VP Joe Biden Makes Disparaging Comment on CNN … ‘Tea Baggers’ Preventing New Gun-Control Laws

How about enforcing the gun laws that already are on the books before you start making more?

According to Vice President Joe Biden on CNN, the NRA and Tea Party patriots are responsible for upholding the Second Amendment and preventing an overreaching and imperial government from passing new laws that would take away “We the People’s” right to bear arms. Of course Biden said it in a much more disgusting and disparaging manner. Who knew that it was “Teabaggers”, individuals  who slaps another person in the face with their nad sack, that were responsible for preventing new gun control laws. Nice, eh? But what else would be expect from this vile, divisive Obama presidency?


Vice president Joe Biden has disparaged gun-rights advocates as “tea baggers,” CNN host John Walsh told reporters today. Walsh, the former host of America’s Most Wanted, recounted that he bonded with Biden over the need for more gun control and their distaste for the National Rifle Association..

“I said to Joe Biden, ‘90 percent of Americans are for a responsible background check for a gun, and you know what this Congress has done? Not voted on it, not brought it to the floor, not introduced a bill,’” he recalled to reporters during an event for his upcoming program, a crime show called The Hunt. “I said, ‘They’re all scared shitless of the NRA, aren’t they?’”

“‘John, every one of them,’” the vice president replied, according to Walsh. “‘Because the NRA will run a tea-bagger against you. . . . They’ll put 5 million bucks against you.’”

Imagine being called names and the VP using a slur like “Teabagger” for some one who finds it important to protect the 2nd Amendment to the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution. But use any type of slur against Gays, transgenders or even call someone an “illegal” and you are condemned as being hateful.

On another note, hey John Walsh, you have been a tremendous victims rights advocate, but don’t push it. I can respect John Walsh for all that he has done for missing persons and being a victim advocate, but that does not give him carte blanche on opinions on crime.  Just because you claim you can see both sides, does not mean you are not bias. Case and point, you claim that it is ludicrous for the NRA’s solution to arm every grammar-school 80-year-old teacher with a gun. Really John, an 80 year old teacher. Who is being ludicrous? Walsh went on to say, politicians are “scared sh*tless” of the NRA. One might say it’s about time these individuals are scared of something. But let’s get your facts straight John, it is not the NRA that politicians fear, it is the millions and millions of gun owning voters who are doing nothing more than using their Second Amendment rights. I would have expected more from some one of John Walsh than take the lazy, liberal way out of wanting new gun control laws that the LEFT uses as a direct assault on individuals legal rights to bear Arms.

“I am the guy that has seen both sides of the issue,” Walsh told reporters Monday. “I own guns. I’m the father of a murdered child. I’ve done nothing but track violence in America since my son was murdered. We have a serious problem with guns in this country. And we refuse to address it. And the NRA solution to arm every grammar-school 80-year-old teacher with a gun is absolutely ludicrous,” he said.

Walsh said the NRA is so deeply in the pocket of the gun industry that “they’re not a lobbyist on Capitol Hill, they’re a gun manufacturer rep.” He also said Vice President Joe Biden recently agreed with him that politicians are “scared s—less” of the NRA.

VP Joe Biden Said What to Audiance During Celebration of African-American History Month … “Just Remember I May Be a White Boy, But I Can Jump.”

The Obama administration Court Jester is at it again …

What else would Vice President Joe Biden say to an audience at the Naval Observatory during a celebration of African-American History Month, why this of course … “I may be a white boy, but I can jump!” Wow really, I guess this is Biden’s way of disproving the 1990′s movie.  But the reaction is, that is just Joe being Joe and “classic Biden”. It is obvious that Barack Obama brings Biden out of the witness protection program every so often to take the media’s and America’s attention off of the fiasco of his presidency and focus on Biden’s comedic act. Imagine if a Republican had said the same? Yeah, me neither.

Oh, by the way the Obamacare enrollment numbers are far lower than predicted and needed for sustainability.

From The Weekly Standard:

Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Dr. Jill Biden, hosted a reception Tuesday night at the Naval Observatory in honor of African-American History Month. The vice president’s office was expecting about 150 people, and spotted in the crowd were: Michigan Rep. John Conyers, Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx, Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson (“I told the president, next game, I’ve got him,” Biden said of the former NBA star, “I may be a white boy, but I can jump”), senior Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett, AFSCME president Lee Saunders, Columbia SC Mayor Steve Benjamin and National Black Caucus of State Legislators president Joe Armstrong.

