Louis Farrakhan Deals Up the Race Card, Again … Warns of Racial Hatred that could Lead to attempts to kill President Obama

The Race Card and Hate from Louis Farrakhan …

Who is really tired of the race card? This is all the LEFT and the race baiters like Minister Louis Farrakhan have left when it comes to Obama. After all, it is not like Barack Obama can run on his record. Instead those that have been causing dissent between the races for years like Louis Farrakhan now warn that racial hatred could lead to an assassination attempt.

In a fiery lecture to thousands of followers of the Nation of Islam on Sunday in Chicago, Minister Louis Farrakhan warned that racial hatred could lead to attempts to assassinate President Barack Obama.

Farrakhan spent much of his oration decrying what he cast as Satan’s influence over racist forces in politics and society before asking a pointed rhetorical question: “Do you think they’re wicked enough to be plotting our brother’s assassination as we speak?”

Then again, its not like Obama does not use the race card at the drop of a hat. So now we have African Americans for Obama. Really Mr. President? Imagine if we had Whites for Romney or Santorum … oh that would go over well with the MSM. So this is the “hope & change” that America was promised. Interestingly enough most people like Obama as a person, its his radical Left and socialist policies that they can’t stand. When it comes to hate, Farrakhan need to look no further than the mirror.

Farrakhan drew a distinction between noble Jews and followers of “the synagogue of Satan,” and he pointed to a recent incident in which the publisher of a Jewish magazine suggested Israeli security forces could help preserve Israel by killing Obama. He attacked Israeli policies, while also directing criticism at perceived Jewish influence in the U.S.

“Jewish people were not the origin of Hollywood, but they took it over,” he said, blaming the entertainment industry for degrading the country’s morality.

Hmm, isn’t it Hollywood where Obama has his high priced fund raisers?

Daily Commentary – Friday, February 10, 2012 – The Controversy Over the Chrysler Ad with Clint Eastwood Continues

  • According to the Hollywood Reporter, the Ad Producers have past connections to Obama

Daily Commentary – Friday, February 10, 2012 Download

Veteran Hollywood Film & Broadway Actor Ben Gazzara Dies of Pancreatic Cancer at Age 81

Another Hollywood and Broadway icon has passed away … Ben Gazzara, Rest in Peace. 

Ben Gazzara, best known for his collaborations with director John Cassavetes, has died at the age of 81 from pancreatic cancer. As reported by NBC, Gazzara fittingly died the same day that Cassavetes did more than twenty years ago. Gazzara had a 60 year acting career on statge, film and TV. The veteran actor appeared in more than 100 film and TV movies.  Gazzara is survived by his third wife Elke Stuckmann, their daughter, and an adopted daughter as well as Gazarra’s brother, Anthony.

Ben Gazzara in “The Killing of a Chinese Bookie.”

Ben Gazzara: 1930 – 2012 … Rest in Peace

From the NY Times:

Ben Gazzara, an intense actor whose long career included playing Brick in the original “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” on Broadway, roles in influential films by John Cassavetes and work with several generations of top Hollywood directors, died on Friday in Manhattan. He was 81.

The cause was pancreatic cancer, his lawyer, Jay Julien, said. Mr. Gazzara lived in Manhattan.

Mr. Gazzara studied with Lee Strasberg at the Actors Studio in Manhattan, where the careers of stars like Marlon Brando and Rod Steiger were shaped, and like them he had a visceral presence. It earned him regular work across half a century, not only onstage — his last Broadway appearance was in the revival of “Awake and Sing!” in 2006 — but in dozens of movies and all sorts of television shows, including the starring role in the 1960s series “Run for Your Life.”

How could the New York Times not mentioned ‘Road House’ with Patrick Swayze in their list of movie appearances?

IMBb – Ben Gazzara’s film career.

Great obit at the LA Times.

Daily Commentary – Monday, January 2, 2012 – Police in Los Angeles Suspect Multiple Arsonists in the over 35 Fires

  • 16 arson fires in Los Angeles yesterday alone

Daily Commentary – Monday, January 2, 2012 Download

Matt Damon Blasts Obama & His Presidency, “One-Term President With Balls” Would Be Better

Matt Damon says, Won’t be fooled again by a Presidential candidate with no balls!

Matt Damon and his liberal friends are learning what many knew about Barack Obama before he was elected, Obama was all talk and no action. In other words, Obama is a campaigner, not a leader or President. It only took Damon 3 years to figure it out. Who said the Hollywood LEFT was intelligent?

How bad is it for Barack Obama when he loses Matt Damon? The Hollywood Left actor said of Obama, I prefer “a one-term president with some balls who actually got stuff done.” Matt Damon also goes on to discuss the dirty little secret of the 2012 Presidential election for Obama, “I’ve talked to a lot of people who worked for Obama at the grassroots level. One of them said to me, Never again. I will never be fooled again by a politician.” The magic will not be there for Obama, the buzz of “Hope & Change” will not be there. Too many on the LEFT and the naive youth will not be fooled again by Barack Obama.

Matt Damon rips President Obama in Elle magazine, blasting his leadership qualities and saying he’d prefer “a one-term president with some balls who actually got stuff done.

The actor, a longtime supporter of the Democratic Party and onetime Obama advocate, reveals frustration with the administration in his wide-ranging interview.

“I’ve talked to a lot of people who worked for Obama at the grassroots level,” says Damon. “One of them said to me, ‘Never again. I will never be fooled again by a politician.’”

Even Damon questions Obama’s leadership. As the Lonely Conservative says, Matt Damon has lost that “Hopey-Changey” feeling.  The very essence that propelled Obama into office in 2008 will be non-existent in 2012.

Brian in a Blue State

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