Barack Obama American Flag Makes Appearance at ‘March on Washington’ in DC

I pledge alliance to the flag of Barack Obama …

Look what showed up at yesterdays ‘March on Washington,’ …  a US flag with Obama’s face on it. So this is what is presented at the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther Kings Jr’s ‘I have a Dream’ speech at yesterday’s ‘March on Washington’? Sorry to remind the folks there but this event has nothing to do with Barack Obama. Another  reminder to these idiots … STOP DESECRATING THE AMERICAN FLAG!!! Could the LEFT be more offensive? Michelle Malkin provides us with the United States flag code.

Enough of your hero worship of Obama. He has more than proven, he is not the one we have been waiting for. I would dare say that MLK Jr. would have been disappointed with Obama’s presidency as nothing more than a squandered opportunity.


Much more at Twitchy.

The Divider in Chief Barack Obama: Republicans Who Don’t Support Obamacare Want to Hurt the Sick and Stick It to Americans … Oh the Irony, Obama Has Stuck it To America For Years

Even on vacation Barack Obama takes time away from golfing to prove he is a liar, a hate monger and the Divider in Chief …

Barack Obama starts out by saying over the past two weeks he has been visiting with Americans across the country to secure a better bargain with the middle class. Obama stated we needed to rebuild an economy that rewarded hard work and responsibility and “an economy built on the corner stones of middle class life, good jobs, a good educations, a home of your own, a secure retirement and quality, affordable health care. What a joke, who does this rodeo clown think he is kidding? Obama has had how long to fix the economy? Instead he made Obamacare his number one priority as Democrats had control of the House and Senate. The result was, along partisan line, Democrats and Obama forced Obamacare down the throats of Americans. Now this failed healthcare plan is hated by Americans. No body wants it. Not just Republicans, but the very people who passed it. It is Obama who has put in delays into the implementation of Obamacare. Let’s not forget this delay of out-of-pocket expenses that will cost Americans.  It is labor unions, federal government employees, the IRS and Democrat politicians who suddenly want to be no part of Obamacare, while others are supposed to be forced onto the train wreck. Barack Obama promised the American public that would of the pillars of Obamacare was that keep your own insurance. Guess what, “HE LIED!!!”

Even on vacation Obama finds time to make a hate-filled, slanderous Weekly Address to blame Republicans for his failure as a President. Instead of acting like a leader, Obama continues to play Chicago style, hate politics and to divide and conquer. His Weekly Address was shameful. Nothing more than completely shameful. It is reprehensible that the United States elected such a miserable, hateful individual who just lies to the American people to make political points. But, anyone who dares questions him is a racist. However, one thing is for certain Powerline call is it 100% correctly … Barack Obama, the hardest working man in demagogy

It is pathetic that Obama is still campaigning for Obamacare. But just curious, how did healthcare become a right endowed by Our Creator? Oh, because Obama said say by decree.

From the White House website Aug. 17, 2013:

Many Members of Congress, in both parties, are working hard to inform their constituents about these benefits, protections, and affordable plans.  But there’s also a group of Republicans in Congress working hard to confuse people, and making empty promises that they’ll either shut down the health care law, or, if they don’t get their way, they’ll shut down the government.[Editors note: Who is making empty promises? Obamacare was nothing more than a lie. Remember when Obama said, “If you like your health plan, you can keep it?” Remember when Obama guaranteed that ObamaCare would “lower premiums by $2,500 per family per year?” Obama also promised that is you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, PERIOD!   However, as stated at Town Hall, pretty much ever promise made was a lie. The reality is that just the opposite has occurred. Obama made promises he knew he could not keep, but it sounded good during an election as he knew the truth would not come out until after he was reelected for a second term. Now Obama looks to delay certain parts of Obamacare that are a disaster so that Democrats will not be affected in the 2014 midterms.What about all the jobs that Obamacare was supposed to create? Jobs created for who, the IRS?

Think about that.  They’re actually having a debate between hurting Americans who will no longer be denied affordable care just because they’ve been sick – and harming the economy and millions of Americans in the process.  And many Republicans are more concerned with how badly this debate will hurt them politically than they are with how badly it’ll hurt the country. [Editors note: These threats sound like the same ones he made about sequestration. Remember how Obama and Democrats said that sequestration cuts would damage the economy?

A lot of Republicans seem to believe that if they can gum up the works and make this law fail, they’ll somehow be sticking it to me.  But they’d just be sticking it to you. [Editors note: Obamacare is a jobs killer. Who's sticking it to who? 74% of business are either going to fire or make employees part time. Just how small is Barack Obama. He thinks this is about sticking it to him. His disaster of a healthcare plan is sticking it to America.   It was Democrat Senator Max Baucus, one of the architects of Obama care who is now calling it a train wreck.

Remember these promises America … They were all lies and that is why so many Americans are against Obamacare

Some even say that if you call their office with questions about the law, they’ll refuse to help.  Call me old-fashioned – but that’s lousy constituent service.  And it’s not what you deserve.

