Oops, she did it again … Britney Spears Files for Divorce

File this one under … what took so long … It’s over for Britney Spears and Kevin Federline.Brittany

Breaking news from CNN … Oops, she did it again. If you had 2 years, one month and one day on the over/under in the Spears second marriage you lost.  Brittany Spears has officially filed for divorce according to court documents. This time is Kevin Federine who bites the dust. After her first marriage that lasted a whopping 55 hours to Jason Alexander, this time Britney’s marriage lasted a little over 2 years and one month. This does bode well for potential husband #3.

TMZ.com reports that Spears filed legal papers Tuesday in Los Angeles County Superior Court, citing “irreconcilable differences.” Spears is asking for legal and physical custody of their two children, 1-year-old Sean Preston and 2-month-old Jayden James.

The date of separation was listed as Monday. (TMZ)

The reason for the divorce? Irreconcilable differences. One could argue those may have been the same reason why the two were married.

UPDATE: (11/8/06) This is Priceless … Britney’s Timing: Was It All About the Prenup?

As they always say, follow the money. In this case its the prenup. This is too funny, personally I don’t blame Britney one bit. The reason for the day picked by Ms Spears reads more like a sports contract. Seems that her “slacker” beau will not be given an option for a third year with incentives. LOL.

Britney Spears didn’t pick Nov. 6 as the day to file for divorce from Kevin Federline by accident.

She filed two years and one month from the day of her marriage, on Oct. 6, 2004. Her prenup, according to legal theorists, evidently carried increases for Federline for every year of their marriage. And those deadlines, they say, likely had 30-day grace periods.

Hence, Nov. 6 would have been Britney’s last chance to get out of paying a third year of alimony settlement to a basically talentless slacker who was a drain on her finances. (Fox News)


Posted November 7, 2006 by
Celebrity, Fun, Hollywood | 26 comments

Hollywood Celebs Guzzling Gas … I drive a Hybrid, Pay no attention to my Private Jet

Now how typical is this? Hollywood pretending to be one thing, when in fact its just an Hollywoodappearance. Guess that’s why they call them actors.

Hybrid cars are all the rage in Hollywood. Celebrities drive them like they’re a badge of honor. You save a few gallons of gas, you save the planet. Right? Well, not when you hop on a private jet and burn enough fuel to propel NASCAR through 2050.

Why does this come as no surprise to any of us? Those that complain the most, usually are guilty themselves or are describing themselves. That little fact works for all facets of life and people.

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Posted October 25, 2006 by
Celebrity, Energy, Hollywood | 2 comments

Kim Basinger Arraigned on Contempt Charges

I have always hated Alec Baldwin, except for one SNL skit, and now I have yet another reason.

Posted October 4, 2006 by
Celebrity, Fun, Hollywood | 15 comments

Anna Nicole Smith Now Has Memory Loss, Can This story get any Stranger?

The sad death of Anna Nicole Smith’s son, Daniel Smith, is now reaching the form of a Hollywood script. His tragic death and cause will be determined tomorrow when it is said that the autopsy will be released. Now we find out that Anna Nicole Smith has suffered memory loss after being medicated after the death of her son.

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Posted September 14, 2006 by
Bizarre, Celebrity, Deceased, Hollywood | 23 comments

Paris Hilton arrested in Hollywood on Suspicion of DUI

Paris Hilton was arrested in Hollywood at approximately 12:30 am Thursday for driving Paris Hilton DUIunder the influence. Apparently she was “driving erratically.”

“The officers observed that Hilton exhibited the symptoms of intoxication. A field sobriety test was conducted at scene, and the officers determined she was driving under the influence,” Isabella said, reading a police statement.

Guess Paris Hilton was not getting enough media  attention these days. Maybe she just wanted to be featured at The Smoking Gun. Still waiting to see if the Smoking Gun  will have arrest pictures.  The spin from the Hilton camp regarding the incident  is as follows:

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Posted September 7, 2006 by
Bizarre, Crime, Hollywood | 3 comments

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