Obama Mocks McCain in Ad that McCain does not use Email … Barack, Ever Wonder Why Barack You Classy Guy?


There you go Obama … who knew that the use of email was a prerequisite for being the President of the United States. Now Obama has two items listed on his resume to be Commander and Chief, community organizer and emailer. By the way Barack … um … the disco ball was a nice effect; however, disco was not around in 1982. Check it out, not a single disco song in the Top 100.

Barack Obama mocked McCain in one of his most recent political ads as a man who is out of touch and a computer illiterate. Making fun of someone because they are old. There’s a winning policy for a battleground state like Florida. Democrats … mean isn’t funny. As a matter of fact, mean is just plain mean.

“Today is the first day of the rest of the campaign,” Obama campaign manager David Plouffe says in a campaign strategy memo. “We will respond with speed and ferocity to John McCain’s attacks and we will take the fight to him, but we will do it on the big issues that matter to the American people.”

The newest ad showcasing their hard line includes unflattering footage of McCain at a hearing in the early ’80s, wearing giant glasses and an out-of-style suit, interspersed with shots of a disco ball, a clunky phone, an outdated computer and a Rubik’s Cube.

So much for that respectful campaign and change that Obama promised everyone. Obama mocks John McCain in the fact that he does not use email so therefore he is out of touch with America and cannot lead. Do you think for one minute that Obama or his people ever wondered or better yet cared why John McCain did not email? Obama is going to regret this intentional gaffe. However, did the Obama people care to find out the reason why McCain does not use email or does that not matter? Is the mocking of McCain sufficient enough for the low lifes at Team Obama. Barack, since you are so in touch with today’s society and the world wide web I guess then toy know about that invention called the search engine? Well if anyone cared to actually wonder why McCain does not use email, read Jonah Goldberg’s article at The Corner and “Wonder no more”.

Well, I guess it depends on what you mean by “extraordinary.” The reason he doesn’t send email is that he can’t use a keyboard because of the relentless beatings he received from the Viet Cong in service to our country. From the Boston Globe (March 4, 2000): McCain gets emotional at the mention of military families needing food stamps or veterans lacking health care. The outrage comes from inside: McCain’s severe war injuries prevent him from combing his hair, typing on a keyboard, or tying his shoes. Friends marvel at McCain’s encyclopedic knowledge of sports. He’s an avid fan – Ted Williams is his hero – but he can’t raise his arm above his shoulder to throw a baseball.

So let us understand this, Obama makes fun of McCain and calls him out of touch for not using email yet Obama obviously cannot use “google” or any search engines on the internet to find out why? Al Gore invented the internet, wouldn’t he have shown Obama what to do? I guess Barack Obama would call Bill Clinton an out of touch President for only sending 2 emails in 8 years?

The archives of the Bill Clinton presidential library will contain 39,999,998 e-mails by the former president’s staff and two by the man himself. “The only two he sent,” Skip Rutherford, president of the Clinton Presidential Foundation, which is raising money for the library, said on Monday.

So according to Obama because McCain does not email, he is therefore out of touch and not fit to be President. Barack … FDR could not walk, did that diminish is ability to be President in your eyes as well?

Goldberg even goes one better in finding a New York Times article that makes it sound as if McCain is web savvy and can use a mouse which then would make Obama’s ad false.

There is something terribly insidious about the entire Obama campaign lately. Is it any wonder that they are failing in the polls and heading south fast. The attacks on Palin have been beyond the pale. Attacking her and questioning Palin in a manner that no man would ever be. Now after praising McCain’s service to America, Obama mocks McCain for injuries received during that service. First we had lipsticking a pig and all of the Obama apologists claimed it was innocent and had nothing to do with Palin. I guess this is innocent too?

  • Hot Air: Why can’t McCain e-mail? Boston Globe explained it in 2000; Update: So did Forbes
  • Ace of Spades: Who really thinks Obama is ready to lead?
  • Pajama Media: Oops. Another unforced error from the Obama campaign
  • Wizbang: It isn’t a very effective ad, but it sure is offensive
  • Wake up America: Obama Mocks McCain’s Disability.
  • The Jawa Report

Obama in Panic Mode as Democrats Worry … McCain/Palin and now the Republican Party Surging

The main stream media did Barack Obama no favors by propping him up, carrying his Obama_worriedwater,throwing him softballs and making it possible that he defeat Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries. The ends result was that they created a false image and an even more false persona that Barack Obama was greater than he really is. Suddenly Obama finds himself in a dog fight for the presidency when many in his camp thought it was a foregone conclusion. As many in the Clinton camp in the beginning of the primaries thought that Hillary’s coronation was a formality, Obama finds himself in the same boat.

Having to defend one’s point of view and policies has its advantages. Having to constantly face tough questions and face the never ending barrage from the MSM builds character. It also reveals the very character that one already had. Thus is the present case with John McCain and Sarah Palin. Palin faced Charlie Gibson of ABC News in the same manner as she faces everything, like a pit bull wearing lipstick. The fact of the matter is she faced him and questions that Obama has never been asked. Lesser people would have folded. Candidates that had no core values or character would have whimpered and been crushed. Instead, the ticket of McCain and Palin finds them self for the 5th day in a row in the Gallup poll ahead. Here is an eye opener, McCain has seized a 3 point lead in the Rasmussen poll.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows John McCain up by three points, his largest lead since Obama wrapped up the Democratic Presidential Nomination. For most of the past several months, Obama has held a modest lead with McCain slipping ahead by a single point on just three of the past hundred days.

