RFK Jr. Believes Lee Harvey Oswald Did Not Act Alone … Evidence ‘Very Convincing’ Lone Gunman Did Not Kill JFK

The conspiracy theories behind the assassination of JFK just got more credence 50 years later …

The assassination of John F. Kennedy and the subsequent Warren Commission report has been debated, criticized, questioned and ridiculed for 50 years. So many people have theorized about the grassy knoll and that there was more than one gunman who killed JFK. Now Robert F. Kennedy Jr, says that he is convinced that a lone gunman wasn’t solely responsible for the assassination of his uncle, President JFK, and said his father, Robert F. Kennedy, believed the Warren Commission report was a “shoddy piece of craftsmanship.” RFK Jr. stated, “the evidence at this point I think is very, very convincing that it was not a lone gunman.” 

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is convinced that a lone gunman wasn’t solely responsible for the assassination of his uncle, President John F. Kennedy, and said his father believed the Warren Commission report was a “shoddy piece of craftsmanship.”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said his father spent a year trying to come to grips with his brother’s death, reading the work of Greek philosophers, Catholic scholars, Henry David Thoreau, poets and others “trying to figure out kind of the existential implications of why a just God would allow injustice to happen of the magnitude he was seeing.”

He said his father thought the Warren Commission, which concluded Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in killing the president, was a “shoddy piece of craftsmanship.” He said that he, too, questioned the report.

“The evidence at this point I think is very, very convincing that it was not a lone gunman,” he said, but he didn’t say what he believed may have happened.

Let the conspiracies begin … what do you believe?

Barack Obama White House Denies Editing Out “Terror” From Benghazi Talking Points

It all depends on what is, is … Welcome to Obama’s ‘Watergate’, only this time Americans died. 

The Obama White House has denied editing the talking points regarding the terror attack in Benghazi, Libya that killed four Americans including Ambassador Stevens. However, this contradicts former CIA director  David Petraeus’ remarks that he had made behind closed doors to a Congressional committee.  Petraeus told lawmakers that from the onset of the investigation about the September 11 attack, US intelligence pointed to al Qaeda affiliates. So who made the edits, who insisted the edits be made and who signed off on them? The edits would have been made after the statements had left the CIA for review by the Defense and State departments, ultimately landing at the White House. Sorry, but there has to be a simple paper trial of how this document changed and who changed and approved the changes. Barack Obama promised transparency and it is about time he is held accountable for such.

Obama continues to laugh at “We the People” as he played politics with the death of four brave souls as America was too busy taxing the rich 

The White House yesterday denied it edited talking points about the terrorist attack that killed the American ambassador to Libya — contradicting remarks made a day earlier by disgraced ex-CIA chief David Petraeus.

“The only edit that was made by the White House and also by the State Department was to change the word ‘consulate’ to the word ‘diplomatic facility,’ since the facility in Benghazi was not formally a consulate,” Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes told reporters aboard Air Force One.

“Other than that, we were guided by the points that were provided by the intelligence community. So I can’t speak to any other edits that may have been made.”

One would think that a President, a Commander in Chief would be furious and demand answers to who edited talking points that put out a false narrative when four Americans died. However, not when it was made political and had to be covered up until after an election. In Obama’s world, the ends justify the means.

Who are you going to believe America? Think Obama’s WH did not edit the talking points or have a hand in taking the “terror” out? This from the same Obama Administration that changed the “WAR ON TERROR” to read as an “OVERSEAS CONTINGENCY OPERATION”.

How Naive Does Obama’s 2007 Words Look Now in Retrospect? … The Day I’m Inaugurated Muslim Hostility Will Ease … “the World Will Look at America Differently”

Maybe Samuel L. Jackson was partially correct ... AMERICA, ITS TIME TO WAKE THE F@CK UP. The voting for Obama part, not so much. Ask yourself America, do you think the hostilities have eased since Obama became President? How that Radical Muslin “Hopey-Changey” stuff working u for you?

