Send in the Clown: After Having Gone to California Because Americans are Sufferring from a Drought, For President’s Day Weekend Barack Obama Golfs on “Water Guzzeling” SOCAL Golf Courses
You just can’t make this hypocrisy up … Barack Obama shows his shared sacrifice in the conservation of water in Cali by going golfing … Send in the Clown!
President Barack Obama travels to drought plagued California and promising to create a $1 billion slush fund for individuals harmed by the extreme drought conditions in California. Obama used the opportunity to pander for global warming. Oh sorry, climate change. But isn’t that par for the course? Speaking of par, the do as I say, not as I do Barack Obama managed to find his way on President’s Day weekend onto “Water-Guzzling” desert golf courses. How can any one take this man seriously? Shared sacrifice? You dare lecture us and you turn around and do just the opposite. Oh that’s right, no one care dare call you out on anything or be deemed a racist. They say that there is a shortage of clowns in America. There is supposedly a lack of wannabe Bozos. Really? No there is not, they just need to look to Washington, DC, Congress and namely 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Ha, looks like the folks at Powerline were on the same thought process. However, I would add there are also many Republicans that can be added to the list, or so-called GOP’ers.
Who thinks at some point maybe Barack Obama should set the example of shared sacrifice? Send in the Clown.
President Barack Obama is wrapping up a three-day weekend in Southern California with a game of golf.
Obama was scheduled to return to Washington late Monday.
The White House says Obama was playing on the nine-hole course at the sprawling Sunnylands estate in Rancho Mirage. Childhood friends Bobby Titcomb, Greg Orme and Michael Ramos rounded out the foursome.
shhh … don’t tell anyone I am and complete and total hypocrite
Obama Plays Water-Guzzling Desert Golf Courses Amid California Drought: After preaching shared sacrifice to assuage the California water shortage, Obama has played some of the country’s thirstiest golf courses.
President Barack Obama traveled to California on Friday to highlight the state’s drought emergency at two events near Fresno, calling for shared sacrifice to help manage the state’s worst water shortage in decades. He then spent the rest of the weekend enjoying the hospitality of some of the state’s top water hogs: desert golf courses.
Vacationing with DVDs of his favorite television shows and multiple golf outings with his buddies, the duffer in chief played at two of the most exclusive courses in the Palm Springs area. On Saturday, Obama played at the Sunnylands estate, built by the late billionaire Walter Annenberg, which features a nine-hole course that is played like 18 holes. The following day he golfed at billionaire Oracle founder Larry Ellison’s 19-hole Porcupine Creek. On Presidents’ Day, Obama hit the links at Sunnylands once again.
The 124 golf courses in the Coachella Valley consume roughly 17% of all water there, and one-quarter of the water pumped out of the region’s at-risk groundwater aquifer, according to the Coachella Valley Water District. Statewide, roughly 1% of water goes to keep golf courses green. Each of the 124 Coachella Valley courses, on average, uses nearly 1 million gallons (3.8 million L) a day because of the hot and dry climate, three to four times more water per day than the average American golf course.
Posted February 18, 2014 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Community Agitator, Double Standard, Economy, Epic Fail, Ethics, Golfer in Chief, Government, Hypocrisy, Idiot, Leading from Behind, Misleader, Obamanation, The Lying King, Wasteful Spending, WTF | 2 comments |
He Just Doesn’t Care … Barack Obama Stays Overnight in Florida to Play Golf as Millions of Americans Lose Their Insurance Because of Obamacare
Talk about a detached, cold fish president. As millions of Americans lose their insurance thanks to Obamacare, President Barack Obama goes golfing yet again. How is it possible some one could be so uncaring, so devoid of compassion and so clueless as while millions of Americans get insurance cancellation notices, after Obama had promised that if they liked their healthcare plan they could keep it, he goes golfing. The Obamacare website is a complete disastrous joke, the Obamacare policies are a lie and individuals are in turmoil, yet this rodeo clown goes golfing. Obama provided a faux-apology Thursday night to the American people who have been affected by his lies, yet Obama still thinks as Americans suffer due to his actions, he just goes golfing. But hey, he is really sorry America.
