Is Romney Having a Late Surge in Colorado, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Minnesota?


There have been so many polls and so many divergent polling models that have oversampled democrats that something is going to have to give come election day. The voter turnout will make the difference and it is hard to believe that democrats will come out for Obama as they did in 2008. Romney has the enthusiasm on his side. They question is whether it will be enough to carry him over the finish line.

That being said, there appears to be a late surge for Mitt Romney just two days before the 2012 Presidential election. Recent polls  from Rasmussen have Romney up in Colorado, 50%-47%.

A Pittsburgh Tribune poll out today has the race a tie in the Keystone state. TIED, PENNSYLVANIA? Is this the reason why Romney bout ads and is going to Pennsylvania in the days heading up to the election.

“They’re both in here because of exactly what you’re seeing” in this poll, said Jim Lee, president of Susquehanna Polling & Research, which surveyed 800 likely voters Oct. 29-31. Most of the interviews occurred after Hurricane Sandy inundated Eastern and Central Pennsylvania. The poll’s error margin is 3.46 percentage points.

Nearly 60 percent of people say the country is on the wrong track, and economic concerns continue to dominate. Almost half of likely voters say economic issues are the primary driver of their choice for president.

We had previously discussed the rather surprising poll out of Michigan.

The battleground state of Ohio has conflicting polls. The Hill had Romney over Obama 49% – 47%. The Columbus Dispatch has their poll going to Obama 50% to 48%.  However, the poll sampling is 40% Democrat, 36% Republican, 21% independent.

The Gateway Pundit has a list of many positive polls for GOP Presidential challenger Romney that could sweep him to victory. The PJ Tatler says that Romney has “mittmentum” in in PA, MI and even NY!

And now for the unheard of, in deep blue Minnesota, among likely voters Romney is actually leading Obama, 47% to 46%. Really folks if Obama is not going to win sold blue states like Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin by double digits, he has a real problem.

Dick Morris Says its Time to Focus in on Next Level of Battleground States … Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Minnesota and Even New Jersey Is in Play

Last night on Fox News with Sean Hannity, Dick Morris told Hannity that it was time for the Romney campaign to target states like Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and even New Jersey are in play this year. Morris stated, “Minnesota is within if four points… And maybe even New Jersey.”

Video Hat Tip: The Gateway Pundit

Minnesota, Pennsylvania and even New Jersey in play? Could this be true or just wishful bolstering on the party of Dick Morris?

Before anyone laughs of Morris’ claims, check out the latest
Quinnipiac University poll that shows that Romney has erased a 12 point Obama lead and only trails by 4 points, 50% to 46%. What gives Romney pause for success in the Keystone state? As referenced by Jammie Wearing Fool, the poll sampling is +8D.

In today’s survey, men back Romney 54 – 43 percent, compared to a 49 – 48 percent split September 26. Women back Obama 57 – 39 percent, little changed from last month. White voters back Romney 53 – 43 percent while black voters back Obama 97 – 1 percent. White Catholic voters go Republican 56 – 43 percent. Voters with college degrees back the president 54 – 43 percent while voters without degrees are divided with 49 percent for Obama and 47 percent for Romney.

Only 7 percent of Pennsylvania likely voters say they might change their mind in the next 21 days.

“Gov. Mitt Romney is coming on strong in the Keystone State, especially among white Catholics,” said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

In Wisconsin, Obama only has a 2.3% lead over Romney in the RCP average polling.  If Romney is polling well in this next level of so-called swing states, imagine how well he is doing in the battleground states? And, although I do not believ that NJ is in play; however, if Romney ever won the Garden state, we would be looking at a Reagan/Carter-lik landslide.