Not only is Obama in panic mode, the entire Democratic House and Senate are in meltdown mode wondering what truck just ran them over. Once again Democrats have counted their chickens was too early. According to a Gallup poll regarding the generic congressional ballot, the battle for Congress is now competitive. The once 15 point lead for Democrats has been reduced to 3 points. Democrats are in disbelief that their Congressional lead is all but gone. Now wait until Congress starts really using the coattails of McCain and Palin on the campaign events.

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Is Obama Throwing Press Under the Bus … Obama Just Won’t Let Lip sticking a Pig Comment Go … Palin is Lipstick, McCain policies are Pig

Now for the latest spin from Barack Obama regarding lip sticking a pig. How is it that a day later he has an entire analysis on the sentence that he claimed yesterday had nothing to do with Palin?

Now Obama claims the “lip stick” comment is a Made Up Controversy … Ahh Barack, You are the One who Created It

It get’s even better, Obama throws the media under the bus.

 “Keep in mind, that technically had I meant it this way she would be the lipstick,” Obama said. “The policies of John McCain would be the pig.”

Barack Obama put his foot in his mouth when he uttered the comment yesterday,  “You can put lipstick on a pig, … “It’s still a pig.” A day later and Obama is still making her deliberate screw up news and defending his comments. Is this man ignorant? Let it go, take your lumps and move on. However, the Obamamessiah feels the need to further explain his ignorant and thoughtless comments on the Letterman Show according to the Politico.

LETTERMAN: Let me ask you a question here, have you ever actually put lipstick on pig?

OBAMA: The answer would be no. But I think it might be fun to try …. This is sorta silly season in politics. Not that there’s a non silly season but it gets sillier . It’s a common expression in at least illinois. I don’t know about in New York City. I don’t know what you put lipstick on here. (Silly cringe from Letterman. Laughter from audience) In Illinois, The expression connotes the idea that if you have a bad idea — in this case I was talking about McCain’s economic plans — calling them ‘change,’ calling them something different doesn’t make them better. Hence lipstick on a pig is still a pig.

Obama claims that this is a made up controversy by the media. That is correct, The Chosen One” is biting the very hand that has fed him to a Democratic Presidential nomination. As Stop the ACLU states, the MSM holding Obama accountable, this is uncharted territory.

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Obama makes Obvious Reference to Hockey Mom, Pitbull & VP Sarah Palen:” Lipstick on a Pig … It’s still a pig”

Obama maybe is you who are the pig … a male chauvinist Pig. Barack Obama, you just crossed a line that you can never return from.

Your comment is about as un-Presidential as it gets. Who tells you to say these things? Hey “Chosen One”, do you ever wonder why you are trailing in the polls and trending downward? That’s it, what a man you are showing yourself to be, attacking a woman like you were a third grader. Then again, that’s about all the experience Obama actually has.

The MSM and the liberal blogs have pounced upon Sarah Palin as if she was the anti-Christ. Now the candidate of CHANGE, the Obamamessiah who said he would conduct his campaign in a manner different from typical politicians has crossed the line and gone after female VP candidate Sarah Palin. Obama stated, “You can put lipstick on a pig,” he said as the crowd cheered. “It’s still a pig.”

Obama poked fun of McCain and Palin’s new “change” mantra.

“You can put lipstick on a pig,” he said as the crowd cheered. “It’s still a pig.”

“You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It’s still gonna stink.”

“We’ve had enough of the same old thing.”

The crowd apparently took the “lipstick” line as a reference to Palin, who described the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull in a single word: “lipstick.”

Obama will forever regret the day he made the lipstick comment. People can make all the excuses they want for Obama, he did just call Palin a pig. Palin referenced herself as a pitbull with lipstick and Obama just slapped at her. Obama, you should be utterly ashamed of yourself. Hopefully women in this country will see you for what you really are … a typical low rent, no talent politician who will say anything to slime an opponent in order to get a laugh. You are a sad pathetic excuse. What would possess you to say such a comment directly and personally toward a women … maybe it was your Muslim faith? Then again, I am sure it was all just perfectly innocent, NOT!!!

UPDATE I: Who’s the Pig, Barack?
It would appear that the folks at Town Hall.com agree with the premise as to who the real pig is. Is this the deapths of which Obama will lower himself? Is he stupid, mean, insensative or just that afraid of losing?
So which was it?  Was Barack actually referring to the Governor of Alaska — and the GOP’s vice presidential nominee — as a pig?  Or was he so clueless that he didn’t understand the impact of his words?
Of course, he’s panicked.  But that’s no excuse for heading straight to the bottom of the barrel.

UPDATE III: McCain camp angry over Obama’s ‘lipstick’ comment

John McCain … the Real Maverick … the Real Independent … Gallup Poll McCain Opens 15 point Lead Among Independents

McCain … the real Independent candidate of CHANGE …

There is one thing that Republicans and Conservatives have known for years regarding John McCain … he is his own INDEPENDENT man. As much as the Democrats and Obama try to label him as something he has never been, partisan … a new Gallup poll shows what American voters think and know, McCain is winning Independents over Obama by a 52% to 37% margin. The battle for the middle is being won by a man who has always put his country and beliefs ahead of his party. Does McCain vote a majority of the time with Republicans, of course he does that is why he is a Republican. However, on so many issue McCain has taken the path that best suits his country, not a poll or the cause celeb bandwagon issue of the day

John McCain’s 6 percentage-point bounce in voter support spanning the Republican National Convention is largely explained by political independents shifting to him in fairly big numbers, from 40% pre-convention to 52% post-convention in Gallup Poll Daily tracking.

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