Sorry, but there is something seriously not right with an individual who acts like nothing is wrong, when nothing is going right.
Shhh, don’t tell anyone I really could give a hoot about the middle class, or Americans in general
President Obama appears to have remained overnight in Miami – incurring extra costs for taxpayers – just to play golf in the Florida sunshine.
Obama headed out this morning to the exquisite Grande Oaks Golf Club in Fort Lauderdale, a trip that required a half hour motorcade from his hotel his Miami. And it will be well worth the trip, at least for him. According to the course website:
As the Washington Times points out this is the 150th round of golf for Obama in 5 years.
Posted November 10, 2013 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Chicago-Style Politics, Epic Fail, Golfer in Chief, Healthcare, Leading from Behind, Misleader, Narcissist in Chief, Obamacare, Obamanation, The Lying King, WTF, You Can Keep Your Insurance | 3 comments |
HHS Sec. Sebelius Says President Obama Didn’t Know About Obamacare Website EPIC FAILURES Before Its Rollout
Its either plausible dependability or the most incompetent and over their head CEO of the United States in American history.
In an interview with CNN, HHS Secretary Sebelius said that President Barack Obama did not know about the Obamacare web site. HUH? Is it because they did not tell him, or Obama did not care to ask? How is it possible that Barack Obama did not know what was going on or was provided updates with his signature piece of legislation? Was Obama too busy playing golf or on vacation in Martha’s Vineyard? In Sebelius’ efforts to deflect the blame from Obama, she is making him look like a complete incompetent, non-leading bystander.
Sebelius actually blamed volume as part of the web sites problem but yet the web site crashed in a beta stress test with only 200 individuals logged on. Yet, these brain surgeons allowed this site to go active on October 1st knowing that it would fail. Only the federal government would do such a thing. If it were a private business, such a launch would have been so damning that it most likely would have caused their demise. But don’t worry America, Obama and Sebelius are fixing the problems with a “tech surge” and more of your tax payer dollars after already having spent between $400 and $600 million. Sebelius actually had the nerve to say that “we didn’t have 5 years” to keep testing. UNREAL. Your government hard at work making excuses.
President Barack Obama didn’t know of problems with the Affordable Care Act’s website — despite insurance companies’ complaints and the site’s crashing during a test run — until after its now well-documented abysmal launch, the nation’s health chief told CNN on Tuesday.
In an exclusive interview with Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta asked when the President first learned about the considerable issues with the Obamacare website. Sebelius responded that it was in “the first couple of days” after the site went live October 1.
“But not before that?” Gupta followed up.
To which Sebelius replied, “No, sir.”
Sebelius admitted that there is concern in her department and the White House over the technical debacle surrounding the website rollout, saying “no one could be more frustrated than I am and the president.” The site was supposed to make it simple for people to search and sign-up for new health care policies starting on October 1, but instead it’s been clunky and, at times, inoperable.
“We’re not at all satisfied with the workings of the website,” Sebelius said. “We want it to be smooth and easy and let consumers’ compare plans.”
Sorry, its is almost impossible to believe that Barack Obama did not know, as MSNBC even said, they are outright lying. At this point no one can trust anything that comes from their mouths as the stories are getting more and more fishy. Let’s call it willful ignorance.
The American Thinker has more of Barack Obama’s by-standing and the claims that he never had a clue during anything that has gone bad or was embarrassing.
It must give the White House a warm and fuzzy feeling to know that no one in the mainstream press is going to call them out for this blatant lie. Or question how it is that the White House was told repeatedly as far back as March that there were monumental technical problems with the website and no one bothered to tell the boss.
As with all the other instances where Obama claims he was in the dark, this one doesn’t pass the smell test.
