Charles Krauthammer: Obamacare Architech Jonathon Gruber & Democrats … [They] “Lied About Everything”


Charles Krauthammer appeared on ‘The Factor’ with Bill O’Reilly to discuss the recent revelations of the Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber’s videos admitting Democrats knowingly lied with malice and forethought to the “stupid” American public in order to pass Obamacare. Krauthammer said … Democrats “lied about everything.”

Krauthammer also said that this was a scandal of the media that this had to be discovered in the 6th year of Obama’s presidency, rather than talked about at the time. I believe that Krauthammer’s comments on a scandal of the media need to be corrected. It was a scandal of the liberal-Democrat media complex of those in the MSM who protected and carried the water for Obama. There were some in the media who did questions Obamacare and knew it was a lie from the outset. We at SM knew it was a pile of BS from the beginning. However, even upon the release of not one, two, three, but four tapes with Gruber’s remarks stating that Obamacare was passed by lying and misleading the public, ABC, CBS and NBC still not covering the story.

Town Hall:

“This is exactly what conservatives have been saying for four years. What we’re hearing now is the true voice of liberal arrogance. [T]hey believe they know the right way—they have to lead the masses to the Promised Land, and they can only do it by deception. And that’s what he said openly…[they] lied about everything.”

Charles Krauthammer Nails It With Putin & Barack Obama … “Putin Looks at this Guy and Says I’m Dealing with an Adolescent, this is a Community Organizer, He Doesn’t Understand How the World Works”


Syndicated columnist and Fox News contributor gets it 100% completely right with regards to Barack Obama and how he is viewed by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Last night Bill O’Reilly and Charles Krauthammer showed just how weak the US position is against Putin because Barack Obama is a “community organizer” and “adolescent,” rather than a Commander in Chief.

“Putin looks at this guy and says I’m dealing with an adolescent, this is a community organizer, he doesn’t understand how the world works. What Putin did, a KGB agent and a thug, he pockets all the things Obama offers him for nothing, he walks away and then he struts the world stage knowing he has an adversary in the White House who will do nothing. And he has done nothing.”

FOX_Oreily_krauthammer_video screengrab

Click HERE to watch VIDEO

From The Blaze:

Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer on Tuesday blasted President Barack Obama’s handling of Russia, starting with his administration’s infamous “reset” towards the beginning of his presidency.

Krauthammer explained that the U.S. and Russia were not on the greatest terms after the Bush administration and some of America’s allies “froze” relations. However, the sanctions were implemented after Russia invaded Georgia in 2008.

“First thing Obama does when he comes into office — the reset means the reversal of all the freezes all the sanctions,” he told host Bill O’Reilly. “That was a freebie, [Putin] didn’t give up anything. That’s the first signal the Europeans are getting from this new president.”

Geraldo Rivera Attacks Bill O’Reilly Over Racist & Disrespectful Barack Obama Interview … “What You Did Was Strip Him of His Majesty”

How much longer is FOX News going to keep Geraldo Rivera on the payroll … he has become pretty much more of a joke than ever before …

On Friday night Geraldo Rivera and Bill O’Reilly went at it on The Factor over the notion that the “Fidel Castro”looking Geraldo accused O’Reilly of taking part in racist, demeaning and disrespectful interview of President Barack Obama in their pre-Super Bowl interview. Geraldo was more concerned that O’Reilly so-called stripped Obama “of his majesty.”  HIS WHAT, ARE YOU KIDDING ME? This is what liberals think, that Barack Obama should have majesty. UNREAL. Obama is not a King, as much as he thinks he is. We found a Revolutionary War and a War for Independence in this country against the British Crown to get away from central leaders who thought they had majesty.

“What we had here with you and President Obama was a culture class… It was the president of most of the white guys of America, that’s you. And, Barack Obama the president of almost everybody else. And the discussion was at that level… To watch it was some ways unsettling to me … What you did was strip him of his majesty.”

Clueless and misinformed individuals like Geraldo are more concerned with Obama’s majesty than they are about a government of, by and for the people. This is exactly what is so totally wrong with our country today. Barack Obama works for us, “We the People,” and they are supposed to be responsible and accountable to us. It is the media’s job to question those in power, no matter what party is in office. However, Geraldo and fools of his ilk are more concerned that we coddle to Obama and any president who is destroying America.

Geraldo Rivera was so out to lunch in this argument. The fact that all Geraldo go out of this interview was that O’Reilly called Obama a “community organizer” just shows the ridiculousness of liberals today looking for anything to attack those who would dare question Obama and any of his failed policies. Geraldo said during the segment that I don’t want to bring up race, which is code for, I am going to bring up race and use the race card. Personally, I could care less if one is black, brown, white, pink orange or blue … if Americans want their government to work for them and not be a Monarchy, then every single politician better be held accountable and have to answer OUR questions no matter how UNCOMFORTABLE they might feel.

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, February 5, 2014 – O’Reilly v Obama, the Other Big Sunday Show

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, February 5, 2014 Download

FOX News Prime Time Shake Up … Megyn Kelly to Take Hannity’s 9 PM Slot … Roger Ailes Says ‘All of Our Stars Will be Back’


According to the Drudge Report, FOX News is set to make their first change in their prime time schedule in 10 years. Megyn Kelly has landed the 9 PM time slot, previously held by Sean Hannity. This does not come as too much of a surprise as before Megyn Kelly went on maternity leave, she stated when she returned she would be leaving her day time show and moving to prime time.Well it appears she has landed the coveted 9 PM slot.


What a problem to have for FOX, some much talent and not enough time slots for them. This is also terrible news for the rest of the cable news networks like CNN and MSNBC, who already are a distant second and third. Tak about the rich getting richer. So why is FOX the #1 cable news network? They do not sit on their laurels and just bleed the current model until in fails. They are aware enough to realize that tweaks to their business and viewership model are needed to stay #1.  The joke of the day had to be from CNN’s Peirs Morgan. That’s right, who? Megyn Kelly will now be taking Pier’s on in the 9 PM hour which prompted Morgan to Tweet, “Bring it on”. Really? Dude, Piers, get a reality check … “It’s already been broughten”. 

Tweet_pier_morgan_bring it

But do not let your heart be troubled, according to Roger Ailes, Hannity is going nowhere and all the FOX News stars will be back.  So is FOX prime time going to be from 7 to 11? Their line up will most likely be Greta Van Susteren 7-8, Bill O’Reilly 8-9, Megyn Kelly 9-10 and Sean Hannity 10-11.

The first question Cavuto asked was about the rumor, first reported on Drudge Report, that Megyn Kelly will me moving into the 9pmET time slot this Fall. “Generally, I don’t confirm or deny any rumors, and that is a rumor at the moment,” said Ailes, adding “all of our stars will be back.”

As for Hannity, who currently hosts the 9pm hour, Ailes said, “Hannity is a brand that many of our viewers love and want to see, and, as you know, is one of the nicest guys in the building.”

Hot Air has a bunch of possible mix and matches with time slots and who could be going where. It is incredible how with one slight change and so much talent on one cable news station just how much is affected as one domino knocks into the next.

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