Your health insurance isn’t something to play politics with.  Our economy isn’t something to play politics with.  This isn’t a game.  This is about the economic security of millions of families. [editors note: All Obama has done is play politics with health care and jobs. Who is delaying parts Obamacare until after the 2014 midterm elections? Who has done nothing to create jobs, full-time one, not part-time. Folks, Obamacare is such a joke that half of Affordable Care Act Call Center jobs will be Part-Time and will come with no Health Benefits benefits. Oh the irony.

See, in the states where governors and legislatures and insurers are working together to implement this law properly – states like California, New York, Colorado and Maryland – competition and consumer choice are actually making insurance affordable.

So I’m going to keep doing everything in my power to make sure this law works as it’s supposed to.  Because in the United States of America, health insurance isn’t a privilege – it is your right.  And we’re going to keep it that way.

Thanks.  And have a great weekend.

Yea America, have a good weekend as I pander to the middle class about jobs and then vacation with the ultra rich on the tax payers dime. You have a good weekend while Egypt burns and falls into complete chaos while I golf. Every one have a good weekend as I deflect the attention away from the fact that I am a total failure as president and create division and blame others.

Even After Lois Lerner Apologized and Admitted IRS Targetted Conservatives & Tea Party … 3 Months Later IRS Still Targeting Tea Party Groups

Looks like the IRS is continuing their phony scandal against the Tea Party.

Simply amazing. Three months after the IRS scandal came to light that they were intentionally and purposely targeting conservative and Tea Party groups, the Washington Times is reporting that the IRS is still doing the same targeting today. UNREAL.  Wasn’t it Lois Lerner who initially tried to diffuse this “political” bomb by apologizing for two rogue agents in Cincinnati for targeting Tea Party and conservative groups, but claimed it was not political? She has since plead the 5th. Phoney scandal, eh?  However, it would appear that President Barack Obama’s reference to “phony scandals” was nothing more than a green light to continue the illegal targeting of Tea Party and Conservative groups. This president just does not care. It’s Chicago-style, Saul Alinsky politics of Obama doubling down on the scandal and calling it phony.


In a remarkable admission that is likely to rock the Internal Revenue Service again, testimony released Thursday by House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp reveals that an agent involved in reviewing tax exempt applications from conservative groups told a committee investigator that the agency is still targeting Tea Party groups, three months after the IRS scandal erupted.

In closed door testimony before the House Ways & Means Committee, the unidentified IRS agent said requests for special tax status from Tea Party groups is being forced into a special “secondary screening” because the agency has yet to come up with new guidance on how to judge the tax status of the groups.

In a redacted transcript from the committee provided to Secrets, a Ways & Means investigator asked: “If you saw — I am asking this currently, if today if a Tea Party case, a group — a case from a Tea Party group came in to your desk, you reviewed the file and there was no evidence of political activity, would you potentially approve that case? Is that something you would do?”

The agent said, “At this point I would send it to secondary screening, political advocacy.”

The committee staffer then said, “So you would treat a Tea Party group as a political advocacy case even if there was no evidence of political activity on the application. Is that right?” The agent admitted, “Based on my current manager’s direction, uh-huh.”

Camp called the renewed targeting of Tea Party groups “outrageous.”

After 25 Years It’s Pay Up time for Tawana Brawley, the 1987 Rape Hoaxer Finally Pays the Piper for Slander … Al Sharpton Still Race-Baiting & Going Strong


Twenty five years after falsely accusing an innocent man of rape, Tawana Brawley is finally paying the piper for her lies. Brawley owes Pagones $431,000 in damages for her slander and is now forced to pay Pagones $627 each month, possibly for the rest of her life. A Virginia court ordered Brawley to pay this money after she had been found hiding from her lies and her past living under the assumed name of Tawana Vacenia Thompson Gutierrez in Hopewell, VA. You can run, but you cannot hide. However, isn’t it something that Sharpton never had to hide … he made a living off of this sordid, terrible incident.


Twenty-five years after accusing an innocent man of rape, Tawana Brawley is finally paying for her lies.

Last week, 10 checks totaling $3,764.61 were delivered to ex-prosecutor Steven Pagones — the first payments Brawley has made since a court determined in 1998 that she defamed him with her vicious hoax.

A Virginia court this year ordered the money garnisheed from six months of Brawley’s wages as a nurse there.

She still owes Pagones $431,000 in damages. And she remains defiantly unapologetic.

“It’s a long time coming,” said Pagones, 52, who to this day is more interested in extracting a confession from Brawley than cash.

Isn’t it something though that a race-baitor like Al Sharpton never really had to pay a price for his involvement in this rotten and cruel hoax perpetrated on Pagones? Brawley’s advisers in the infamous race-baiting case, the Rev. Al Sharpton, and attorneys C. Vernon Mason and Alton Maddox, have already paid, or are paying, their defamation debt. However, they never really faced real justice for their reprehensible actions. As Weasel Zippers opines, “Well, you [Al Sharpton] never had to hide, someone else pays your court judgment, you continue to race-bait and you get a job on MSNBC. Take a good look at the NY Post story as to what Al Sharpton, Maddox and Mason did and was allowed to get away with it. They exploited the false rape story of a 15 year old girl to help fan the flames of racism. Flash-forward to present day and Sharpton is once again fanning the flames as he leaches on to the death of 17 year old black teen Trayvon Martin and exploits it for his personal gain. Are you sensing a pattern? Why is this allowed to happen? Because no one calls Sharpton for what he truly is. Well, maybe not no one. During a talking point on ‘The Factor’ Bill O’Reilly ripped the race-hustler and profiteer Sharpton for what he really was and pointed out the real problems that face the black community.

