning of Dinesh Djoegan’s body, too high.  The attorney general has demanded 7 years. (Amigoe)

This is what is considered justice on One Happy Island. Does the word “justice” even appear in the Aruban dictionary? Let alone the fact that the OM asked for too short a period of time, how is it that the judge consistently gave lesser sentences? What also happened to the possibility that Pit Bull was forced to take the drugs?

The family was informed that Pitbull was not murdered, but had an amount of cocaine in his body.  There is a possibility that he was forced to take the drug.  The OM is also investigating the relation between the cause of death and the fact that Djoegan was found burned and crucified. (SM via Amigoe)

During the investigation the family of Dinesh Djoegan (Pit Bull) demanded why it was taking so long and that they “just needed to wait”. I guess they will now be asking why people who did such a heinous crime only got six years.  

Read more

Joran Van der Sloot’s Book … “The Case of Natalee Holloway” … Keep Talking . SICK, SICK, SICK.

Joran Van der Sloot … Keep Talking, it will be your undoing.

“Lying makes it easier for me”. (Joran Van der Sloot)

No truer words have ever been spoken.

This is just another example of what’s good for Joran Van der Sloot is terrible for Aruba. Maybe one day the people of Aruba will wake up and smell the coffee. Also maybe more American tourists will come to realize what really took place.


(Click on book to watch video to hear what tourists & Jossy Mansur have to say)

Comments from American tourists in Aruba regarding the Joran Van der Sloot book.

“I think that’s sick, I really do. To be able to profit off of something like this is horrible. Whether he did it or didn’t do it doesn’t matter, just sick”  (Will Formato)

“I am disappointed kinda that he would capitalize on something bad that happened like that and feel like he could make money on other people’s unhappiness.” (Janet Beatty)

Reviews state that the book takes swipes at Natalee’s family and the American people.

“I don’t like the idea that somebody that was so closely involved to the situation would then write a book to profit from it.” (Fox)

I would ask the people who commented on Joran Van der Sloot’s book below the following question: If it is so sick as to what Joran Van der Sloot is doing in profiting from a book of a terrible ordeal like the disappearance of an American teenage girl, then why are you vacationing on an island that knowingly tried to cover up and did little to really and properly investigate Natalee Holloway’s disappearance? A place where the chief investigator told Dave Holloway to go to Carlos N’ Charlies and “have a beer, she’ll show up”.

Dan Abrams: The letter goes on to say that when Dave Holloway asked the policeDave holloway sign to begin a search for Natalee two days after she went missing, the detective in charge of the investigation answered, this happens all the time. Just go on down to Carlos N’ Charlie’s and have a beer. She’ll show up sometime. She probably got drunk or fell in love and ran off with someone for a few days.

When you went to the police department to report Natalee missing, Dennis Jacobs responded with the following inappropriate question. How much money do you have?

Dave Holloway: That’s correct and there were two witnesses there that can confirm that.


Aruba facade

(Hat Tip Vanderbilt – 06, What happens in Aruba, Stays covered up in Aruba)

Its not just Joran Van der Sloot who lied and tried a cover up to save the tourism of Aruba. That would have been a decision by Aruban officials. So the question is why are you vacationing in an island where if something happened to you, the same treatment would be afforded to you and your loved one’s. Would not that be sick as well?

Nelson Oduber

(Aruban PM Oduber Promising Beth Twitty Justice)

American tourists in Aruba, you are staying in a place that disregards American’s life for the benefit that no harm would come to their tourism. They thought this would all blow over in 4 days. You people are in Aruba making negative comments about Joran Van der Sloot and his profits? What do you think Aruba is doing by you being there while they always wished to look the other way? WAKE UP!!!

Is this where you want to be searching for your missing loved one?

Bird Sanc 4

Or Here?

Pond 4

Or Here?


And soon to be here.


Earth to American tourists … Joran Van der Sloot took swipes at you too.

Who do these tourists really think tried to profit off the cover up of this crime? Who do you think pulled strings and allowed this crime not to be investigated until nearly two year later when Dutch investigators searched the Van der Sloot property?

Dave Holloway, “Corruption in Paradise”.

Corruption, yes. There’s a lot of things that occurred on the island before Natalee got there and we addressed some of those issues. But, you know, you have a 17-year-old kid that basically runs the island. He’s 17 years old. The legal age of gambling is 18. The legal age of drinking is 18. The legal age of driving is 18. And here he does all three.

You know and then this happens with Natalee and then you get a low level police officer trying to make a decision, “Do I arrest these boys or do I turn my head and look the other way?” And we think that they’ve turned their head and looked the other way.

To American tourist that think its OK to selfishly look the other way when grief, pain and despair are brought upon others … You to could have been in the same shoes as Beth Twitty. Will you only care when it directly affects you? What a commentary that says about people and their selfish, self-centered actions.

“If the investigation had been handled properly during the first 10 days, the world would not have witnessed and experienced the pain and suffering my family and I have endured,” Holloway Twitty said, choking back tears as she read from a written statement. “For the rest of my life, I will continue to be the voice for my daughter, seeking justice in Aruba. Every parent would want the same justice for their child.”

Caribbean May Now Have Highest Murder Rate

According to the Word Bank, the Caribbean may now have the highest murder rate as a region. Things you will not find in the travel brochures. White sandy beaches masking as something completely different as unsuspecting tourists lay of the beach and get a tan. Is it any wonder why some tourists wind up in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Blaming most of the violent crime in countries like Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago on the trafficking of Colombian cocaine to Europe and the United States, the report said the region’s homicide rate of 30 per 100,000 inhabitants a year was higher even than troubled southern and western Africa.

It acknowledged that murder statistics in small countries were often problematic because a relatively small number of incidents can result in high rates but said it was clear that homicides were a growing problem in the Caribbean.

“While levels of crime and associated circumstances vary by country, the strongest explanation for the relatively high rates of crime and violence in the region — and their apparent rise in recent years — is narcotics trafficking,” said the report, jointly prepared by the World Bank and the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime. (Yahoo News)

Hat Tip: Richard

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