The Dana Pretzer Show – Tuesday, April 7, 2015 – With Special Guest Blink from Blink on Crime at 9pm ET Discussing the Robert Durst Case


  • Blink from Blink on Crime will be with me for the entire show discussing the Robert Durst case


The Dana Pretzer Show – Tuesday, April 7, 2015 Download Podcast

South Carolina Officer Michael T. Slager Charged With Murder of 50 Year Old Walter L. Scott (VIDEO)

White South Carolina police officer charged with the murder of black man …

33 year old police officer, Michael T. Slager, has been charged with murder of 50 year old Walter L. Scott after  a video surfaced Tuesday of the officer shooting the unarmed black man as he tried to run away. The incident occurred in North Charleston, SC this past Saturday after a motor vehicle traffic stop. Officer Slager pulled Scott over, who was driving a Mercedes-Benz with a broken taillight. According to the police reports, Scott ran away following the stop. The VIDEO below shows officer Slager firing 8 shots at Scott as he tried to run away. At issue is the VIDEO shows a much different story than the police report that was filed.  The FBI opened a civil rights investigation Tuesday after video surfaced.

 A white police officer in North Charleston, S.C., was charged with murder on Tuesday after a video surfaced showing him shooting in the back and killing an apparently unarmed black man while the man ran away.

The officer, Michael T. Slager, 33, said he had feared for his life because the man had taken his stun gun in a scuffle after a traffic stop on Saturday. A video, however, shows the officer firing eight times as the man, Walter L. Scott, 50, fled. The North Charleston mayor announced the state charges at a news conference Tuesday evening.

North Charleston officer faces murder charge after video shows him shooting man in back

The U.S. Department of Justice said in a statement that FBI investigators would work with the State Law Enforcement Division, which typically investigates officer-involved shootings in South Carolina, and the state’s attorney general to investigate any civil rights violations in Scott’s death. North Charleston Mayor Keith Summey said during a news conference that Slager had made a “bad decision.”

“When you’re wrong, you’re wrong,” Summey said. “If you make a bad decision, don’t care if you’re behind the shield or just a citizen on the street, you have to live by that decision.”

The 9th Circuit Solicitor’s Office will prosecute the felony murder charge. If convicted, Slager would face a penalty of 30 years to life in prison.

Full video can be seen below.

Robert De Niro Says Hillary Clinton Should Be the Next President Because She is a Woman and Has Paid Her Dues

Who knew the qualification to be president were to be a woman and pay your dues … If it were a lying sack of garbage with no idea what transparency was, Hillary would be #1.

Robert De Niro thinks Hillary Clinton should be the next President of the United States because she is a woman and she has paid her dues. HUH? De Niro says that Hillary has “earned the right to be president and the head of the country at this point”. DOUBLE HUH? Please elaborate Mr. De Niro, exactly what has she done to earn the right to be president, other than being a woman? Maybe Hillary earned the right to be president because of Benghazigate and the death of 4 Americans, including US Ambassador Chris Stevens while she was the Secretary of State? Maybe it was that Russian reset that went so well while she was Secretary of State. How about the Clinton Foundation taking foreign money while she was Secretary of the United States? Does that qualify her? Maybe her lack of transparency and her use of a private email accounts to conduct government business that were stored on her own private server in her home is the qualification that should make her president? That same private server that she claims to have wiped clean. Should some one who conducts them self life Richard Nixon during Watergate really be the next President of the United States?

But as all Hilary Clinton sycophants say, what difference does it make what she does, she has paid her dues. Hey Bob, please stick to acting.

Watch Hillary Clinton Lie About Benghazi-Gate During Capitol Hill Press Conference as Trey Gowdy Owns Her

5:50 minute mark of Video: I Believe in transparency, I believe in taking responsibility. Can one get more than 4 Pinocchio’s for lying?

Our talk eventually veered to his prophetic 2006 Hardball appearance, and whether or not he’ll be endorsing Hillary Clinton for president in 2016.

“Hopefully it will be her, yes,” said De Niro. “I think that she’s paid her dues. There are going to be no surprises, and she has earned the right to be president and the head of the country at this point. It’s that simple. And she’s a woman, which is very important because her take on things may be what we need right now.”

“She’s smart, has run things before, and knows how government works and how to get things done,” added Rosenthal. “She’s watched it from the sidelines, and the frontlines.”

But no one can name any accomplishment that qualifies her to be president, except the fact that she would be the first female president. Wow, we all know how the first black president worked out, don’t we?

Carly Fiorina at CPAC: ‘Mrs. Clinton, please name an accomplishment’.

Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, who is actively pondering a run for the GOP’s 2016 presidential nomination, took aim Thursday at Democrats’ likely nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton, saying she didn’t amass any victories while racking up ethics violations during her time as secretary of state.

“Mrs. Clinton, name an accomplishment. And in the meantime, please explain why we should accept that the millions and millions of dollars that have flowed into the Clinton Global Initiative from foreign governments doesn’t represent a conflict of interest,” Mrs. Fiorina said at the Conservative Political Action Conference.

Even Hillary Clinton herself could not name any of her accomplishments.

Co-Pilot Andreas Lubitzn Repeated Made Efforts to Get Captain Patrick Sondheimer to Leave the Cockpit to Crash Plane … Sondheimer Heard Shouting “Open the Goddamn Door!”


