Vice-President Biden Eulogizes NYPD Officer Rafael Ramos … ‘Our Hearts Ache For You’
This morning Vice-President Joseph Biden eulogized NYPD officer Rafael Ramos at the Christ Tabernacle Church in Queens, NY. As 25,000 police officers from New York, across the country and Canada looked on Biden talked of the slain hero police officer and gave thanks to the NYPD stating the following, “This is the finest police department in the world.” Biden would later add, the bullets that targeted the officers also “targeted the city, and (they) touched the soul of an entire nation.”
There are many individuals including President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder and NYC Mayor De Blazio better find it in their hearts and heads that what Biden said was so very true.
“I’m sure I speak for the whole nation when I say our hearts ache for you,” Biden told the family during the service.
He noted how an expected 25,000 officers were surrounding the church in solemnity and added how they “will stand with you for the rest of your life.
“Its an uncommon fraternity,” Biden said.
Biden referred to how Ramos — known to those close to him as Ralph — was gunned down December 20 along with fellow Officer Wenjian Liu as they sat parked in their patrol car in Brooklyn. The pair were assassinated, according to Bratton, simply because of the uniform they wore.
Today we pay tribute to Officer Ramos and Officer Wenjian Liu,” Biden said.
About police officers, he said: “Thank God for them.”
“Amen,” some in the church said.
“This is the finest police department in the world,” Biden added, drawing applause.
He added that the bullets that targeted the officers also “targeted the city, and (they) touched the soul of an entire nation.”
Posted December 27, 2014 by Scared Monkeys Deceased, Joseph Biden, Law Enforcement, You Tube - VIDEO | one comment |
VP Joe Biden With Big Gaffe … Blows So-Called Independent Greg Orman’s Cover in Kansas Senate Race …”He ‘Will Be With Us”
Did VP Joe Biden just make the gaffe or all gaffes that could cost so-called Independent Greg Orman the Kansas Senate election?
During an interview today with Connecticut radio station WPLR, Joe Biden made a remark that many “Jay Hawk” voters better take notice of before they cast their vote today. Biden was asked whether he thought the Democrats would retain control of the US Senate and what key battleground states are important to Democrats.Biden said, “We have a chance of picking up an independent who will be with us in the state of Kansas.” REALLY? Hey Kansas voters, Biden is referring to the so-called Independent Greg Orman. Hmm … Biden already knows that Orman is going to caucus with them … THAT HARDLY SEEMS INDEPENDENT NOW, DOES IT!
Vice President Joe Biden blew Kansas independent Greg Orman’s cover in a radio interview today. Orman hasn’t stated which party he’ll caucus with in the Senate–actively avoiding announcing whether he’ll be with Republicans or Democrats–but Biden stated definitively that Orman “will be with us” if he’s elected.
“We have a chance of picking up an independent who will be with us in the state of Kansas,” said Biden, as he predicted the outcomes of various Senate races around the country.
Orman has stated that he’ll caucus with whichever party holds the balance of power in Kansas, but Republicans have long suspected he’s likely to join the Democrats’ side. Biden seemed to confirm that belief in this interview.
More from HOT AIR:
Given the lengths to which Democratic groups have gone to stealthily support Orman’s candidacy, Republicans who turn out to vote Orman are likely doing so at this point out of an all-consuming hatred for the unpopular incumbent, Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS). That’s forgivable, but it is not particularly rational – particularly if those Republican voters also hope to relegate Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) to the minority in the 115th Congress.
Posted November 4, 2014 by Scared Monkeys 2014 Elections, Gaffe, Joseph Biden, KS: Roberts (R) - Orman (I, Senate, Senate Elections | one comment |
VP Joe Biden’s Son Hunter Discharged From the Navy After Testing Positive for Cocaine
This should make his dad so proud …
Hunter Biden, the son of Vice President Joe Biden, has been discharged from the US Navy after testing positive for cocaine. Hunter, a lawyer and former lobbyist, was commissioned as an ensign in the Navy Reserve in 2013. The 42 year old Biden applied for a commission into the reserve as a public affairs officer. But because of his age, Biden needed a waiver to apply. The WAPO reported he needed a second waiver because of a drug-related charge when he was younger. Oops, wanna get away. It was not clear what type of discharge he received … I would like to think it was a dishonorable one.
