More Sacrifice from Obama & the First Family … Obama Vineyard Vacation at $7.6 Million Private Resort …More than 75 Rooms Booked for Staff

Barack Obama, the phony working class President …

America, it’s time to admit you have a phony for the middle class president and come to the realization that Barack Obama is a 1%er. As most Americans stay home for their vacation, worry whether they can pay the bills, keep their home, their job and their insurance … Obama leads by example and shows his shared sacrifice by heading off to Marha’s Vineyard once again for vacation at a $7.6 million private resort. Nothing says for the middle and working class like life styles of the rich and famous of Martha’s Vineyard. I guess he will be focused like a laser on the economy and jobs for Americans while he is vacationing on the Vineyard at tax payers expense.  When is America ever going to wake up and realize that this president could care less? As record number of Americans are on food stamps, the unemployment rate continues to be about 7%, more part time jobs than full time ones are created and this elitist, phony president jets off for vacation.

Democrat Mayors were complain in 2011 about Obama’s vacations in Martha’s Vineyard and he has never stopped … as previously stated, Obama could care less, let then eat snow cones.

The Massachusetts island of Martha’s Vineyard, the exclusive playground for presidents and their families, is about to get its annual summer infusion of cash and attention as President Obama and his family prepare to arrive August 10 for an eight-day vacation.

Local reports indicate that the first family will likely be staying at a $7.6 million resort home on southern edge of the island in the town of Chilmark where homes feature water access to Chilmark Pond, tennis courts and swimming pools.

Staying at the home of Chicago corporate finance manager David Schulte is a break from past Obama vacations because the $21 million home they’ve rented, Blue Heron Farm, isn’t available. Schulte’s summer home sits on nine and a half acres, has ocean views and a basketball court.

While the president typically keeps to himself and carries with him only a handful of staffers to Martha’s Vineyard, security will be tight. As in the past, the Wesley Hotel in Oak Bluffs will house security and communications officials. The owner told the Vineyard Gazette that the Secret Service has booked 70 rooms and another five have been reserved for the Transportation Security Agency. Rates at the hotel run from $225-$345.

As the Gateway Pundit opines regarding Obama, “skin in the game for thee, not for me and Michelle”. It must be nice taking a vacation on someone else’s dime.

More Shared Sacrifice and ‘skin in the game’ from your ‘Vacationer’ in Chief

Wall Street Journal/NBC News Poll Has Obama Job Approval Levels at Lowest Rating Since November 2011 … 45% Approve, 50% Disapprove


It is becoming a trend, President Barack Obama’s job approval ratings are sinking in multiple polls. The most recent is the Wall Street Journal/NBC poll that has Obama at  45% approval, 50% disapproval. The Hill is reporting that this is the lowest approval percentage for the president since November 2011. Obama has tried his hardest to blame GWB for everything during his presidency and now Obama has a direct comparison to W. The 45% approval rating is the same was former President George W. Bush had at the same stage of his second term. Ouch, how is the MSM going to spin that? Obama was supposed to be like Reagan, Lincoln and Kennedy … not George W. Bush.


A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released late Tuesday finds Obama with 45 percent approval and 50 percent disapproval.

Those numbers are down from the same poll taken in June when Obama had a positive 48-47 split.

It is the lowest approval percentage for the president since November 2011, when the poll found him with a 44 percent approval, 51 percent disapproval.

Obama’s rating matches the 45 percent approval former President George W. Bush had at the same stage of his second term. President Clinton scored a 56 percent approval rating at a similar point in his presidency, according to the Journal.

The Politico gleams an interesting nugget of data from the poll, support among blacks have fallen 10% from June and 15% drop from April.  Could it be that even the race-baiting that Obama has participated in with the aftermath of the George Zimmerman murder trial where he stated that Trayvon Martin could have been him 35 years ago. However, in the end blacks are more likely focused on the fact there are no jobs, the jobs that do exist are part time and the promises that Obama made about Obamacare were simply lip service to get reelected.

The poll’s numbers reflect Americans’ assessment of how Obama is handling the economy: Forty-four percent said they approved and 51 percent said they disapproved.

Pollsters also pointed to a drop in support among African-Americans as a possible explanation for Obama’s falling numbers, as 78 percent approve of Obama’s work, a 10 point drop since June and 15 point drop since April.

The Real Clear Politics Obama job approval average has Obama underwater.

Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) Loses in Mind on Barack Obama Over Obama’s War on Coal … “This Is Ridiculous … I Am Batting My Own President and My Own Government!”



Obama to Manchin, support me in 2012 for president Joe, I was just kidding about killing coal.

This morning on FOX News ‘Fox & Friends’ US Senator Joe Manchin lost his mind and blew his cool in reaction to President Obama’s speech yesterday regarding “climate change” and his war on coal. Manchin’s state of West Virginia would lose countless jobs due to Obama’s war on coal. In essence Obama has declared a war on coal, a war on jobs and a war on West Virginia. Joe Manchin described wgat Obama was doing as a ‘War on America’. WOW, Manchin is a DEM. This is a must see video below as a Democrat openly attacks Obama for his misguided liberal energy policy. After all, it was Obama who basically called Manchin, a member of his own political party, a flat earther.  Manchin angrily went on to say, “It’s just ridiculous that I, as a U.S. senator, am battling my own president and my own government. … I’m willing to reach out but I don’t need adversaries here. I need a partner!” Of course I am not sure what politicians from coal states like West Virginia and Ohio thought Obama was going to do? He promised to kill coal during the campaign. And just a heads up to the foolish Sen. Sherrod Brown, liberal Democrat from coal-rich Ohio, you can’t do what Obama is talking about, kill coal and create jobs. What planet do you live on?

