Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) Says Dems Screwed Up Passing Obamacare … “Democrats Blew the Opportunity the American People Gave Them” in 2008 and “Put All of Our Focus on the Wrong Problem”


Speaking Tuesday at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, New York Democrat Sen. Charles Schumer had an epiphany and stated that “Democrats blew the opportunity the American people gave them” after the 2008 election. Schumer went on to say that, “We took their mandate and put all of our focus on the wrong problem, health care reform.” Gee, ya think? Sen. Schumer was one of the 60 Democrat senators who passed Obamacare, with not one GOP vote, and forced the unpopular law down the throats of Americans. Now suddenly because as we predicted back then, it would be their undoing, Schumer has misgivings that Democrats focused on it first and did not focus on what Americans were dealing with on a day to day basis, a poor economy and unemployment. Schumer told those in attendance “that considering 85% of all Americans got their health care from either the government, Medicare, Medicaid, or their employer … we would still only be talking about only 5% of the electorate.” Wasn’t that the same argument that those opposed to Obamacare were making in 2009? Why blow up the healthcare system in the United States for only 5% of the people? This is a kin to demolishing a house because the back porch needs repair. Not only did Democrats not listen to the people, the law they forced upon them was nothing more than a lie.

Democrats made a strategic mistake by passing the Affordable Care Act, Sen. Charles Schumer (N.Y.), the third-ranking member of the Senate Democratic leadership, said Tuesday.

Schumer says Democrats “blew the opportunity the American people gave them” in the 2008 elections, a Democratic landslide, by focusing on healthcare reform instead of legislation to boost the middle class.

But why is Sen. Schumer talking about the Democrats disastrous decision to pass Obamacare now, is it because they have buyer’s remorse and care about the American people? Not at all, it is because they have taken a political shellacking in 2010 and 2014 and now find themselves in the minority in the House and the Senate. It all has to do with power, not the people. Honestly, who in their right mind thought that an unpopular bill that adversely affected so many people to only benefit a few would not have ramifications? If Democrats could not see that, then they deserve what they got.


click HERE or on PIC to WATCH VIDEO from RCP

Transcript from Real Clear Politics:

SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): After passing the stimulus, Democrats should have continued to propose middle-class oriented programs and built on the partial success of the stimulus. But unfortunately, Democrats blew the opportunity the American people gave them. We took their mandate and put all of our focus on the wrong problem — health care reform. Now the plight of uninsured Americans and the hardships caused by unfair insurance company practices certainly needed to be addressed, but it was not the change we were hired to make. Americans were crying out for the end to the recession, for better wages and more jobs, not changes in health care.

This makes sense, considering 85% of all Americans got their health care from either the government, Medicare, Medicaid, or their employer. And if health care costs were going up, it really did not affect them. The Affordable Care Act was aimed at the 36 million Americans who were not covered. It has been reported that only a third of the uninsured are even registered to vote. In 2010 only about 40% of those registered voting. So even if the uninsured kept with the rate, which they likely did not, we would still only be talking about only 5% of the electorate.

To aim a huge change in mandate at such a small percentage of the electorate made no political sense. So when Democrats focused on health care, the average middle-class person thought the Democrats are not paying enough attention to me. Again, our health care system was riddled with unfairness and inefficiency. It was a problem desperately in need of fixing. The changes that were made are and will continue to be positive changes, but we would have been better able to address it if Democrats had first proposed and passed bold programs aimed at a broader swath of the middle class.

Had we started more broadly, the middle class would have been more receptive to the idea that President Obama wanted to help them. The initial faith they placed in him would have been rewarded. They would have held a more pro-government view and would have given him the permission structure to build a more pro-government coalition. Then Democrats would have been in a better position to tackle our nation’s healthcare crisis.

Healthcare, it wasn’t at the top of the agenda for middle class people …

“We should have done it, we just should not have done it first”. People were hurting and said, what about me, I am losing my job. It’s not health care that is bothering me.”

EXIT QUESTION: So why is Sen. Charles Schumer making these comments about Obamacare? Maybe because Schumer does not want to be the next on the list of 29 Democrat Senators who are no longer in the US Senate who voted for Obamacare.

GRUBERGATE:The Liar in Chief President Obama Says Regarding Gruber’s Remarks, “No, We Did Not Mislead to Get Obamacare Passed”


Yesterday in Brisbain, Australia Barack Obama finally was asked the question, did you misled the American people with regards to Obamacare. Wouldn’t it have been amazing id he said, YES, you caught me. But, in typical Obama fashion, he denied the allegation and then went off on a tangent explaining away the accusation and never really providing any valid facts to support his denial. All you have done in your six years in office is mislead the American people. President Obama, you have already lied about you can keep your insurance plan and doctor, if you like them … why wouldn’t we think you lied about everything else to pass Obamacare?

