Prosecutor Says One of the Natalee Holloway Suspects Wrote Teen was Dead … But Suspects are Allowed to no longer be considered Suspects

Hey Aruba … If a Divi Divi tree falls in the woods and no one sees it, does it make a noise?

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Aruban Circular Logic known as corruption. It would have to be because no one could be this obtuse.

The prosecutors have stated that because they do not have Natalee Holloway’s body, they cannot prosecute a crime because they cannot reconstruct what happened nor can they figure out what exact role the suspects played.


The fact that the body of the missing teenager was never found is for the OM ‘an important shortage’ in the possible reconstruction of what had exactly happened.  “Because of that, the current dossier cannot give sufficient answer on the question which punishable facts took place in the night of Holloway’s disappearance, nor can it answer the question what the exact role of the suspects was in this” (SM 12/19/07)

Frankly, they could have been provided an exact video tape of the crime and these clowns would not have been able nor willing to connect the dots. Now we are presented today from the prosecutor that one of the suspects wrote that Natalee was dead. An admission from a suspect that the victim was dead; however, in Aruba that means nothing. At least in this case it does not.

ORANJESTAD, Aruba (AP) — One of three top suspects in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway wrote during an Internet chat session that the teenager was dead, Aruba’s chief prosecutor said Thursday.

Prosecutor Hans Mos refused to identify the person who wrote the message but said its discovery had contributed to the decision to re-arrest Joran van der Sloot and brothers Deepak and Satish Kalpoe last month.

The men were subsequently released after they refused to speak to authorities about newly uncovered evidence. The Aruba Public Prosecutor’s Office said Tuesday it will not charge the three.

Mos said their re-arrests had been warranted by the circumstantial evidence, including statements from witnesses who said the three behaved strangely in the hours after Holloway vanished at age 18 on May 30, 2005 during an Aruba vacation with her Alabama high school graduating class.

Would someone in Aruba like to explain how in the hell that a suspect states that the victim, Natalee Holloway, is dead yet not only are all three suspects released from jail, but they are no longer considered suspects! However, they remain “persons of interest”. Why didn’t the three just remain suspects?

Mos refused to reveal details of other evidence that he said was gathered through new investigative techniques and a listening device planted in one of the suspects’ homes. Mos said van der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers remain “the primary three persons of interest.”

“Any and all leads and new evidence will be investigated,” Mos said.

UPDATE I: Comments from Jossy Mansur regarding Prosecutor Mos and New Evidence

In the meantime, Mos did hold a press conference today to explain the so-called evidence that he based himself on – the testimony of girl who spoke to Joran about 5 hours after Natalee disappeared – a new technical interpretation of the laptops confiscated, that showed a new time line that contradicts the versions given so far by the three – tape interviews from the two brother’s home of conversations between them related to the disappearance of Natalee.
Tomorrow, the Kalpoe brothers have called a press conference. It will be interesting to see what they have to say. 

In Curacao the OM Believes that People Should be Protected from Suspects of Murder & Rape, Why Don’t they in Aruba?

In Willemstad, Curocao the public prosecutor (OM) believes that suspects of felonies like murder and rape should not be walking the street. The citizens and innocent people walking the streets should not be put in harms way. So why does the public prosecutor in Aruba not feel the same? Why is it not only okay to let suspects walk the street, but also to let them go altogether and close the case even though they believe the suspects played a part in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.

Suspects of felonies like murder or rape cannot be wandering the streets, just because there is no room in the House of Detention.  “A judge that does that does not recognize dilemmas and because of that neglects his/her duty.”

This is the reaction of the Public Prosecutor on lawyer Eldon ‘Peppie’ Sulvaran’s claim in this paper last Saturday that suspects ‘rot’ in the police-cells longer than the allowable maximum norm of 18 days, due to insufficient room in prison.  “What would the reaction of a victim of a robbery be, if the suspect is released shortly after the committed crime, due to lack of cells and the victim is perhaps still in the hospital?”

Why isn’t the prosecutor in Aruba doing what their job description most certainly states, prosecuting criminals? Not just violent crimes … any crime that a suspected individual has committed. Instead in Aruba, they seem to only prosecute those crimes that those in power give them the okay to. Those suspected of crimes who are people of privilege or are associates of those in power are turned loose under the guise of not enough evidence. However, maybe there would have been enough evidence if investigators had actually properly investigated a crime instead of attempting to covering it up from the start.

OM: Also the citizens ought to be protected (Amigoe, 12/20/2007)

WILLEMSTAD – Suspects of felonies like murder or rape cannot be wandering the streets, just because there is no room in the House of Detention.  “A judge that does that does not recognize dilemmas and because of that neglects his/her duty.”

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Scared Monkeys Radio Daily Commentary – Thursday, December 20, 2007 – Aruban Prosecutors Define “Pinhead”

  • Dana comments on the mass confusion surrounding the latest developments in the Natalee Holloway case.

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