She was only 15 when she claimed she was the victim of a crime whose shocking brutality sparked a national outrage and stoked racial tensions.

The two-decade-long saga that nearly ruined Pagones’ life and career began on Nov. 28, 1987, when Brawley was found in a trash bag, with the words “n—-r” and “b—h” scrawled on her body in feces.

Firebrands Maddox and Mason and a relatively unknown Sharpton jumped into the fray. Within weeks, a suspect emerged — Fishkill Police Officer Harry Crist Jr., who had been found dead in his apartment three days after the Brawley “attack.”

But Pagones, a Dutchess County prosecutor at the time, defended his dead friend Crist, offering an alibi for the cop — they were Christmas-shopping together on one of the days in question. And on the three other days of the “kidnapping,” Crist was on patrol, working at his other job at IBM, and installing insulation in an attic.

Brawley’s handlers then claimed — without proof — that Pagones was part of the white mob that kidnapped and raped the girl 33 times.

Barack Obama Speech … Washington Took Its Eye Off Economy With “Distractions” and “Phony Scandals”


Is Obama done speaking yet … Good grief this might have been one of the worst, rambling speeches I have ever heard. President Barack Obama’s speech on the economy was touted as being an important speech to help the economy and job growth. Instead, all we got from the “community agitator” was the same old tired economic agenda from Obama, blame Republicans and a new smear … calling the scandals that have plagued the Obama White House, “phoney scandals”. Even the WAPO had to print that Barack Obama’s new economic plan was the same as his old plan. One that has failed, provided more debt to the United States and has given us the worst economic post recession job growth period in history. What was the point of this speech? It certainly could not have been to bring Republicans and Democrats together to solve the problems of a floundering US economy. Phony scandals? Seriously, Barack Obama thinks the death of border agent Brina Terry as a result of Fast & Furious is a phony scandal? Obama thinks that the death of four Americans in Benghazi, including Ambassador Chris Stevens a phony scandal when it was the Obama WH that put forth a false and phony narrative that the terror attack was a result of a video? Who scrubbed the Benghazi talking points Mr. President? And the targeting of Conservative and Tea Party organizations by the IRS that was said to be only a couple of rogue agents and has now spread to many offices, Washington, DC and the White House counsel, that is a phony scandal as well? Wasn’t it President Obama who called this outrageous behavior? Now it is a phony scandal as it gets closer and closer to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. What about the going after of AP reports and James Rosen of Fox News, those were phony scandals as well?


What Obama is counting on: Hey America, you bough my BS for 5 years and 2 elections … what’s another 1200 days?

You could be forgiven if you thought you had heard President Obama’s speech on the economy today before. Because you have.  For most of the 2012 campaign. (Don’t trust us, read Obama’s 2012 acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention.)

Things are getting better in areas like private sector job creation, home construction, energy independence and health care. But, the country isn’t all the way back yet. Republicans are looking out for the wealthiest Americans at the expense of the middle class. Times need to change.

“With an endless parade of distraction, political posturing and phony scandals, Washington has taken its eye off the ball,” Obama told a crowd at Knox College in Illinois this afternoon. “And I am here to say this needs to stop.” Later in the speech, Obama vowed: “I will not allow gridlock, inaction or willful indifferences to get in our way.”

That’s a nice rhetorical flourish and there are, without doubt, some things that Obama can make happen in regards the economy via executive order. But, to make any major progress — a grand bargain on debt and spending for example — President Obama needs Congress, including the House that remained in GOP hands in 2012 despite his stronger-than-expected victory on the same day.

From The Weekly Standard: Older, But Not Wiser – Obama’s first speech in a series is a predictable bust.

Speaker of the House John Boehner ripped the president for his speech, Obama speech ‘an Easter Egg with no candy’. Personally I thing my comparison would have been a bit more harsh than providing the illusions of a fluffy bunny. Americans are suffering and all people should be sick and tired of a class warfare president who is more intent on making political points than helping “We the People”. Obama’s agenda has failed and if we give this failure any more lip service, the USA will look like Detroit.

Just how bad was Obama’s speech … it had bipartisan support against it!

Who knew that the Democrats Obamamessiah would turn into Richard Nixon and call all the scandals that mired his administration false and phony. Welcome to Chicago-style politics. President Obama has no intentions of fixing anything. Obama is doubling down on his failed policies and looking to blame others for his actions and agenda. WAKE UP AMERICA … IF YOU ARE NOT CAREFUL THE USA IS GOING TO BE DETROIT.

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