Tavis Smiley: ‘Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator’ Under Barack Obama

Finally some one in the liberal black community is admitting the truth, Barack Obama has been a nightmare for blacks.

During an interview on Fox News’s ‘Hannity,’ PBS’s Tavis Smiley said the following, “The data is going to indicate sadly that when the Obama administration is over, black people will have lost ground in every single leading economic indicator category” There you have it, blacks who voted for Obama 95% in 2008 and 93% in 2012, have been sold a bill of goods and received nothing for their vote but food stamps. So why would African-Americans have voted in such large numbers for a president who has failed them incredibly? Could it possibly be that the liberal MSM and black leaders have refused to tell them the truth that Obama has been their worst nightmare? What would the liberal media be reporting if blacks had lost ground in every single economic indicator, if the president was white?

From News Busters:

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: My last question to you. You often do these seminars with the state of black America. I’ve watched them on C-Span and different channels, right?


HANNITY: Are black Americans better off five years into the Obama presidency?

SMILEY: Let me answer your question very forthrightly. No, they are not. The data is going to indicate sadly that when the Obama administration is over, black people will have lost ground in every single leading economic indicator category. On that regard, the president ought to be held responsible.

But here’s the other side. I respect the president. I will protect the president. And I will correct the president. He’s right on this government shutdown. Republicans are thwarting the rule of law with the Constitution. If they let this debt go into default, they’re trampling again on the Constitution.

When will minorities ever wake up, but that’s right, it’s all Republicans fault.

Obamanomics: People in Poverty Up 6,667,000 … Record 46,496,000 Now Poor … Median Income Down Nearly 5% to $2,627

Hey America, hoes that “Hopey-Changey” stuff working out for you?

Thanks to President Barack Obama and his disastrous economic policy, median income is down 4.89% or $2627 and poverty is up to a record 46,496,000. But Barack Obama will tell you he is for the little guy and the middle class. Sure he is. What a disaster this man has been to the United States and its people. It is going to take decades for this country to undo the damage he and Democrats have done. It is mind boggling how he was ever reelected with such a totally epic failure of the economy, jobs and, unemployment.


During the four years that marked President Barack Obama’s first term in office, the real median income of American households dropped by $2,627 and the number of people in poverty increased by approximately 6,667,000, according to data released today by the Census Bureau.

The record total of approximately 46,496,000 people in the United States who are now in poverty, according to the Census Bureau, is more than twice the population of Syria, which, according to the CIA, has 22,457,336 people.

In 2008, the year Obama was elected, real median household income in the United States was $53,644 according to the Census Bureau. In 2012, the last full year of Obama’s first term, median household income was $51,017. Thus, real median household income dropped $2,627—or 4.89 percent—from 2008 to 2012.

Please wake the hell up America and vote

Another Disasterous Obama Jobs Report: Only 169,000 New Jobs Created in August …Jule & July Revised Down by 74K Jobs … Black Unemplyment Up to 13% … Labor Participation Rate Falls to 5 Year Low of 63.2%

No wonder Barack Obama wants to start a war in Syria … have you taken a look at the miserable jobs report from yesterday thanks to Obamanomicis and Obama’s failed jobs recover?

Yesterday’s jobs report for August 2013 could not have been more miserable. The unemployment rate fell from dropped from 7.4% to 7.3%, but for all the wrong reasons.  A pathetic 169,000 jobs were created in August 2013, but it was the 35 year low of the labor participation rate that actually caused the unemployment rate to drop. Americans are literally giving up and have stopped looking for jobs and no longer counted in the unemployment numbers,  To make matters worse, the jobs data was revised downward by a total of 74,000 jobs for June and July 2013.  The numbers for teenagers, blacks and Hispanics are a disaster.  Among teenagers, the unemployment rate is 22.7%; for African Americans, it’s 13%; for Hispanics, 9.3%.

Obama and Obamanomics has been an “Epic Failure”. But if you want to be on welfare and food stamps, he’s your man.


America, you voted this failed President back in for a second term, why?

“The change in total nonfarm payroll employment for June was revised from +188,000 to +172,000, and the change for July was revised from +162,000 to +104,000.” That means we added 74,000 fewer jobs than we thought in June and July.

CNS News: 90,473,000: Record Number Not in Labor Force–Up Almost 10M Under Obama.

The number of Americans who are 16 years or older and who have decided not to participate in the nation’s labor force has pushed past 90,000,000 for the first time, according to data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The BLS counts a person as participating in the labor force if they are 16 years or older and either have a job or have actively sought a job in the last four weeks. A person is not participating in the labor force if they are 16 or older and have not sought a job in the last four weeks.

In July, according to BLS, 89,957,000 Americans did not participate in the labor force. In August, that climbed to 90,473,000–a one month increase of 516,000.