Barack Obama Widens Lead Over Romney in Swing States Ohio, Florida & PA with a Skewed Sampling of D+9 and Greater (Update: Polls Questioned as Bunk)

All Polls are not created equal … some are just skewed numbers meant to fit the liberal MSM and Democrat narrative …

Yet another example of the fraud that the MSM is trying to perpetrate on the Americans people to try depress the GOP vote turnout by claiming the swing state races are over. The fraud this time is courtesy of the New York Times and Qunnipiac. It has become obvious that polls can no longer be taken at face value or believed unless one takes the time t dig down to the data sampling. However, the liberal, corrupt media complex is hoping, they are praying that a lazy America does not. As Macsmind says. knock it of NYT, the GOP is coming out to vote in 2012.

For weeks, Republicans in Ohio have been watching with worry that the state’s vital 18 electoral votes were trending away from Mitt Romney. The anxiety has been similar in Florida, where Republicans are concerned that President Obama is gaining the upper hand in the fight for the state’s 29 electoral votes.

Those fears are affirmed in the findings of the latest Quinnipiac University/New York Times/CBS News polls of likely voters in both states, which show that Mr. Obama has widened his lead over Mr. Romney and is outperforming him on nearly every major campaign issue, even though about half said they were disappointed in Mr. Obama’s presidency.

The polls, along with interviews with supporters and advisers in the nation’s two largest battleground states, lay bare an increasingly urgent challenge facing Mr. Romney as he prepares for his next chance to move the race in his favor, at the first debate with Mr. Obama next week. Mr. Romney’s burden is no longer to win over undecided voters, but also to woo back the voters who seem to be growing a little comfortable with the idea of a second term for Mr. Obama.

The New York Times, in collaboration with Quinnipiac University and CBS News, is tracking the presidential race with recurring polls in six states. In Ohio — which no Republican has won the presidency without — Mr. Obama is leading Mr. Romney 53 percent to 43 percent in the poll. In Florida, the president leads Mr. Romney 53 to 44 percent in the poll.

The surveys, which had margins of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points for each candidate, also included a Pennsylvania poll, where Mr. Obama is leading Mr. Romney by 12 percentage points.

This is what passes as liberal polling sampling – NYT

HOG WASH … However, a funny, no a hideous and blatantly fraud happened on the way to the 2012 elections in the polling. The in the tank for Obama media has been skewing the polling sampling so bad for Obama that of course they are going to show that the Obamamessiah is leading. The latest skewed sampling by the NY Times/Qunnipiac has lead to a poll that shows Obama allegedly is up 10 in Ohio, 9 in Florida and 12 in Pennsylvania? If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you.

Don’t look now but the NY Times/Qunnipiac used a +D9 sample in Florida, a +9D sampling in Ohio and a +11 sample in Pennsylvania. WOW, that is a greater sampling than the 2008 once in a life-time, anomaly election of the first black President Obama. Who honestly believes that the turnout is going to be anything like 2008? However, this poll thinks even more D’s are going to turn out.

It looks like this fact was not lost either over at Jammie Wearing Fool … “So Obama is up 9 in Florida with a D+9 sample, up 10 in Ohio with a D+9 sample and up 12 in Pennsylvania with a D+11 sample” What a coincidence, eh? Is it a close race, yes. Does Romney have a lot of work to do between now and election day, yes. However, to purposely present an obvious skewed poll as if it was fact and then have the liberal MSM run with it as news is nothing more than Obama propaganda.

Such a poll is not even worth adding to the RCP average of polling as it is so badly skewed, even when averaging it with other polls it brings up the polling number for Obama. Shameful, simply shameful.

 UPDATE I: From NewsBusters, Quinnipiac Pollster Admits: ‘Probably Unlikely’ That Electorate Will Feature Massive Dem Skew. Gee, YA THINK? In order for this poll to be considered valid, Democrats would have to come out in record numbers even greater than 2008. Sorry, I have to break the orgasmic MSM’s bubble, but that ain’t happening.

