TB or not TB: TB Story now Claimed to Be Made Up … Tourism at All Cost? … Big People Lie

Credibility is tough to regain. Initially Bon Dia Aruba broke the TBC story that a manTB had been infected and initially deported. Then yesterday Amigoe ran with the story as well that a man had been infected with TB last Saturday at Horacio Oduber Hospital. Now suddenly there was no TB infected individual and the story is claimed to be made up. Its a terrible thing when credibility is lost and as the Kalpoe’s mother said, “big people lie”. When one has a track record to cover up and avoid bad stories at all cost that might affect tourism there is a doubt placed in peoples minds as to agendas. Why would Bon Dia lie or make up such a claim?

ORANJESTAD – Amigoe reported in his edition of last Saturday that tbc-infection was detected in a man that has been straying illegally for quite some time in Aruba already.  Amigoe got this article from Bon Dia.  Spokesperson of Horacio Oduber Hospital (HOH), Bob Harms indicated this morning that the complete story is a concoction.

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Natalee Holloway Investigation: Joran Van der Sloot … An Innocent Person Does Not Lie

 Why Would an Innocent Person Need to Lie?

 Answer … An Innocent Person Would not have to.

Aruban Suspects and Others Shave Their Heads like Britney Spears for Media Attention

In an effort to get media attention to spin their stories, promote tourism on Aruba; the three suspects in the Natalee Holloway disappearance  and others on Aruba have shaved their heads, ala Britney Spears.

All were heard to say … it worked for Britney, it can work for us. Britney is a  successful person and respected singer. We are honored to be just like her.  Not comprehending that it was adverse publicity  Britney Spears received and they fact she is now in rehab for the 3rd time, the Aruban contingent went forth with their plan for more media. If successful, the ATA and AHATA will be having a chrome dome shaving party this weekend.

Hell, they have attempted everything else to spin away the story of the disappearance of  Natalee Holloway, whats a few lost hair follicles.

Deepak and Satish Kalpoe have figured that they needed more media attention for their law suit against Dr. Phil. Deepak stated, Dr Phil is bald … now I am more bald … I have the upper hand.

Joran and his father Paulus figured it was about time that they get back in the limelight as the media has paid no attention to them lately. They always seem at the most inopportune time to come out with something as they just can’t stand not to be in the media’s eye.

Prime Minister Nelson Oduber predicts that the media attention that he will gain from a shaved head will benefit his both politically and Aruba financially. Oduber commented … I know this is a winning idea, it worked so well for Britney.

Posted February 22, 2007 by
Aruba, Fun, Natalee Holloway | 53 comments

2006 Another Bad Tourism Year for Aruba … Just When one Thought It Could Not Get Lower

Following the disappearance of Natalee Holloway in May 2005, the remainder of Aruba Tour for Dum2005 and into 2006 showed a sharp decline in tourism. 2005 saw sharp decreases in the tourism numbers in Aruba as compared to 2004. It is hard to believe that the 2006 Aruban tourism numbers shrank even more.

Does Aruba really want to exchange “stay over visitors” for “cruise ship passengers”? Obviously those that stay on the island will spend more money than a tourist on a cruise ship. Of course one can only speculate as to how Aruba is counting cruise ship passengers these days. Are they those that come to port aboard a ship or those that disembark? Anyway you cut it, 2006 was another down year for tourism in Aruba while the rest of the Caribbean saw increases.

What new PR nightmare awaits Aruba in 2007? It’s been a far cry from “the Natalee Holloway” situation going away in four days.  The two year window for the three suspects in on the horizon. What message will Aruba send to the world as to how they deal with crime against tourists? I am sure there will be other surprises to come that Aruba will have to deal with and save face.

In the first eleven months of 2006, stay-over visitors and total nights spent on the island shrank cumulatively by 6.8 percent and 5.1 percent, respectively. In November 2006, the number of stay-over visitors and their nights spent on the island went up by 4.4 percent and 1.6 percent, respectively, compared to the corresponding month in 2005. Data on the occupancy rate indicate a decrease of 2.9 percentage points to 76.6 percent in November 2006, compared to a year earlier.

However, a 1.3 percentage points increase was recorded in December 2006, compared to December 2005, bringing the occupancy rate for that month to 75.7 percent. The average occupancy rate for the year 2006, compared to 2005, fell by 4.6 percentage points to 77.1 percent. The number of cruise passenger arrivals and ship calls rose by, respectively, 2.4 percent and 27.5 percent in December 2006. For 2006 as a whole, the number of cruise passengers grew by 7.0 percent to 591,474, the highest number ever recorded. (Aruba Central Bank)

Paulus Van der Sloot in Natalee Holloway Disappearance … No Soup for You in Aruba, Part II (Witnesses & Taped info) Full Translation

As originally posted, “Nothing for you Paulus Van der Sloot” Paulus and Joran shall receive Vanderslootno “ill gotten” gains for their law suit filed that they were inappropriately detained by Aruban police in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. Seems that the continued pressure and dwindling tourism has forced Aruban officials and courts to look at events in a different manner than they originally did. Much different.