According to transcripts of the black box voice recorder, the Co-captain Andreas Lubitzn, the individual who purposely crashed Germanwings Flight 9525 killing all aboard, Lubitzn made multiple attempts to get Captain Patrick Sondheimer to leave the cockpit.  We know that Andreas Lubitzn had been given doctors notes that stating that he was too ill to work. As we know now that illness was mental illness. However, for some one who was deemed crazy, this individual seemingly planned what he was going to do and crazy like a fox got the pilot to leave the cockpit so that he could complete his plan to go out with a bang. As the ill-fated plane descended closer and closer the the ground, Captain Sondheimer can be heard shouting for the last time shouting to Andreas Lubitzn, “Open the Goddamn door!”

Full transcripts of the black box voice recorder recovered from Flight 9525 revealed for the first time the apparently premeditated nature of Andreas Lubitz’s actions, which prosecutors say deliberately killed himself and 149 other people on the Airbus A320.

According to the Sunday edition of the German newspaper Bild, Lubitz twice urged captain Patrick Sondheimer to go to the toilet in the first 20 minutes of the flight from Barcelona to Dusseldorf.

When the captain eventually left the cockpit, the co-pilot manually set the door to “lock” and changed the autopilot from 38,000ft to 100ft, bringing the plane crashing down into the French Alps after a gradual descent.

During the plane’s ascent, Lubitz can be heard on the voice recording telling his captain he can go to the toilet any time and reminding him he didn’t do so during their prolonged stop in Barcelona, according to a translation of Bild’s report in the Mail on Sunday.

As the plane reaches cruising height at 10.27am, Sondheimer can be heard telling his co-pilot to start preparing for landing in Dusseldorf – to which Lubitz reportedly responded in a vague and “laconic” manner and used words like “hopefully” and “we’ll see”.

After landing checks, Lubitz reportedly tells Sondheimer: “You can go now.” Two minutes later, the captain left the cockpit for the last time, telling his colleague: “You can take over.”

Further details were also reported by Bild about the final words used by Sondheimer as he desperately tried to gain access to the locked flight deck.

With the plane descending and an automatic alarm signal sounding, the captain can be heard shouting: “For God’s sake, open the door!”

At 10.35am a “loud metallic banging against the door” is heard, which Bild reported is more likely to be from a crowbar rather than the plane’s only axe – located next to Lubitz in the cockpit.

Less than two minutes later a new automatic alert sounds, warning: “Ground! Pull up! Pull up!”

Sondheimer can be heard shouting for the last time: “Open the goddamn door!”

At 10.40am the plane hit the side of the mountain. At no point during the descent can Lubitz be heard speaking, and prosecutors described his breathing as “normal”.

Italy’s Highest Court Overturns Amanda Knox & Ex-Boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito Murder Conviction in the 2007 Death of British Student Meredith Kercher


On Friday, Italy’s highest court overturned the murder conviction of Amanda Knox and her Italian ex-boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito, in the  2007 death of British student Meredith Kercher. As reported at the Gazzetta del Sud, Amanda Knox was ”relieved and grateful for the decision of the Italian Supreme Court”.  Thus brings an end to the murder trials, acquittals, appeals, convictions and overturned convictions in the 2007 death of British student Meredith Kercher.

From her home in Seattle, Washington Knox, 27, said that she was “relieved and grateful for the decision of the Italian Supreme Court”. Speaking to reporters outside her mother’s home, Knox said she was thankful for the justice I’ve received and for the support I’ve had from everyone – from my family, from my friends, to strangers. “I am so grateful to have my life back”.

Time line of convictions and acquittals:

  • Dec. 4, 2009: the Italian court in Perugia found Amanda Knox guilty of murder, sexual assault and slander and sentenced her to 26 years in prison, including one year for slander. Sollecito was convicted of murder and sexual assault, and sentenced to 25 years.
  • Oct. 3, 2011:  The court threw out the convictions of Knox and Sollecito, declaring them innocent of murder and freeing them immediately after nearly four years in prison. Knox’s slander conviction was upheld and the sentence was increased from one year to three years.
  • March 26, 2013: Italy’s highest court vacated the acquittal, ordering a new appeals trial in a scathing decision that attacked the Perugia appellate court’s logic and ordered the examination of evidence that had been omitted previously.
  • Jan. 30, 2014: The court reaffirmed the 2009 murder and sexual assault convictions against Knox and Sollecito. Knox’s sentence was increased to 28 1/2 years, including time for the slander conviction. Sollecito’s was confirmed at 25 years.
  • March 27, 2015: Italy’s highest court, the Court of Cassation, again overturned the murder conviction, ending the case.

Amanda Knox and her family makes statement:

Statement from Amanda Knox:

“I am tremendously relieved and grateful for the decision of the Supreme Court of Italy. The knowledge of my innocence has given me strength in the darkest times of this ordeal. And throughout this ordeal, I have received invaluable support from family, friends, and strangers. To them, I say: Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your kindness has sustained me. I only wish that I could thank each and every one of you in person.”

Statement from Amanda Knox’s family:

“We want to express our profound gratitude to all of those who have supported Amanda and our family. Countless people – from world-renowned DNA experts, to former FBI agents, to everyday citizens committed to justice – have spoken about her innocence. We are thrilled with and grateful for today’s decision from the Supreme Court of Italy. And we are grateful beyond measure for all that so many of you have done for her.”

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