EXIT QUESTION: Does anyone rally think that Joe Biden is a serious Democrat presidential candidate for 2016? The White House does not even let him near the microwave, let alone the nuclear launch codes. As many have said, the only reason why Barack Obama has never been impeached is because Joe was next in line.

Joe Biden Admits that ObamaCare Enrollment Numbers Might be Lower Than Projected

SURPRISE, SURPRISE, SURPRISE … Obamacare enrollment numbers are not what Obama minions have claimed. Imagine that, the Obama administration fudging the numbers?

Vice President Joe Biden admitted at a stop in Minneapolis, MN that the Obamacare enrollment numbers might be lower that projected, even as other Obama minions have been praising Obamacare enrollment. Biden stated that we might have only 5 or 6 million enrolled, rather that the 7 million that had been called a success by HHS  Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. Hey Joe, not even coming close to the signup projects when you and Obama claimed there was 50 million uninsured is a “big f’n deal”.  However, the total quantity of who signed up is immaterial. What matters in order to make Obamacare work financially is that a majority of individuals have to to youg, healthy payers, not one’s who are receiving subsidies and unhealthy.

Biden_this much

We might miss our numbers by this much …

“Initially, we talked about by the end of this period having seven million people lined up,” he told a group in a coffee shop on Wednesday. “We may not get to seven but we’re gonna get to five or six, and that’s a hell of a start with people.”

That’s quite a difference from the confident predictions last fall, just before the rollout, from Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.

“I think success looks like at least 7 million people having signed up by the end of March 2014,” she told NBC last September.

However, it may not even be as high as Biden is saying, even with his lowering of the bar. It would appear that Obama’s folks are playing fast and furious with the numbers and taking credit for Medicaid signups

In its report on signups through the end of January, the administration claimed 9.6 million total had gotten health insurance — 3.3 million in the federal and state exchanges, and another 6.3 million in Medicaid, the health care program for low-income Americans.

But a nonpartisan health care firm says the number of new signups in Medicaid from ObamaCare is much lower than 6.3 million.

“It’s about 1.3 to 1.8 million people who are new to the program The rest are part of the regular churn that are in and out,” Matthew Eyeles, of the firm Avalere Health, said.

And those in the regular churn — those who come and go all the time – wouldn’t count as part of ObamaCare because they were already eligible before the health care law.

VP Joe Biden Tells Democrats, Be Optimistic on State of the Nation ‘In Spite of Who’s President’ … “The American People Are With Us”… Really, The American People Are Against Obama!

HE SAID WHAT? … Did Vice President Joe Biden just diss Barack Obama and then say Americans Agree with Democrats?

Joe Biden told fellow Democrats at the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference in Cambridge, MD that they should be optimistic about the state of the nation, “in spite of who’s president.” Hmm, kind of an interesting word choice when the current president is Barack Obama, a Democrat. This was Biden’s best effort to rally the beleaguered Democrat troops who face a tough uphill climb in the upcoming 2014 midterm elections thanks to the policies, agenda and signature piece of legislation from who is president.

“It always surprises me when we don’t have the degree of optimism that we should about the state of the nation,” Biden said. “And in spite of who’s president, in spite of who’s in the Congress, the American people are so much stronger, so much more resilient, so much more capable, that even the ridiculous policies of our friends on the right cannot keep them from moving forward.”

Baghdad Bob  a delusional Joe Biden went on to say, “I can’t imagine our prospects being viewed by the press and everyone else as being a whole hell of a lot brighter by the time we turn in September then now. The American people are where we are. Let’s go out and make every single effort not just to defend, but to aggressively push, aggressively push our agenda.”

Isn’t it interesting that Biden would reference the MSM viewing the Democrats prospects first and then calling “We the People,” the Americans who are adversely affected by Barack Obama’s and Democrat’s policies as … “everyone else”.  Not like we do not know that the liberal MSM is in the tank for Obama and has been since the beginning. The media has been AWOL on vetting Obama, holding his feet to the fire, questioning his failed economic and domestic policies and investigating the all too-numerous scandals like IRS-gate, Benghazi-gate, “Fast & Furious” and NSA-gate. It would appear that Biden and Obama believe that the MSM will continue to be their own personal Gunga Din heading into the 2014 midterms.

Biden_court jester

But it does not stop there when it came to Biden’s head in the sand comments. Anvil Joe made the preposterous comment to Democrats that, “The American people are where we are.” Really, in what sense, in the United States? The American people are in no way any where near where Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and their lock-step, rubber stamp Democrats have lead this country. In fact, they more the American people learn the truth of the lies that have been told to them and adversely affected by Democrat foreign and domestic policy, the more they are not with Democrats.