What a trio, Obama, Joe Biden & Hunter
The Navy Reserve discharged Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter this year after he tested positive for cocaine, U.S. officials confirmed.
The discharge of Biden, a 44-year-old lawyer and managing partner at an investment firm, was first reported by the Wall Street Journal on Thursday. He confirmed the report in a statement to CNN.
“It was the honor of my life to serve in the U.S. Navy, and I deeply regret and am embarrassed that my actions led to my administrative discharge. I respect the Navy’s decision. With the love and support of my family, I’m moving forward,” he said.
Biden was commissioned as an ensign in May 2013 and assigned as a public affairs officer in a Norfolk, Virginia-based reserve unit. A month later, he tested positive for cocaine, and he was discharged in February, according to the report.
Joe Biden’s Son Hunter Was Kicked Out Of The Navy For Cocaine Use.
He was discharged in February of this year.
In a statement, Biden said it was “the honor of my life to serve in the U.S. Navy, and I deeply regret and am embarrassed that my actions led to my administrative discharge. I respect the Navy’s decision. With the love and support of my family, I’m moving forward.”
It was not clear what type of discharge he received. Military personnel discharged for drug usage usually do not receive honorable discharges, although Biden’s statement says he received an “administrative discharge.”
Posted October 17, 2014 by Scared Monkeys Crack - Cocaine, Drugs, Joseph Biden, US Navy, WTF | 3 comments |
Dumb & Dumber … VP Joe Biden Praises Former Senator Bob Packwood With Long History Of Sexual Harassment at Women’s Issues Conference
Who needs Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels from ‘Dumb & Dumber’ when we have Joe Biden who can handle both roles … Hey, Joe, who is doing the real war on woman?
Leave it to Joe Biden to praise a former US Senator, who had to resign in disgrace amid accusations that he had sexually harassed numerous woman over decades, at of all things a conference on woman’s issues. Way to go Joe. It is just hard to believe that this man is a heartbeat away from the presidency. Maybe that is why no one impeaches Obama, we would get crazy Joe instead. At a woman’s issues conference on Friday, Vice President Joe Biden praised former GOP Senator Bob Packwood as a different type of Republican who was willing to reach across the aisle. Biden fondly, or is in fondle, reminisced of the days of yore about Bob Packwood. RUT-ROH. However, that is not the only thing that Packwood was willing to reach for.
Biden says, “this is not your father’s Republican party. I’m not making a moral judgement.” LOL, maybe he should have. Truth be known, The Republican party of today is more like your father’s Democrat party. As for today’s Democrats, this is not your father’s Democrat party of Harry S. Truman and John F. Kennedy, this party has lurched so far Left, they have become socialists.
Vice President Joe Biden stumbled again Friday.
Speaking at a Democratic event devoted to women’s issues, Mr. Biden made a favorable reference to former Sen. Bob Packwood, an Oregon Republican who resigned in 1995 amid accusations that he had sexually harassed women over a period of decades.
Mr. Biden mentioned Mr. Packwood — and also the late Maryland Republican Sen. Mac Mathias – as examples of GOP lawmakers willing to work across the aisle and support progressive legislation.
Today’s Republican Party, Mr. Biden said, “is a different breed of cat.”
“It was Republicans who expanded access to the polls,” Mr. Biden said at the Democratic National Committee’s Women’s Leadership Forum on Friday. “It was Republicans in the Judiciary Committee that did Motor Voter. It’s Republicans that were involved. Guys like Mac Mathias and Packwood and so many others. It wasn’t Democrats alone.”
What a DOLT!
Posted September 20, 2014 by Scared Monkeys Gaffe, Joseph Biden, War on Woman, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | no comments |
Daily Commentary – Monday, August 4, 2014 – Upcoming Book Claims Secret Service Assignments Most Dreaded
- One of the most dreaded is guarding VP Joe Biden as he swims in the nude!
Daily Commentary – Monday, August 4, 2014 Download