9th Circuit Court Says the Second Amendment Protects the Right to Carry a Gun in California

From Per Eugene Volokh at the Washinton Post

Gun_2nd Amendment

So holds today’s Peruta v. County of San Diego (9th Cir. Feb. 13, 2014) (2-1 vote).

The court concludes that California’s broad limits on both open and concealed carry of loaded guns — with no “shall-issue” licensing regime that assures law-abiding adults of a right to get licenses, but only a “good cause” regime under which no license need be given — “impermissibly infringe  on the Second Amendment right to bear arms in lawful self-defense.”

This comes as quite a welcome surprise as the 9th Circuit Court is hardly considered conservative leaning in its rulings.

As the NRO opines, in other words the decision states that, one has the right to carry a gun. The state can elect to recognize this by permitting either “shall-issue” concealed-carry or “shall-issue” open carry, but it cannot restrict or prohibit both.

The FULL opinion can be read HERE.

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, January 22, 2014 – Drew Peterson’s Lawyer Files Murder Conviction Appeal

  • Claiming the judge and Drew’s defense attorney both made critical errors leading to Drew’s conviction

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, January 22, 2014 Download

Clark County District Judge Linda Marie Bell Denies OJ Simpson’s New Trail & Upholds His 2008 Conviction on Kidnapping & Armed Robbery


Clark County, Nevada District Judge Linda Marie Bell has denied O.J. Simpson’s appeal for a new trial. In upholding his 2008 conviction for kidnapping, armed robbery and other charges the judge said that Simpson was denied on “All grounds in the petition lack merit.” Simpson’s “non-dream” legal team’s  had asked for a new trial on 22 specific grounds related to his trial and appeal. However, Judge Linda Marie Bell’s 101 page, point-by-point-by-point ruling denied the “Juice” as she stated, “Given the overwhelming amount of evidence, neither the errors in this case, nor the errors collectively, cause this court to question the validity of Mr. Simpson’s conviction.”


A judge in Las Vegas rejected O.J. Simpson’s bid for a new trial on Tuesday, dashing the former football star’s bid for freedom based on the claim that his original lawyer botched his armed robbery and kidnapping trial in Las Vegas more than five years ago.

“All grounds in the petition lack merit and, consequently, are denied,” Clark County District Judge Linda Marie Bell said.

Simpson lawyer Patricia Palm said she wanted to speak to Simpson before commenting on the decision. Ozzie Fumo, her co-counsel in the effort, said he expected they would appeal to the Nevada Supreme Court.

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OJ Simpson is currently serving 9 to 33 years on his 2008 conviction of kidnapping, armed robbery and 10 other charges in the 2007  Las Vegas incident where Simpson and others were arrested in bizarre Vegas  memorabilia heist.  Karma baby!

Look for O J and his defense team to appeal this decision in federal court next. As reported at the Las Vegas Sun,  Simpson’s attorney Ozzie Fumo said, “This is just the first step and we are going to Nevada Supreme Court and Mr. Simpson will be vindicated when this is done.  We’re not giving up this fight and it’s not over.” Note to O J defense team, its over!

Isn’t it amazing how some of these folks just cannot seem to go gentle into that good night and have to put themselves in the media light. Even serving time and being irrelevant, this narcissist still gets PR. Interestingly enough, Dana Pretzer on Scared Monkeys radio was discussing this phenomenon with Dr. Clint VanZandt of those like O J Simpson and George Zimmerman just cannot seem to go away.

OJ Simpson Heads to Court Monday Seeking “Hail Mary Motion,” a Writ of Habeas Corpus, Stating Bad Representation Should Reverse his Conviction and New Trial Ordered

He’s baaack, like a bad penny.

O.J. Simpson will return to court in Las Vegas, Nevada in and attempt to seek a “Hail Mary” motion, better known as a writ of Habeas Corpus. The motion claims that OJ  had such bad representation during his first trial that his conviction should be reversed and a new trial ordered. In 2008 Simpson was convicted on armed robbery and kidnapping charges and sent to prison after “The Juice” participated in a bizarre hotel room robbery, claiming he was trying to get back personal memorabilia that he claimed was stolen from him. Simpson was found guilty as the “glove fit” this time and is presently serving 9 to 33 years for the crimes.