A question to Joe Biden, exactly what are the people with you on? The fact of the matter is that the American people are not with Democrats and it is scaring them silly that they may lose even more House seats in 2014 and talk of losing the Senate to the GOP is a real possibility. Vulnerable Democrat candidates are running from Obama, his agenda and their vote. Obama is also acting as Emperor in arbitrarily extending Obamacare deadlines so to protect Democrat politicians, not to help the American people or America.

THE FACTS … The American People Are NOT with Democrats.

I. Barack Obama’s Overall Job Approval rating is barely above 40% with the American people. (Average of polls: 41.4% Approve – 52.4% Disapproval [-11% Disapprove])

II. President Obama Job Approval – Economy. (Average of polls: 40.6% Approve – 55.7% Disapprove [-15.1% Disapprove])

  • McClatchy/Marist: 41 Approve – 54% Disapprove
  • ABC News/Wash Post: 43% Approval – 56% Disapprove, -13
  • FOX News: 38% Approve – 59% Disapprove, -21
  • Associated Press: 42% Approve – 56% Disapprove, -14
  • Quinnipiac: 39% Approve – 56% Disapprove,  -17
  • GWU/Battleground: 40% Approve – 57% Disapprove,  -17

III: Public Approval of Health Care Law. (Average of polls: 36.3% Approve – 51.3% Against/Oppose [-15 Oppose/Against])

  • FOX News: 37% For – 55% Against/Oppose
  • Gallup: 41% For – 51% Against/Oppose
  • NBC News/WSJ:  34% For – 48 % Against/Oppose
  • Associated Press: 27% For – 42 %  Against/Oppose
  • Quinnipiac: 38% For – 56% Against/Oppose
  • GWU/Battleground: 41% For – 56% Against/Oppose

IV: Direction of Country. (Average of polls:  29.6% Right Direction – 63.6% Wrong Track [-34.0 Wrong Tack])

  • The Economist/YouGov: 29% Right Track – 62% Wrong Track
  • McClatchy/Marist: 31% Right Track – 66% Wrong Track
  • Rasmussen Reports: 29% Right Track – 63% Wrong Track
  • Reuters/Ipsos: 23% Right Track – 62% Wrong Track
  • NBC News/WSJ: 28% Right Track – 63% Wrong Track
  • ABC News/Wash Post: 34% Right Track – 64% Wrong Track
  • CBS News: 33% Right Track – 61% Wrong Track
  • Associated Press: 35% Right Track – 64% Wrong Track
  • GWU/Battleground: 24% Right Track – 67% Wrong Track

V: The American people, including Democrats, are overwhelmingly opposed to how Obama is conducting executive orders and circumventing Congress is how government is supposed to work.

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FOX News poll

VI.  The American people are against Obama going around Congress, except if you are a Democrat or Black, and of course if it were a GOP president.

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FOX News poll

VII:  Barack Obama and Democrats rail about income inequality and the income gap, yet every single demographic in America believes that it has increased under Obama.

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FOX News poll

VP Biden Uses MLK Day Address to Race Bait … ‘Our Opponents Know the Single Most Dangerous Thing to Give Us Is the Right to Vote’

Remember what I said about those using Martin Luther King Jr’s message to pander and use to their own self-serving agendas …

Enter Vice President Joe Biden using Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a vehicle to attack voter ID laws and comparing them to poll taxes and literacy tests. Because God forbid we taking voting more serious and want to know that fraud is not being committed more than using photo ID to buy alcohol, cash a check, enter your work place or get on a plane.  Biden went on to tell the Al Sharpton crowd, need we say more, “This has been the ultimate fight because our opponents know the single most dangerous thing to give us is the right to vote. ” Hmm, speaking of literacy, does crazy Joe realize that we all do have the right to vote?


I need what operator, a valid form of ID to get into the event,  OK.

Vice President Joe Biden used Martin Luther King Jr. Day to launch an all-out attack on voter ID laws, which he implied were similar to poll taxes and literacy tests.

“This has been the ultimate fight because our opponents know the single most dangerous thing to give us is the right to vote,” Biden said Monday at a breakfast sponsored by Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network in Washington, D.C. “Now we’re in a hail storm.”

The vice president went on to rip into the U.S. Supreme Court for weakening the Voting Rights Act.

Biden told the Sharpton group they are doing “God’s work” and praised both King and President Lyndon B. Johnson, who signed both the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act into law.

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