Despite not believing that Democrats would have a 9-point advantage, Brown defended his organization, claiming that he and his colleagues were not intentionally trying to skew their sample size:

“We didn’t set out to oversample Democrats,” he protested. “We did our normal, random digit dial way of calling people. And there were, these are likely voters. They had to pass a screen.”

But what if that screen is simply not enough? The 2012 presidential election is unlikely to have an electorate which is similar to the ones before it. In the 2008 election, young and black voters turned out in record numbers and voted in even higher percentages for Obama. As specific surveys of these two voter groups have shown, however, both are dispirited this time around and are less likely to turn out for Democrats.


Obamanomics & Job Recovery … Unemployment rates rose in 44 U.S. states in July Including 9 Battleground States

Just more evidence that the Obama jobs recovery and Obamanomics has been an epic failure.

Not only did the national US unemployment rise from 8.2% to 8.3% in July, but also the unemployment rates rose in 44 US states. That includes the increase in the unemployment rates in 9 battleground states like Nevada, that saw the rate rise to 12%  in July from 11.6% and in Michigan, where the rate increased to 9% from 8.5%. Other battleground states that saw increases in the unemployment rates were Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Wisconsin and New Hampshire.

Unemployment rates rose in 44 U.S. states in July, the most states to show a monthly increase in more than three years and a reflection of weak hiring nationwide.

The Labor Department said Friday that unemployment rates fell in only two states and were unchanged in four.

Unemployment rates rose in nine states that are considered battlegrounds in the presidential election. That trend, if it continued, could pose a threat to President Barack Obama’s re-election bid in less than three months.

Nationwide, hiring improved in July after three months of tepid job gains. But the national unemployment rate ticked up to 8.3 percent from 8.2 percent. Monthly job gains have averaged 150,000 this year. That’s barely enough to accommodate population growth. As a result, the unemployment rate is the same as when the year began.

What is Obama’s answer, more stimulus money for infrastructure projects. Obama code for giving jobs to union workers. Even though Obama said in the past when his previous stimulus plan was a failure, there were no shovel ready jobs then or now.  At best these are temporary jobs, not permanent.

More bad news for Obama and Democrats, Americans prefer the GOP to Democrats in trusting them to fix the economy.

Brian in a Blue State

The Obama Job Recovery: Unemployment Rises in 27 States Including 6 Battle Ground States in June

When all is said and done, unemployment  will eventually sink Obama’s reelection in 2012 …

As much as President Barack Obama wants to avoid the primary issue of the 2012 elections, there is no way he can hide the fact that the economy has stalled and going backwards. The Obama job recovery has been a failure and has hit the skids at the worst possible time for Obama’s reelection bid. In June 27 states saw their unemployment rate rise. Worse yet for Obama, unemployment rates rose in six of ten battleground states.  According to the Department of Labor, the jobless rate climbed a 10th of a percentage point last month in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Iowa, New Hampshire and Virginia.

Unemployment rates rose in 27 states last month, the most in almost a year.

The Labor Department said Friday that unemployment rates fell in 11 states and Washington, D.C. — the fewest declines since August. Rates were unchanged in 12 states.

Nationwide, employers added only 80,000 jobs last month, third straight month of weak job growth. The national unemployment rate stayed at 8.2%.

Some of the states that saw a decline:

  • Nevada recorded the highest unemployment rate, at 11.6%, same as the previous month.
  • It was followed by Rhode Island at 10.9% and California at 10.7%
  • North Dakota had the lowest unemployment rate at 2.9%, followed by Nebraska at 3.8%
  • Several states reported big increases in unemployment. Rates rose 0.4 percentage points in Alabama and New Jersey, to 7.8% and 9.6%, respectively.
  • Still others lost jobs. Wisconsin shed 13,200, the most of any state. It was followed by Tennessee, where employers cut 12,100 jobs.

What else could one expect but poor economic jobs numbers when you have a President who failed to meet with his much touted Jobs Council in the last six months, yet has time for fundraiser and golf?  Retail sales fell in June for the third straight month as well.

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