VIDEO Hat Tip – The Raw Story

click on pic to watch VIDEO

President Obama has angered lawmakers on both sides of the aisle by calling for new regulations on coal-fired power plants. One of them is Democratic Senator Joe Manchin from coal-industry driven West Virginia. Manchin argues that Obama’s proposed regulations will kill jobs and when asked by Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy today how angry he was by the president’s proposal, he replied, “I don’t think you have a scale . … It’s just ridiculous. It’s just ridiculous that I, as a U.S. senator, am battling my own president and my own government. … I’m willing to reach out but I don’t need adversaries here. I need a partner!”

Thanks Barack Obama … 76% of Americans are Living Paycheck To Paycheck

How’s that “Hopey-Changey” stuff working out for ya America?

Obamanomics has been an unmitigated disaster. The economy is a disaster and any reports that it is getting better is hogwash. A record number of Americans are on food stamps, the actual unemployment rate is much higher than the presently reported 7.6%.And then we have the real indicator that tells us how Americans are really doing. According to a CNN poll via Town Hall, 76% of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck. For all the promises that Obama has made that he would make the economy better and in turn the lives of Americans. The joke is on you America. Obama may be an empty suit, but he has left 76% of Americans with empty pockets.


Roughly three-quarters of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck, with little to no emergency savings, according to a survey released by Monday.

Fewer than one in four Americans have enough money in their savings account to cover at least six months of expenses, enough to help cushion the blow of a job loss, medical emergency or some other unexpected event, according to the survey of 1,000 adults. Meanwhile, 50% of those surveyed have less than a three-month cushion and 27% had no savings at all.

To make matters worse, in the past three days, Americans has lost countless money in their 401k’s with the DOW tanking after Fed chairman Ben Bernanke’s comments last week that they are going to taper back the flow of money and artificially supporting the markets. Bernanke said the economy is getting better. REALLY? 76% of Americans would disagree with you sir.


President Barack Obama Says He Won’t Balance Budget ‘Just for the Sake of Balance’ … In Other Words, He Will Never Balance It!

File the following under something we did not know … Barack Obama has no intention of ever balancing the budget.

In an exclusive interview with ABC News, President Barack Obama rejected calls to balance the federal budget, as set forth by Rep. Paul Ryan (WI-R) in his recently released budget, in the next ten years and instead argued that his primary economic concern was not balancing the budget, but rather growing the economy. HUH? Growing the economy, how does this socialist, anti-capitalist, over-regulating president plan on doing this? What a shock, Barack Obama has returned back to his fear mongering and smear tactics after Paul Ryan released a responsible way to provide growth and reduce the budget. Let’s face it, Obama has no idea what he is doing with the economy and does not plan to reduce the deficit, because he is the one who has mainly helped in creating this $16 trillion and counting debt. The only growth that Obama knows is the record number of Americans on food stamps.

 Obama, I plan on balancing the budget this much.

My goal is not to chase a balanced budget just for the sake of balance. My goal is how do we grow the economy, put people back to work, and if we do that we are going to be bringing in more revenue,” he said. Obama rejected a proposal put forth by Rep. Paul Ryan today that would balance the budget in ten years, saying the Republican House member’s plan “slashes deeply” at programs like Medicaid.

Instead, Obama went back to his more comfortable demonization and “Divider” in Chief, community agitator mode and told George Stephanopoulos that Ryan and Republicans are attempting to balance the budget on the backs of the poor, the elderly, students. So much for the “offensive charm”, welcome back the blame and division of America. So I guess Obama is trying to destroy America on the fronts of the poor, elderly and students? Just wondering, what ever happened to shared sacrifice and everyone is supposed to have skin in the game, including the poor, elderly and students?

We’re not gonna balance the budget in ten years because if you look at what Paul Ryan does to balance the budget, it means that you have to voucher-ize Medicare, you have to slash deeply into programs like Medicaid, you’ve essentially got to — either tax — middle class families a lot higher than you currently are, or you can’t lower rates the way he’s promised,” the president told me. “So it’s really, you know, it’s a reprise of the same legislation that he’s put before.” “If we controlled spending and we have a smart entitlement package, then potentially what you have is balance — but it is not balance to, on the backs of the poor, the elderly, students who need student loans, families that have disabled kids. That is not the right way to balance,” he said.

 As we are reminded by the WAPO, Obama plans to release his own budget plan in April, two months after the president is required to announce his budget priorities to Congress. Far be it from Obama to actually perform the required duties of his office. Yet another case of leading from behind as Obama will first see the Ryan and Senate Democrat plan before he puts together his own. Like he would know how to create a budget in the first place. With this deficit $trillion spending president, it is akin to an alcoholic penning his own “what I will not drink today” plan.

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