Aruba: Who Will be Questioned and Searched Next in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway?

 Which one of the suspects friends will be questioned and home searched next by the Dutch investigative team?

(Hat Tip: Klaas)


Are the Searches Over Yet in Aruba? Sources Say No … Is The Fisherman’s Huts Next?

First it was the search of the Van der Sloot residence.




(Above pics from Larry Garrison, The Newsbreaker)

Then it was a search of the Kalope residence.

So what is next on the Dutch investigators agenda? Sources say that, “the Dutch team has been working actively behind closed doors on the master plan they came with and are executing in phases.” So where to next? One thing is for certain that those that have been implicated as being close to or friends of Joran Van der Sloot who have been previously questioned best not be too surprised if the Dutch investigators come knocking. It is obvious that the Dutch investigators have gone though all of the material and have made a punch list as to what needs to be followed up on and what was never investigated initially in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.


(Fisherman’s Huts)

According to sources it would not be too surprising if the Dutch investigators start to examine more closely the Fisherman Hut area. The Fisherman Hut area is an important part of the case because it is referenced by the suspects in their declarations to the police.

FH Mariott

(view from Fisherman’s Huts to Marriott)

This area is not important because of Joran Van der Sloot’s claims of having left Natalee Holloway there after an alleged walk on the beach that no one ever came forward and stated they saw the couple, but because of the Fisherman Huts proximity to the road and the Racquet Club.

SM Huts toward Marriott

(Pics from Bonsai)

SM Fishermen Hut 2

SM Green Fishermen Hut







Map of aerial view of Fisherman Huts, Marriott, Holiday Inn and Racquet Club


(Click on pic to enlarge)

Aruba pond marriott aerial view2copy

Aruba MarriottRitzPond

Could the eventual search of the Fisherman’s Hut area lead to more clues are to this? The much speculated Fish trap that could have been used and put out to sea 3 to 5 miles.

Fish cage

Kalpoe Brothers Home Searched, Brothers Removed During “Inspection”

There has been a new twist in the case of the missing Natalee Holloway as Inspectors Aruba deepakfrom the Netherlands searched the Kalpoe Brothers home to determine if there was any clues in the premises. Reports that the Kalpoe brothers were arrested are not true, but the brothers were taken from the home so that the inspectors would not be bothered by their actions.

We will have more news as it comes available.

The investigators conducted what they termed an “inspection” of the property where Surinamese brothers Deepak and Satish Kalpoe live with their parents, according to Vivian van der Biezen, a spokeswoman for the public prosecutors’ office.

A statement from the Aruban prosecutor’s office said: “An inspection is a coercive measure aimed at observing or analyzing a specific place or circumstances under which a criminal offense may have been committed, or to establish facts related to a criminal case.”

The Kalpoe brothers were in the family’s home in Hooiberg, east of the Dutch Caribbean island’s capital of Oranjestad, when investigators arrived Saturday morning. The siblings objected to the action and had to be escorted from the property by police officers, she said.

“The brothers were not arrested,” van der Biezen told The Associated Press, adding that the inspection lasted for about an hour. She could not say what investigators were looking for.Nothing was seized from the home, according to the statement, and no further details were disclosed.
The inspection of the Kalpoe home came more than two weeks after investigators from the Netherlands dug up earth for two days outside the home of former suspect Joran van der Sloot, reviving a case that had seemed to grow cold since the U.S. teen vanished during a school trip to Aruba about two years ago. (Fox News)

UPDATE I: From Geraldo Live (Video)


Jossy Mansur and Kalpoe Attorney David Kock

 (Hat Tip Carpe)




Joran Van der Sloot Pool side Caption Contest

Joran Van der Sloot Caption Contest

Joran poolside

We provide the picture, you make the comment …

(There is nothing like a nice softball picture for a caption contest to hit out of the park)

Joran Van Der Sloot’s Book … Think You Have heard it All?

Just when you thought you had heard enough coming from the mouth of Joran Van der JorandeepakfriendsSloot, a long comes his recent book to further shed light on just what type of individual we are really dealing with.

With such chapter in his book as the following, we begin to understand just what type of person we have been witnessing these many months. It is rather interesting that Joran could devote such back ground on Natalee Holloway in his book from a person who admits . “he didn’t even know her name”.

Doesn’t the following line sound familiar out of the mouth of Joran Van der Sloot? It is all a premeditated game to target American female tourists.

- the best way to make a girl trust you (and not think you are a local beach bum) is to tell them you are a tourist also (JVDS)

Hat Tip to Rammstein at BFN for translation and summary of book content. Read it in full here.

  • Chapter 3 of Joran’s book: Going at out Carlos & Charlies
  • Chapter 4:  ”de pimps”
  • Chapter 7: Natalee Holloway  

Joran Pimp Porn

Check out the following from his chapter entitled “de Pimps.” Wake up America, think your daughters are safe when they travel to Aruba? Or are they mere targets and sport? To all those out there that have defended this nice little boy, what do you think now?

- dutch boys hang around the bar drinking beer, they aren’t up to “smooth talking” the girls. On Aruba there are a lot of hot tourist girls ready for a 1 night stand or holiday romance. If a girl doesn’t take to you you will realize this pretty soon and move on. It is a lot easier than in the Netherlands.

- American girls are the loosest/wildest of the lot, Joran thinks it is due to the fact that you can buy a drink here when you are under 21 (American drinking age). Joran says in Aruba you can order a drink if you barely are taller than the bar itself

- tourists strip on the bar and join drinking shows. While girls squat, boys hold bottles of beer in front of their privates and girls drink from it. Everybody loves those things.

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