Ed Henry – Fox News: At you Burma town hall a couple of days ago you tried to inspire young leaders by saying governments need to be held accountable and be responsive to the people. I wonder how you square that with your former adviser Jonathan Gruber claiming that you were not transparent about the health law, because in his words, ‘the American people, the voters, were stupid’ (VIDEO). Did you mislead Americans about the taxes, about keeping your plan, to get the bill passed?

Barack Obama: No. I did not. I just heard about this. I get well briefed before I come out here. The fact that some adviser, who never worked on our staff expressed an opinion, that I completely disagree with, in terms of the voters, is no reflection of the process that was run. We had a year long debate Ed. Go back and look at your stories. The one thing we cannot say is that we did not have a lengthy about health care in the United States of America. Or that it was not adequately covered. I would just advise every press outlet here to go back and pull up every clip, every story, and I think it is fair to say that there was not a provision in the health care law that was not extensively debated and fully transparent.

First, Obama just heard about this? You mean he can’t remember one of the many meetings with Jonathan Gruber in the White House? Good grief, Obama is using that tired response of he just learned about the issue from the news?  Where have we heard that before, maybe in the following VIDEO.

Second, Just curious, does it make an adviser less credible if he did not work directly on Obama’s staff? There are these people called consultants Barack. Who would actually believe that the architect of Obamacare, also the architect of Romneycare, would actually work directly for the President? This sounds an awful lot like the Cheers episode when Cliff was on Jeopardy answering the final Jeopardy question … “who are three people who have never been in my kitchen.”

Third, read the following quote from Obama, “The fact that some adviser, who never worked on our staff expressed an opinion, that I completely disagree with, in terms of the voters, …” All Obama disagrees with is Gruber’s remark that the American voters are stupid. Obama is not saying that he disagrees with the rest of the misleading comments.

Fourth, Barack Obama claimed that the health care debate was extensive, adequately covered and transparent. Hmm really? So why did Nancy Pelosi famously say, “We Have to Pass Our Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It.”

Fifth, President Obama, do you really want everyone going back and taking a look at every clip and news account? Look what happened so far by those on the right and bloggers.

Sixth, fully transparent? The Obamacare you can keep your plan if you like it was already awarded the 2013 Politifact lie of the Year. It would appear you are looking to win the award two years in a row. As Jonathan Gruber said, “Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.”

Seventh, no asked the question whether Obamacare was extensively debated. However, what good is a debate when the premise is based on a lie that is being discussed?

On a completely different lie, check out the 2:20 mark of the Obama VIDEO where miraculously Obama comes up with all of these stats for the web site now that it is not crashing all the time. Remember last year when Obama minions were asked for the same type of data and we were told they did not have access to it.

Yeah Mr. President, Obamacare is working … that is why the majority of Americans have not even been affected by it because you delayed it.

CBS Face the Nation Host Bob Schieffer Dumb Struck by Obamacare Adviser Jonathan Gruber’s Comments … “I Am Not Wild About the New Plan and How It Became Law Either”

I wonder who was more “dumb struck” this Sunday morning, CBS Bob Shiefer or the public watching CBS and hearing for the first hearing Jonathan Gruber’s name and that an Obamacare adviser called them stupid?

This Sunday on CBS ‘Face the Nation,’ Bob Shieffer provided an editorial that was interesting on a couple of levels. First, how many time do news viewers hear an editorial that is breaking news? CBS News has not covered this story,  unless you count the 13 seconds on The Eye Opener. Second,  we learned that Shieffer, a lib, is not a fan of Obamacare, nor how the plan became law. However, Bob does need a little learning to have a couple of his questions answered. Mr. Schieffer, Gruber does not think the plan was bad. In fact, he likes it.  He, like Barack Obama, knew that the truth of Obamacare would never pass, that is why they lied to the American people. But the ends justify the means and lying to “We the People” is fine in their book.

 I was dumbstruck when I heard the comments surfacing from and economist named Jonathan Gruber who was paid $400,000 to help shape the presidents health care plan. First, he told  us how the plan passed only because a lack of transparency and this is a direct quote, ‘the stupidity of the American people’. [...] I’ll be honest, while I favor health insurance, I am not wild about the new plan and how it became law either. Here is my question for Mr. Gruber, if all this was as bad as you say, why did you take the money you earned as an adviser? Nor is it to late to give it back.  What we have here is another example of the sorry state of American politics where people take money for things in which they don’t believe and whether it is good for the America people is not even a question.

No, what we have here is a sorry state of American politics where we have a President of the United States who perpetrated the greatest hoax on the American people and a complicit media who cared Obama’s water by never asking any questions about a health care plan that many knew was a lie. Let’s get some facts correct, the “stupidity of the American people” that Gruber is referring to is Obamacare supporters, not Conservatives and Republicans. Take a look at the Obamacare polls from the outset at RCP,  it has always been widely opposed.

A government, no matter what party is in office, is supposed to be questioned by an unbiased media. The Press is supposed to protect us from an out of control government, not be their propaganda machine. However, today’s MSM has no concept why the US Constitution provided Freedom of the Press.

