Mitt Romney Tells ABC News Regarding Presidential Debate, Obama Will ‘Say Things That Aren’t True’ … Yup, and the MSM/Moderators will Aid BO

Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney told ABC News that when it comes to the 2012 Presidential debates, President Barack Obama will say anything, whether its true or not. Romney might have left out another key factors of the upcoming debates. One, Romney will find himself in a WWE handicapped match against Obama and the liberal MSM moderator. If Romney expects to get his message out, he best ignore the moderators gotcha “how long has it been since you stopped beating your wife” questions and put forth his vision for America and how he is different from Obama.  BTW, the moderators are Jim Lehrer, Host of NewsHour on PBS, Candy Crowley,CNN Chief Political Correspondent and Bob Schieffer, host of Face the Nation on CBS. Good grief, was Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow busy on those dates? Two, Romney can expect questions on Romneycare and his lack of foreign policy, while Obama is asked what his favorite color is.

“I think the challenge that I’ll have in the debate is that the president tends to, how shall I say it, to say things that aren’t true,” Romney said. “I’ve looked at prior debates.  And in that kind of case, it’s difficult to say, ‘Well, am I going to spend my time correcting things that aren’t quite accurate? Or am I going to spend my time talking about the things I want to talk about?”

The debates are going to be the last 3 events where America will be able to compare the two candidates mono y mono. However, the MSM has been so in the tank for Obama during his first and this election cycle, it really makes me wonder why when they act as moderators, they will not continue to do so and try and skew the debates.

There will be one advantage for Romney, Barack Obama will have no teleprompter to rely on. Although, they best check Obama prior to the debate for an ear piece where Axelrod is not feeding him lines. Romney is going to have to find his inner “Gipper” and when Obama goes after Romney’s time at Bain Capital and distract from Obama’s dreadful economy, say … “THERE YOU GO AGAIN…”

ABC’s George Stephanopoulos Says There is No Media Bias … Really George? Even Though 51% Expect Media to Help Obama


MRCTV’s Joe Schoffstall asked ABC’s George Stephanopoulos whether if he believes there is a liberal bias in the media? Stephanopoulos replied, “I don’t.”  Yea there is no media bias, that’s why CNN and MSNBC did not broadcast any of the female, Hispanic of Black speakers at the GOP convention that were not the prime time speakers. Yup, no media bias there.  How can anyone take Stephanopoulos seriously when he owes his entire career to Bill Clinton? remember when Stephanopoulos as a member of the Clinton Administration said, “Clinton did not have a character problem?”

When those in the liberal, corrupt media complex cannot admit there is no media bias, none, its time to completely replace the old media with a new one that defends the rights of the citizens and questions a government and its actions, policies and agenda no matter what party is in office. Recently Americans stated in a Rasmussen poll that media bias was more of a problem  than campaign donations. Also, another more damning poll of Americans shows that a whopping 51% expect most reporters to help Barack Obama; only 9% predict they will help Romney.

Nothing like a good in the tank reporter correcting  Obama when he says, My Muslim Faith”. No liberal media bias here.

Bill O’Reilly and Bernie Goldberg discuss recent insane comments and examples of liberal bias in the media. It happens more and more today because there is no diversity of thought or ideas in the news room.

Bernie Goldberg discusses bias in the media on CNN. Media crossed the lines between media journalism to media activism

Joe Scarborough calls out bias in MSNBC news reporting – “a George W. Bush appointee”

Bill O’Reilly slams AP and MSNBC for bias

Political Bias At MSNBC? Look No Further Than Chris Matthews Questioning Pat Toomey

Former NH Senator Judd Gregg calls out MSNBC host and then they cut him off

FOX News Megyn Kelly Loses It Calls Out Obama’s Spokesman Bill Burton for liberal media bias during 2008 campaign (Watch this doozy, its a classic)

Patches O’ Hoolihan Would be Proud, Obama’s Senior Adviser David Axelrod Dodges Whether Americans Better Off Than Years Ago … Axelrod Masters the 5 D’s of Dodgeball, Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive & Dodge (So Does Plouffe)

We have finally found the theme of the Barack Obama reelection campaign. It’s not “Forward” … ITS DODGE!!!

This morning on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, President Barack Obama’s chief adviser David Axelrod refused to answer the question that all incumbent reelection campaigns have to, is America better off than they were four years ago? Instead, Axelrod did his best dodge that only Patches O’ Hoolihan of the movie ‘Dodgeball’ could have been proud of.  For Axelrod and Team Obama, “if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a political question about the failed Obama economic policies”. Axelrod actually said, “that we are in a better position today than we were four years ago.”  This is what they are going to tell the American people? Seriously, how does an incumbent President not going to answer questions on his record? Axelrod and Obama actually think they are going to run the campaign based on the 5 D’s of Dodgeball … “dodge, dip, duck, dive and, um dodge”.

