Back to the Beach … Beth Twitty Goes Back to Aruba



ORANJESTAD(AAN) The information that DIARIO has obtained says that Beth Twitty and Greta van Susteren will arrive in Aruba during the day. They come from the United States and will stay some days on the island. What they are coming for is not known. It has been some days now that Beth Twitty’s visit has been expected, but it seems that she had some personal difficulties to sort out and that kept her away.

In a sudden way she will be arriving in our island and will stay at a still unknown hotel.
We will be searching for some more details during the day when the reknown reporter Greta van Susteren and Beth Twitty, the mother of Natalee Holloway arrive on our island.

UPDATE I: Further Comments From Diario’s Managing Director Jossy Mansur

We received an email from Jossy Mansur, the Managing Director providing more clarification to the Diario article and further activities that he has planned in the search for Natalee Holloway.

In the meantime, I was contacted by phone yesterday by a Fox producer who is looking for some video equipment to rent, so some TV program is in the making.
In the meantime, Joe Walker, who was here before in the search for Natalee has arrived on the island invited by the DIARIO, and we expect his partner from California to be in on Monday.

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Aruba Blames FBI, BETH, JUG, DAVE THE FAMILY, HELL THEY BLAME YOU For the Disappearance of Natalee Holloway

Well AMERICA, we know know what Aruba really thinks of Americans. Their Aruba_boycottincompetence, corruption and cover up of a crime upon am American tourist is your fault. It’s everyones fault, but theirs. The below article would actually be laughable if it were not for one important fact. There is a teenager named Natalee Holloway missing and considered by most dead. Who on earth gave you people this advice to attack an American family, the FBI and teenagers on the eve of the birth of America. Brilliant … simply brilliant!

In the 2+ years that we have covered the case of Natalee Holloway, I thought that we had seen and heard it all. Now comes some of the most nonsensical, ridiculous and foolish garbage that has yet been printed. Maybe Aruba would like to explain why they feel the need to investigate the family and friends of Natalee more than the actual people who were suspects in this case?

You are blaming the family of a missing girl for your screw ups and cover ups. Honestly, by the words printed in this article and the feelings and comments expressed in it … No American ever need step foot on Aruba ever. They have let everyone know just how little they think of you.


Aruba’s new tourism slogan: Come to Aruba … Where we will Blame you for a crime.

We will break this article down in detail over the next couple of days. Shameful, simply shameful.

Amigoe, July 3, 2007: The other side of the Holloway-case: ‘Police Aruba hindered by FBI’

WILLEMSTAD/ORANJESTAD – The American Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has systematically hindered the work of the police and the judiciary on Aruba in the investigation of the missing student Natalee Holloway. Especially when it came to investigating her direct relatives, mother Beth, stepfather George ‘Jug’ Twitty – who apparently has direct or indirect contacts and influence reaching as far as the White House- but also when it came to investigating the more than 120 fellow students and the chaperones who accompanied them in their trip to Aruba .  

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Lets Hope that Court TV’s “Haunting Evidence” Provides some Clues for Missing Natalee Holloway

We need evidence and leads, not just “Haunting Evidence”

Tonight at 10pm et, Court TV “Haunting Evidence” will air a segment on the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. We hope that there is substance to this show that it provides clues and insight and not just an attempt at a ratings grab from teaser promos. We shall see and hope for the best. It is our understanding from past conversations that there are interviews and comments with Beth Twitty in this show; however, you would never know it from the promo.


We wonder what they will discuss or present as new that most likely has been discussed and presented by individuals on the internet. We have always taken the position that just because it is new to the MSM, that does not make it new or exclusive.

Dave Holloway has also commented on upcoming “Haunting Evidence” TV show in an interview with the Meridian Star.

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Response to the LA Times, “In Holloway case, Aruba also suffers”

The LA Times recently ran an rather one sided story and in typical fashion painted the Aruba_OneSadIslandvictim in a derogatory way using such ridiculous descriptions as the  ”missing white woman syndrome” and the  hearty-partying teen. So what does the liberal media find their agenda for a missing American teenager who’s investigation was nothing short of a crime itself, Aruba is a victim too … In Holloway case, Aruba also suffers.

News-flash to the LA Times and Aruba … one one sits back and does nothing while suffering, one has no one to blame but themselves. Are you telling us that people are not going to react adversely to what they perceive as an injustice? Are you joking? When people wrong others sometimes the only way “We the People” can fight back is with the almighty dollar. Especially to those that make it all so important. More important than human life, even.

Read the following response to the LA Times from a long time Scared Monkeys commenter, (RR)  and faithful Natalee Holloway activist. The LA Times writers may want to read this as well, you may actually learn something. This is a fantastic read, make sure and do so.

Your article on Natalee Holloway today: free speech or hatchet job?

I have followed the Natalee Holloway case closely since it began.   While free speech is to be encouraged, the tone of your article, which appeared online this morning, is so one-sided that I am forced to believe that your intention was to denigrate Natalee’s family.
You say the Holloway Twittys have cast Aruba’s “police force as inept bunglers.”   Well, let’s see … within 48 hours of Natalee’s disappearance, Beth Twitty had arrived on the island, reviewed the videotapes at the Holiday Inn where Natalee had stayed, proved conclusively that the lies of the three suspects about returning her to the hotel were just that — lies — and had shown those same tapes to Aruban police.

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Beth Twitty, On The Record, 5-30-07 … 2 Years Since Natalee Holloway Went Missing

 Two years since Natalee Holloway went Missing

Beth Twitty talks about hope, the recent searches and the lawsuits against the Kalpoes.

(Hat Tip: Carpe-Vision)
“I don’t give up hope that I will get an answer one day. I still am hopeful about that Greta”.
“I still remain hopeful that I will get an answer”.

 Full transcript of Beth Twitty, “On the Record”.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, you might get some information out of the lawsuit that you and Dave have filed against the Kalpoe brothers. I know that John Q. Kelly is out in California to argue at least part of it on Friday. But if you’re able to proceed, you’re going to get the Kalpoe brothers under oath at a deposition and ask them lots of questions, so maybe you’ll get information then.

HOLLOWAY: Oh, absolutely. And I mean, that’s something that is still very much viable, and you know, we hope that that will happen.

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