Updates from the Boston Travel Show … “Justice for Natalee” Part 2

“Its a great thing that your are helping and and volunteering your time for a great cause”

Justice for Natalee


(all the marketing in the world doesn’t prevent the truth)


(Informing people of Natalee Holloway)


(The protest gang – Justice for Natalee, thank you for giving us special permission for posting the pictures in full)


Justice for Natalee


 (Hat Tip pics: Hotshot)


Updates from the Boston Travel Show … “Justice for Natalee” Part 1

The Gang has been busy in Boston, MA providing a voice and “Justice for Natalee”

Monkeys travel to historic Commonwealth Pier 5, the Seaport World Trade Center

Seaport World Trade Center


(Pictures coursety of HotShot)



(inside the convention center)




Show Your Support for Natalee Holloway … (Aruba) ATA is a major Sponsor at The Boston Globe Travel Show March 23-25

Aruban officials and their tourism associations have been trying their hardest to distract Natalee Holloway 2people away from the obvious fact that they covered up the investigation into the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. The ATA and Aruba would rather look the other way and hope people forget that Natalee Holloway ever went missing on Aruba. They hope that the American people will give Aruba a pass that an obvious and easy investigation was torpedoed from the outset. Do not let them succeed
The ATA and Aruba have tried their hardest to create a marketing campaign to entice people to go back to Aruba. Obviously, the majority of people are not following for it as Aruba’s tourism continues to tank. 2006 has continued to be a downward spiral for the Aruban tourism even as they have tried their hardest with marketing campaigns.

This weekend Aruba and the ATA are participating and are a major sponsor in Boston, MA Vanderbilt Monkeywrenchat the Boston Globe Travel Show. As with the boycott of Aruba, it is a personal choice done by individuals, not a concerted effort by large organizations or states. The power of the people and your right to decide where one wishes to spend their hard earned money on a vacation is a personal choice. The fact that many Americans chose not to go to Aruba anymore is a direct result of the inaction and unwillingness to solve and prosecute the case of Natalee’s disappearance.

A group of individuals will be going to Boston this weekend. A long time poster at Scared Monkeys, Richard, has provided us with the letter below. Join Richard and others in Boston and help provide, “Justice for Natalee”. Stand up for Natalee.

You can contact them at  VolunteersforNatalee@gmail.com. Offer your support or meet up with them in Boston, MA.

Vanderbilt arubaNH

My name is Richard, and I’ve been posting here about the Natalee Holloway case for some time.  Now I’m organizing a protest.  You may know that the Boston Globe Travel Show is being held on March 23-25, and Aruba Tourism Authority is a major sponsor. 
Boston and New England are big tourist markets for Aruba. The ATA comes here even as Aruba does nothing on Natalee’s case.  The Holloway Twittys continue to fight a foreign government (or two) with no help from Washington. No help from the travel industry, the gaming industry, or the hotel industry, all of which have financial interests in the Aruban economy.
Who will help the family?  “We the people.”  Some of us will be at Boston, reminding people about the case and urging them not to go to Aruba.  ”No justice for Natalee? No tourists for Aruba.”

Dave holloway sign

Here’s what we won’t do:
  • Anything violent or illegal.  We want to persuade people, not force them.
  • Debate theories about what happened.  We won’t give answers, we’ll seek them.
  • Confront Arubans.  We don’t want to argue with Arubans, but to persuade Americans.
  • Speak for the Holloway Twitty family.  We do not represent them or receive support from them, and they did not ask us to do this.  We are doing this to fight an injustice.
Here’s what we will do:
  • Wear T-shirts with Natalee’s picture.  This is the single most powerful visual element we can use to state our case. 
  • Have handouts with timelines of the case, Aruba’s lies and evasions, steps and mis-steps, and various other details. 
  • We will refer to this and other blogs as reference material.

The Face of Aruban Tourism


Aruba wonders why their tourism continues to decline.

Updates to follow …

If you want to help, ask Red or Tom to send me your email and I’ll contact you.  It’s been nearly two years since Natalee vanished that night.  A crime was committed.  We want the guilty punished, and Natalee returned home.  We will fight for these goals.
Come join us in Boston!  Stand up for Natalee! 
UPDATE I: Information that will be passed out at the Travel Convention
One of the Boston handouts will have a list of blogs for further reference.  And I want only those blogs that are still active.
www.getagripmonkey.blogspot.com (not active; however, Getagrip provided great translations)
UPDATE II: Information to be handed out


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Joran Van der Sloot Body Language … “His eyes are darting all over the place”


“He also looks around everywhere. His eyes are darting all over the place and usually that’s indicative of somebody who’s looking for an escape route. He is not making eye contact his eyes just seem to be going all over the place. You know when he talks about she came to me he does that little eyebrow lift and then you can see a little bit of a smile that crosses his face”.

“Yeah I think that there is something more that he knows. Not maybe something that he’s done but something that he might know.”


 Full article including comments and video

Central Bank of Aruba Shows Continued Economic Weakness for 2006 Third Qtr, Especially in Tourism

The grim news continues to come from the Central Bank of Aruba. Much like an Aruban Vanderbilt_mentionversion of “ground hog day,” six more weeks of continued economic weakness. The weakness in the third quarter of 2006 continues to be profoundly from tourism. No matter what attempt Aruba tries to falsely market tourism in Aruba, it has failed and continues to do so. When will Aruba and its officials comprehend that the decline will continue as long as they keep denying the obvious? Tourists are staying away because they do not want cute TV ads of white sand beaches or radio ads discussing low rates; people want “Justice for Natalee”!

The slowdown in business activities is mostly affected by an ongoing sub-par performance in the tourism sector, as shown by the number of stay-over visitors and nights spent on the island, which declined by 4 percent and 2 percent, respectively, in the period under review. This decline was, however, not as pronounced as in the previous four quarters. Consequently, gross tourism receipts decreased by 3 percent, while the hotel occupancy rate registered a 5 percentage points fall-off to 74.6 percent.

Read more

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