Bureau of Labor Statistics report report (age, gender, race, etc.) the unemployment rate among blacks increased the most – almost a full half-point, from 12.6% to 13%.

Bureau of Labor Statistics:

Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rates for adult men(7.1 percent), adult women (6.3 percent), teenagers (22.7 percent),whites (6.4 percent), blacks (13.0 percent), and Hispanics (9.3percent) showed little change in August. The jobless rate for Asianswas 5.1 percent (not seasonally adjusted), little changed from a year earlier. (See tables A-1, A-2, and A-3.)

Other disastrous jobs data from the worst president ever. Obama claims he is for the middle class, yet has only benefited the top 5%. The very people who voted for Obama, blacks and young voters, have been the most adversely affected by his poor economy policies.

Teen Employment Hits Record Lows Under Barack Obama Presidency … Great Depression for Teens

Can’t blame this one on George W. Bush … How can Obama actually says he cares?

How’s that “Hopey-Changey” thing working out for your teens in America? Thanks to Barack Obama, we are witness to a Great Depression for teens. How is it that young people are for Barack Obama when none of them can get a job thanks to is moronic handling of the economy? And they have nothing better to look forward to when they leave their teens as well. Obama has been a disaster for the economy and jobs. He constantly says that he is focused like a laser on creating jobs, but continues to be an epic failure. The teen employment numbers get even worse when you look at race. When comparing June and July 2000 and the same two months of 2013 … in 2000, 61.28% of white teens 16 to 19 held a job, a number that fell to 39.25% this summer. But for African-Americans, the number that was completely pathetic.  In 2000, 33.91% of 16 to 19 year old’s holding a job, fell to a staggering low of 19.25 percent this June and July. Good grief, that should be criminal. If Obama was nit black the NAACP would be marching in the streets. Obama has been a disgrace to the black community, yet they support him like he actually cared.

These job numbers border of child abuse.


Obama shakes the hands of unemployed teens

For the fourth consecutive summer, teen employment has stayed anchored around record lows, prompting experts to fear that a generation of youth is likely to be economically stunted with lower earnings and opportunities in years ahead.

The trend is all the more striking given that the overall unemployment rate has steadily dropped, to 7.4 percent in August. And employers in recent months have been collectively adding almost 200,000 new jobs a month. It led to hopes that this would be the summer when teen employment improved.

In 1999, slightly more than 52 percent of teens 16 to 19 worked a summer job. By this year, that number had plunged to about 32.25 percent over June and July. It means that slightly more than three in 10 teens actually worked a summer job, out of a universe of roughly 16.8 million U.S. teens.

“We have never had anything this low in our lives. This is a Great Depression for teens, and no time in history have we encountered anything like that,” said Andrew Sum, director of the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University in Boston. “That’s why it’s such an important story.”

Is is any wonder why Barack Obama wants to start a war with Syria and take the focus off of his dismal domestic policies, record, failures and scandals?

Under Barack Obama Only 5% Have Recovered from Recession, the Other 95% are Still Experiencing It

President  Barack Obama … the 5% President. CNBC reports, Obama’s policies have only benefited the top 5%. What else would you expect from the “phony” President who claims he is for the middle class to get their vote and then vacations and hangs with the 1%, or 5% as the case may be. His very policies have helped the rich, not those he claims are his peeps. 95% of Americans are still experiencing the recession.


Ha, and you thought I cared, I cared about your vote, nothing more

How strong the economic recovery has been since the Great Recession ended in 2009 probably depends on viewpoint.

For those in the top 5 percent, the recovery has been pretty good.

As for the other 95 percent, well … maybe not so much.

Post-financial crisis wealth disparity has been well-chronicled.

Federal Reserve Gov. Sarah B. Raskin drew widespread attention with this speech in April that showed how poorly the lower income levels have fared during the recovery, particularly because those demographics have their wealth concentrated in housing and are hit far more severely by falling prices.

The unemployed in lower-income groups also take a hit because they have a more difficult time finding jobs that pay at a rate commensurate with the positions they lost.

The conclusion isn’t pretty:

Huge leaps in the income and wealth of the top 5 percent mask the decline of income and wealth of the bottom 95 percent. Average all wealth and income and it appears that the economy is expanding to the benefit of all, when it fact only the top 5 percent have escaped the recession; the recession never ended for the bottom 95 percent.

And there’s more:

An even better way to create an illusory expansion is to simply not measure trends that would reveal a deepening recession. For example, what percentage of student loans are purposefully taken out as a substitute for income, i.e. used to pay basic living expenses rather than education? Anecdotally, there is plentiful evidence that a great many people are signing up for one class at the local community college in order to get a student loan to live on.

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