Daily Commentary – Thursday, August 9, 2012 – Preview of Tonights Show with Joel Brodsky and Robin Sax

  • Tonight is Drew Peterson night on the Dana Pretzer show! Dana welcomes Joel Brodsky and Robin Sax to discuss the trial.

Daily Commentary – Thursday, August 9, 2012 Download

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, August 8, 2012 – Motions in the Drew Peterson Murder Trial

  • There have already been some motions for mistrial. Join us Thursday night to discuss in depth the Drew Peterson trial.

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, August 8, 2012 Download

Daily Commentary – Tuesday, August 7, 2012 – The Drew Peterson Trial Resumes Today

  • The trial which started last Tuesday and was recessed early on Friday after the testimony of Kathleen Savio’s sister will resume today

Daily Commentary – Tuesday, August 7, 2012 Play Download

Judge Edward Burmila Halts Trial Abruptly After Prosecution Elicits “Low Blow” Testimony … Will Judge Grant Mistrial in the Drew Peterson Murder Trial in the Death of Kathleen Savio?

Will the murder trial of Drew Peterson in the death of Kathleen Savio be over before it has barely started? We will find out today as court was halted abruptly yesterday by Judge Burmila after the prosecution attempted to enter questionable evidence into the case that they could not prove. The Judge called it a “low blow”. Could the judge call a mistrial or will the murder case against Peterson, the former Bollingbrook police officer go forward?

After angrily upbraiding prosecutors for improperly introducing evidence, the judge presiding over the Drew Peterson murder trial abruptly halted the proceedings, sent the jury home and said he will rule Thursday on how the case will move forward.

It was the second time in as many days that the judge appeared to consider granting the defense’s request for a mistrial. Despite the seemingly made-for-TV cliffhanger, prosecutors, defense attorneys, experts and even the judge indicated that stopping now was unlikely.

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Drew Peterson Murder Trail of Third Wife Kathleen Savio Begins Today in Joliet, Illinois … Opening Arguments

It’s finally here … will there be Justice for Kathleen Savio?

In 2004 Drew Peterson’s third wife Kathleen Savio was found dead in a bath tub, the death was ruled as an accidental death. It was not until the disappearance and presumed death of Drew Peterson’s fourth wife Stacy Peterson. That opened up speculation into to how Savio might have died. Her body was exhumed and it was determined that her death was actually a drowning by homicideDrew Peterson was then arrested and charged in the murder of Kathleen Savio.

Finally, three years after he was arrested and eight years after Kathleen Savio was found dead, the murder trial begins today for Drew Peterson, the former Bolingbrook, IL police officer. Peterson’s defense attorney Joel Brodsky has stated he planned to use his opening statement to “tell the story of Drew Peterson from beginning to end … and show the state’s theory is implausible at best.” One has to wonder how the media attention starved Drew Peterson will act in court in front of the jurors and whether it will make him sympathetic or a pariah. The defense is expected to argue that Savio’s death was an accident and that there is no physical evidence placing Peterson at the scene of her death.


Eight and a half years after his third wife was found dead in a bathtub, the murder trial of former Chicago-area police officer Drew Peterson is set to begin in earnest with opening statements Tuesday.

The 58-year-old Peterson is accused in the 2004 death of his third wife, Kathleen Savio, in a trial that has been postponed for two years. He also remains under investigation in the October 2007 disappearance of his fourth wife, Stacy Peterson.

A jury of seven men and five women, chosen over two days last week, will weigh Drew Peterson’s fate during a trial in Joliet, Illinois, that is expected to last about a month, according to his lawyer Joel Brodsky.

Drew Peterson murder trial finally set to begin.

Though the trial officially began last week with the selection of a seven-man, five-woman jury, Will County Judge Edward Burmila reserved opening statements for this week. Prosecutors and defense attorneys are preparing to explain for the first time to Peterson’s jurors what they should expect to hear during the highly anticipated case.

Opening statements are expected to begin Tuesday morning after Burmila and the attorneys first address two last-minute motions by Peterson’s defense team. The contents of the motions were sealed.

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