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression from government interference. See U.S. Const. amend. I. Freedom of expression consists of the rights to freedom of speech, press, assembly and to petition the government for a redress of grievances, and the implied rights of association and belief. The Supreme Court interprets the extent of the protection afforded to these rights. The First Amendment has been interpreted by the Court as applying to the entire federal government even though it is only expressly applicable to Congress. Furthermore, the Court has interpreted, the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment as protecting the rights in the First Amendment from interference by state governments.

TV Anchor Melissa Francis Reveals That She Was Silenced When She Questioned the “Math of Obamacare” On the Air at CNBC


Melissa Francis, the current anchor of ‘Money with Melissa Francis’ on the Fox Business Channel revealed Friday that she was silenced when she was an anchor at CNBC by execs when she dared question the math of Obamacare. She was told that she was disrespecting the office of the presidency by having the audacity of pointing out the obvious to her viewers, that the math of Obamacare simply didn’t work, in that you couldn’t add millions of people to the system and force insurance companies to cover their pre-existing conditions without raising the price on everyone else. Scolded by management for questioning the government? Really, isn’t that their job and a reason why we have a Freedom of the Press?  This was a business show, how could any responsible individual not ask or point out such a simple premise? But not for the suits at CNBC, they might as well called her a racist as well. But when you are the liberal MSM, part of the Democrat/Obama media complex simply in place to be a propaganda vehicle, you must silence all opposition to liberal policy, especially when it is a lie.

Jonathon Gruber telling you that the architects of Obamacare think that you that you are stupid. And most importantly they are counting on your lack of economic understanding.     They are not the only villains in this story. They are also depending on the liberal media to cover up the truth.   So far NBC, ABC, the Los Angeles Times, the Associated Press, and others, have been only too happy to comply. Those outlets have not even mentioned the video evidence from Jonathan Gruber. It’s shocking, but it actually doesn’t surprise me because when I was at CNBC, I pointed out to my viewers that the math of Obamacare simply didn’t work. Not the politics by the way. But just the basic math. And when I did that, I was silenced.


click HERE or on PIC to watch VIDEO

The Blaze:

“It’s shocking, but it actually doesn’t surprise me because when I was at CNBC, I pointed out to my viewers that the math of Obamacare simply didn’t work. Not the politics by the way. But just the basic math. And when I did that, I was silenced,” Francis said.

“I said on the air that you couldn’t add millions of people to the system and force insurance companies to cover their pre-existing conditions without raising the price on everyone else,” she continued. “I pointed out that it couldn’t possibly be true that if you like your plan, you can keep it. That was a lie. And in fact, millions of people had their plans canceled.”

After making the comments, Francis said she was called into a meeting by management and told he was “disrespecting the office of the president.”

Obamacare_Melissa Francis_Media Buzz

Click HERE or on PIC to watch VIDEO – Pic: Screen Grab from Fox Video

I think we now know that Melissa Francis was 100% correct.

Gruber-gate: Jonathan Gruber Says 2009 White House Meeting Included the CBO Director, Robert Gibbs, David Axelrod and Barack Obama

Another day and another damning Jonathan Gruber VIDEO for Barack Obama and the Obamacare HOAX …

UNREAL, JUST ABSOLUTELY CORRUPTLY UNREAL … As if four VIDEOS were not enough of MIT economist professor Jonathan Gruber mocking the American people as too stupid to understand and his condescending, willful and premeditated deception on Obamacare, now comes another one. This time it is Gruber in an interview with Frontline. Gruber says that Barack Obama was in the room when discussing the Cadillac tax lie.

“So we had a meeting in the Oval Office with several experts, including myself, on what can we do to get credible savings on cost control that the Congressional Budget Office would recognize and score as savings in this law.”

VIDEO Hat Tip – The Gateway Pundit

2009 President Obama Meeting with Congressional Budget Office Director and ALL:

Republicans criticized the meting back in 2009 between the CBO director and The White House as inappropriate. Little did GOP Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell realize just how inappropriate it was.

McConnell said that “if the CBO is to have credibility, they’re the umpire. They’re not players in this game.”

CBO is tasked with providing “objective, nonpartisan, and timely analyses to aid in economic and budgetary decisions on the wide array of programs covered by the federal budget.”

The White House flatly rejected the idea that there was anything untoward about the invitation or the meeting, which took place on Monday for just under an hour. In addition to the president and Elmendorf, present in the meeting were White House officials such as Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs Phil Schiliro, Director of the White House Office of Health Reform Nancy-Ann DeParle, Office of Management and Budget director Peter Orszag (a former CBO director himself), National Economic Council Director Larry Summers, chair of the Council of Economic Advisers Christy Romer, senior adviser David Axelrod, and press secretary Robert Gibbs.

Others were there as well, including Department of Health and Human Services adviser Meena Seshamani, Harvard University economist David Cutler and Alice Rivlin of the Brookings Institute, who was founding director of CBO from 1975-1983.

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