Simpson has filed 19 claims of ineffective counsel and attorney conflict of interest in the 2008 case. Simpson contends his trial attorney never told him about a plea bargain that had been offered by prosecutors. He also said in a sworn statement that the same attorney knew about the memorabilia sting before it happened, and “he advised me that I was within my legal rights.”

Simpson is expected to testify sometime during the week-long hearing.

Too bad this verdict did not happen in a Los Angles, CA court room

Most defendants lose these motions, but in this case nobody is taking bets on the outcome. When it comes to O.J Simpson, who knows?

Nothing is the same when O.J. is involved,” said Loyola Law School professor Laurie Levenson, who observed Simpson’s Los Angeles trial. “An O.J. case is never like any other case.”

Simpson was famously acquitted on murder charges related to the death of his ex-wife and her friend in a 1995 trial that captivated the nation. When he was sentenced in 2008, Clark County District Court Judge Jackie Glass, referencing the murder trial, said that her penalty was not intended as “retribution or any payback for anything else.”

Doesn’t OJ Simpson know, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas? Including criminals found guilty. For some one who got away with murder, Simpson should count his lucky stars that he is still breathing and has a possibility of getting parole.

New Trail Ordered for Amanda Knox … Italy’s High Court Overturns Amanda Knox Acquittal in Murder of British Roommate Meredith Kercher

Breaking News out of Italy … Italy’s Highest Court has overturned the Amanda Knox Murder Acquittal.

Italy’s highest court has overturned the Amanda Knox murder acquittal of her British roommate Meredith Kercher and has ordered a retrial. After six hours of appeals deliberations yesterday, this morning the Court of Cassation in Rome ruled that an appeals court in Florence must re-hear the case against the American Amanda Know and her Italian ex-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito. It is uncertain as to what the court considered appealable in their decision. The exact issues that have to be reconsidered won’t be known until the court releases its full ruling within 90 days.

Italy’s highest court has ruled that Amanda Knox should be retried over the 2007 killing of her British flatmate Meredith Kercher  in Perugia.

Knox, 25, and her ex-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito, 29, spent four years in jail, but were freed on appeal in 2011 largely on the grounds DNA evidence was flawed.

On hearing the news today Knox admitted it was ‘painful’ to receive the decision, but said she was ‘confident in the truth.’

 Statement from Amanda Knox following the ruling:

“It was painful to receive the news that the Italian Supreme Court decided to send my case back for revision when the prosecution’s theory of my involvement in Meredith’s murder has been repeatedly revealed to be completely unfounded and unfair,” the statement said.

Knox said the matter must now be examined by “an objective investigation and a capable prosecution.”

“No matter what happens, my family and I will face this continuing legal battle as we always have, confident in the truth and with our heads held high in the face of wrongful accusations and unreasonable adversity.” 

It is unimaginable that Knox would return to Italy for the trial. There is nothing that would compel her to do so and no attorney worth their salt would recommend it after the roller-coaster legal ride of this murder case. There is much public pressure in Italy for a guilty verdict. Amanda Knox could be tried in absentia. What makes all this even more bizarre is that Amanda Knox’s book is scheduled to be released in the very new future.

Amanda Knox and her Italian boyfriend were originally found guilty in 2009 of sexual assault and murder of the British student Meredith Kercher in 2007. They were sentenced to 26 and 25 years respectively. An Ivory Coast man, Rudy Guede, was convicted of the slaying in a separate proceeding and is serving a 16 year sentence. However, they were then acquitted in a retrial in 2011 on the grounds that the DNA evidence produced at the first trial was flawed. Prosecution lawyers then appealed to the Court of Cassation to overturn the 2011 verdict on procedural grounds. Now we find ourselves at present day.

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