As stated at Hot Air, how pathetic and telling is it that the head of Obama’s reelection team suddenly goes mute and tries to run away from the question by talking about the tough environment Barack Obama inherited. Wallace used the following stats, Unemployment: 7.8% then, 8.3% now – Median income: $54,983 then, $50,964 now – Gas prices: $1.85 per gallon then, $3.78 now – National debt: $10.6 trillion then, $15.9 trillion now and expected to go over $16 trillion during the Democrat National Convention.

Also on ABC’s ‘This Week’ George Stephanopoulosasked Obama’s senior White House adviser David Plouffe whether Americans are better off today than they were four years ago. Plouffe also dodged the question as he was taught as opined by the Lonely Conservative, if you can’t answer the question, just avoid it. In other words … “if you can dodge a car, you can dodge an economic question of the failed Obama presidency.

Asked the same question repeatedly host George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s “This Week,” President Barack Obama’s senior White House adviser, David Plouffe, reverted to talking points about job creation and the failings of the Bush administration.

“We were this close to a Great Depression,” Plouffe said at one point, pinching his thumb to his index finger.

Stephanopoulos cut him short.

“You still can’t say yes,” he told Plouffe.

As Doug Ross stated, look for the Obama minions to only appear on the complicit, corrupt media complex and away from Fox News where they might actually be asked and expected to answer a question. Now the question is will the liberal, in the tank media and the moderators ask the question to Obama during the debates?

Mandatory Viewing for All Obama reelection mouthpieces … The 5 D’s of political dodgeball” Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and Dodge!

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, August 22, 2012 – NBC Ratings in the Tank Again After Olympics

  • Viewer boost from Olympics is short lived. ABC’s Good Morning America beat the Today Show last week, right after the Olympics concluded

    Daily Commentary – Wednesday, August 22, 2012 Download

Shameful, ABC NEWS (Brian Ross & Stephanopoulos) Do No Investigative Journalism But a Google Search, But Jump to Conclusion that Dark Night Shooter James Holmes Linked to Colorado Tea Party Patriots … Never Contacted Tea Party, Gets it Wrong, ABC News Backtracks & Apologizes


Exactly what part about investigative journalism do Brian Ross and George  Stephanopoulos not understand? The liberal lame stream media was so quick to jump to a conclusion that James Holmes, the ‘Dark Night’ shooter who killed 12 movie go’ers last night and injured 70 while going on his shooting rampage in Aurora, Colorado. So if ABC News did not know it was the same Jim Holmes and did not try to confirm it, why would they have reported it? Cab you say liberal irresponsible journalism?

ABC News has suggested that James Holmes — the suspect in today’s shooting in Aurora, Colorado — may have a connection to the Tea Party.

ABC’s Brian Ross reported this morning that there is “a Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado, page on the Colorado Tea party site… talking about him joining the Tea Party last year.”

“Now, we don’t know if this is the same Jim Holmes,” Ross cautioned “but it’s Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado.”

Great investigative journalism ABC, how difficult could it really have been to have called the the Colorado Tea Party to confirm that it was the same Jim Holmes? But no, you media hacks were salivating and wanted to believe it was a Tea Party member so that you could rail against them. Do you people have any conscience? Obviously you have no journalistic integrity. This is the extent of ABC News investigation, a google search that got them the following web page.  Not one call or email to the Colorado Tea Party Patriots to confirm that it was the same individual. Nope, no second source by ABC, they just went to the accusation hoping they were correct. As stated at what else would we expect from a corrupt media complex with a political agenda?

On Good Morning America, ABC News’ Brian Ross and George Stephanopoulos suggested that the Tea Party might be connected to the mass shootings early this morning in an Aurora, CO theater during a screening of the new Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises. The mainstream media attempted to blame the Tea Party for the Tuscon shootings in January 2011, shortly after Republicans swept the midterm elections. Now, in the critical 2012 elections, the mainstream media seems poised to do the same–and ABC News has led the way.

Here is the exchange between Brian Ross and George Stephanolpoulos:

Stephanolpoulos: I’m going to go to Brian Ross. You’ve been investigating the background of Jim Holmes here. You found something that might be significant.

Ross: There’s a Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado, page on the Colorado Tea party site as well, talking about him joining the Tea Party last year. Now, we don’t know if this is the same Jim Holmes. But it’s Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado.

Stephanolpoulos: Okay, we’ll keep looking at that. Brian Ross, thanks very much.

So what was the result of ABC’s irresponsible journalism … they made 54 year old Jim Holme’s life a living hell.  They never once attempted to contact him on his web page to see if they had the wrong person. That would have been too much effort. Why know they truth when you can smear the Tea Party?

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