With this ruling one begins to wonder why Paul Van der Sloot did not spend more time in jail than he actually did? In hindsight, Aruba would have handled this situation in a much different manner. Seems that all bets and promises are off. Some suspects and those involved best begin to start worrying again, or sweating as the case may be. The following is a literal translation as it appears in the Sentencing of the Superior Court.

“With attention to the lying declarations that the son of Paulus, Joran Andreas Petrus van der Sloot (hereafter Joran) gave about his last contact on the 30th of May 2005 with the disappeared Natalee Holloway, the suspicion is not unreasonable that he made himself guilty of a conduct that can be qualified as murder, manslaughter, or kidnapping that resulted in death.
The possible involvement of Paulus with that could then be deducted from the file with the official reports of witnesses, amongst which two people suggested a contact existed between Paulus and Natalee Holloway the night of her disappearance, and a tapped report (that was given by the Prosecutor in her final note 1 to the Court). The tapped information and his declaration that he picked up Joran and Natalee by the McDonalds Palm Beach and brought them to the Holiday Inn, are clearly understood by the Dept. of Justice, and could in the judgement of this Superior Court, be considered as an indication of the involvement of Paulus in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.”
UPDATE I: The following is Diario’s full translation for yesterdays article on Feb. 14, 2007 regarding Paulus Van der Sloot. Special thanks to Diario.
New information coming out of the Superior Court of Justice
ORANJESTAD(AAN) On the 13th of  February 2007, the Superior Court dictated sentence against Paul van der Sloot in the case that he appealed with regards to the damages that his person as well as his family members asked for, seeing that in the Primary Court (Court of First Instance) Paul van der Sloot alone (no one else in his family) got a reward of 40,000 guilders for damages and 1500 guilders to cover the costs of the lawyers, court clerks, etc.
The sentence of the Superior Court fell like a bomb on Paul van der Sloot and his defence attorney because, according to the attorney, the Court made use of informations that do not agree with the truth.
The Court dictated that Paul van der Sloot fetched Joran and Natalee at the McDonald Palm Beach branch and took the two of them to the Holiday Inn, according to declarations by witnesses and also informations obtained from a phone tap carried out by the police.
Until recently, this key information was not known in the press and apparently only by the Police and Dept. of Justice.
The whole case of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway gets a different twist now that the information has come out from no less than the Superior Court, and in which mention is made of the declarations of witnesses and a phone tap that show or give an indication that Paul van der Sloot had on two occasions personal contact with Natalee during the night that she disappeared.
Mention is made that, according to one or more official reports of the phone tap and also the declaration of Paul van der Sloot himself, that Paul fetched Joran and Natalee at McDonald and took them to the Holiday Inn.
Based on this information, the judicial authorities and the police had at that time a justified basis to arrest Paul van der Sloot based on different suspicions.
According to the Superior Court, Paul van der Sloot himself is guilty, he made possible or caused (depends how every one interprets the grammar in the sentence of the Court’s) himself to be arrested and that Aruba cannot be held responsible for the damages that he suffered and for which he was demanding damages, which he won in First Instance, but appealed to get more, and now has lost everything.
In the sentence there are various points and aspects that brought a different view on the Natalee Holloway case and that in the coming days will be analyzed, but the most important information is the matter of fetching Natalee and Joran at the McDonald, Palm Beach, and also that Paul had on two occasions personal contacts with Natalee on the night that she disappeared.
The cardinal question now is: what did the police authorities hear on the tapped phone of Paul van der Sloot, and the next question is hotter still: at what time, under what circumstances, and where did Paul van der Sloot as the father of Joran van der Sloot  have contacts with Natalee Holloway the night she disappeared?
If the Superior Court says that in the official report mention is made that Paul van der Sloot fetched Joran and Natalee on the aforementioned night at McDonald Palm Beach, that is the first contact, but where did the second contact take place?
On the night of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, Paul van der Sloot met again with Natalee after he left Joran with Natalee at the Holiday Inn? If that is the case, then where and at what time did Natalee disappear that night?
In the declarations of Joran and the Kalpoe brothers there was a heated discussion amongst them, with formal denials as to whether they went with Natalee to the house of Paul van der Sloot on the night of her disappearance.
That’s why it is important to get clarity on the two occasions that Paul van der Sloot had personal contacts with Natalee on the night in question and where and under what circumstances they occurred.
The lawyer for Paul van der Sloot denies that Paul declared that he fetched Joran and Natalee at McDonald Palm Beach, and that he had contacts with Natalee the night she disappeared, but the Superior Court of Justice based its sentence on the information presented by the interim Attorney General of Aruba.
Now, who is lying and who is telling the truth?

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