On New Hampshire Public Radio on November 27, 2007 , Barack Hussein Obama stated that he was uniquely qualified to bring stability to America’s relationships in the Muslim world because he lived in an Islamic country during his youth and his half-sister is Muslim. Wow, Obama actually believed that the relationship between the Middle East and America was going to change because he was Barack “Hussein” Obama. Really?  Sadly, an asleep at the wheel America bought this BS and elected him in 2008. Even more pathetic is Obama may actually believe his own BS.

click on pic for audio of Obama’s comments

Hat Tip: Breitbart.com

So what do you think now America? The Arab Street hates America just as much as they ever have and the Middle East is on fire. Once again Obama has failed, this time on foreign policy. It pretty much shows just how naive and Pollyannaish Barack Obama really is and was. Obama stated that on the day he is inaugurated Muslim hostility will ease. Once again we might ask, America, is the Muslin hostility better off today than it was four years ago? Picture from the AP of Protesters torch an effigy of Barack Obama in Afghanistan.

Yup, things look so much better under Barack Obama and his inner knowledge of being a Muslim.

Ambassador Stevens be dragged thru the streets after his death (Al Ahram)

Obama’s arrogance is amazing, the world will look at America differently because of him. UNREAL.

Bin Laden Ordered Obama Assassination to Put “Completely Unprepared” Joe Biden Into Office of Presidency

This is rather interesting … Osama bin Laden ordered  assassination of President Barack Obama to cause chaos and have a “completely unprepared” Joe Biden assume the Presidency. Hmm … imagine that logic, having a “totally unprepared and inept” President taken out in liu of a “completely unprepared” one. It would appear that Bin Laden spent one too many days in seclusion.

Who is the “completely unprepared” one?

Before his death, Osama bin Laden boldly commanded his network to organize special cells in Afghanistan and Pakistan to attack the aircraft of President Obama and Gen. David H. Petraeus.

“The reason for concentrating on them,” the al-Qaeda leader explained to his top lieutenant, “is that Obama is the head of infidelity and killing him automatically will make [Vice President] Biden take over the presidency. .?.?. Biden is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the U.S. into a crisis. As for Petraeus, he is the man of the hour .?.?. and killing him would alter the war’s path” in Afghanistan.

Administration officials said Friday that the Obama-Petraeus plot was never a serious threat.

The scheme is described in one of the documents taken from bin Laden’s compound by U.S. forces on May 2, the night he was killed. I was given an exclusive look at some of these remarkable documents by a senior administration official. They have been declassified and will be available soon to the public in their original Arabic texts and translations.

Wasn’t it Biden who said, “Mark my words. Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking …  to stand with him. Because it’s not gonna be apparent initially, it’s not gonna be apparent that we’re right.”

Bin Laden must have missed former President Clinton’s comment that Obama Isn’t Ready, Too Inexperienced.  I am guessing that Bin Laden had never seen the above VIDEO questioning Barack Obama’s lack of preparedness as stated by Joe Biden stating that being President does not lend itself to on the job training.

Louis Farrakhan Deals Up the Race Card, Again … Warns of Racial Hatred that could Lead to attempts to kill President Obama

The Race Card and Hate from Louis Farrakhan …

Who is really tired of the race card? This is all the LEFT and the race baiters like Minister Louis Farrakhan have left when it comes to Obama. After all, it is not like Barack Obama can run on his record. Instead those that have been causing dissent between the races for years like Louis Farrakhan now warn that racial hatred could lead to an assassination attempt.

In a fiery lecture to thousands of followers of the Nation of Islam on Sunday in Chicago, Minister Louis Farrakhan warned that racial hatred could lead to attempts to assassinate President Barack Obama.

Farrakhan spent much of his oration decrying what he cast as Satan’s influence over racist forces in politics and society before asking a pointed rhetorical question: “Do you think they’re wicked enough to be plotting our brother’s assassination as we speak?”

Then again, its not like Obama does not use the race card at the drop of a hat. So now we have African Americans for Obama. Really Mr. President? Imagine if we had Whites for Romney or Santorum … oh that would go over well with the MSM. So this is the “hope & change” that America was promised. Interestingly enough most people like Obama as a person, its his radical Left and socialist policies that they can’t stand. When it comes to hate, Farrakhan need to look no further than the mirror.

Farrakhan drew a distinction between noble Jews and followers of “the synagogue of Satan,” and he pointed to a recent incident in which the publisher of a Jewish magazine suggested Israeli security forces could help preserve Israel by killing Obama. He attacked Israeli policies, while also directing criticism at perceived Jewish influence in the U.S.

“Jewish people were not the origin of Hollywood, but they took it over,” he said, blaming the entertainment industry for degrading the country’s morality.

Hmm, isn’t it Hollywood where Obama has his high priced fund raisers?

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