Posted October 23, 2013 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Campaigner in Chief, Comedian in Chief, Cover-Up, Epic Fail, Golfer in Chief, Government, Healthcare, HHS, Leading from Behind, Lost in Smallness, Misleader, The Dodger in Chief, The Lying King, Transparency, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 4 comments |
TECH SURGE: Barack Obama Bring in Tech Best & Brightest to Fix Obamacare Web Site ( After Already Costing Tax Payers $634 Million
Welcome to what government considers a glitch … Did Obama use “dumb and dumber” to create
The Obamacare rollout has been nothing short of a joke and a colossal failure. After 3 years and wasting $634 million of tax payer’s money, the Obama administration is now saying that they are bringing in the “best and brightest” to fix the Obamacare website problems. Does that mean that for $634 million, President Barack Obama and HHS Sec. Katheen Sebelius did not use the best and brightest to create this boondoogle in the first place? It really begs the question, just what did tax payers pay for and who’s decision was it to hire the folks and oversee this project. After weeks of continual issues where individuals could not log on to the web site or create accounts, the Obama administration finally had to admit that there were more than just glitches and had to bring in outside help to fix the problems.
President Barack Obama is supposed to come out today and express his frustration with the Obamacare rollout. He was so concerned and upset by the Obamacare failures that he went golfing again over the weekend. Of course look for Obama to blame Republicans for the delays because they fought against Obamacare and continue to do so. The question that needs to be asked is how did Obama and Sebelius allow to open on the date they originally planned rather than actually having the site beta tested to see if it even worked properly? Only the government is allowed such colossal failures. If this was private business, you have one chance to make a first marketing impression.
Over the past two and a half weeks, millions of Americans visited to look at their new health care options under the Affordable Care Act. In that time, nearly half a million applications for coverage have been submitted from across the nation. This tremendous interest – with over 19 million unique visits to date to– confirms that the American people are looking for quality, affordable health coverage, and want to find it online.
Unfortunately, the experience on has been frustrating for many Americans. Some have had trouble creating accounts and logging in to the site, while others have received confusing error messages, or had to wait for slow page loads or forms that failed to respond in a timely fashion. The initial consumer experience of has not lived up to the expectations of the American people. We are committed to doing better.
Aside from the difficulties since launching the site, there are parts of the overall system that have proved up to the task. The “Data Hub,” component, which provides with information that aids in determining eligibility for qualified health plans, is working. Individuals have been able to verify their eligibility for credits, enabling them to shop for and enroll in low or even no-cost health plans.
The site was open for mere seconds in the Obamacare rollout and it experienced many serious issues. But what else would you expect from Obamacare, the federal government and a healthcare takeover, that a majority of Americans did not want named after Barack Obama?
To ensure that we make swift progress, and that the consumer experience continues to improve, our team has called in additional help to solve some of the more complex technical issues we are encountering.
Our team is bringing in some of the best and brightest from both inside and outside government to scrub in with the team and help improve We’re also putting in place tools and processes to aggressively monitor and identify parts of where individuals are encountering errors or having difficulty using the site, so we can prioritize and fix them. We are also defining new test processes to prevent new issues from cropping up as we improve the overall service and deploying fixes to the site during off-peak hours on a regular basis.
Most importantly, we want to hear from you, and make sure that your experience with is a positive one. If you have any comments, either complimentary or critical, please let us know by sharing your feedback at We’ve already heard so many stories of individuals getting health insurance for the first time, and we are dedicated to making that possible for all Americans.
On Saturday, the administration announced that 476,000 people had applied for insurance through the site. However, HHS did not announce how many of those people had successfully been enrolled. The 400K+ number is hardly the number that will eventually enroll. One has to apply in order to see the prices. Also, many individuals had to create multiple accounts because of the glitches.
UPDATE I: Barack Obama plans ObamaCare damage control and most certain spin today in presser.
Posted October 21, 2013 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Democrats, Epic Fail, Golfer in Chief, Government, Healthcare, Leading from Behind, Misleader, Obamacare, Obamanation, Technology, The Dodger in Chief, Wasteful Spending, WTF | 3 comments |
Barack Obama and Biden Go Golfing after Syria Presser … This is Suppsed to Show that Syria Poses a Clear & Immediate Threat to America?
Really, Barack Obama goes on TV and has a presser from the Rose Garden of the White House telling us how imperative it is to attack Syria for gassing their people and then he goes play golf with Biden?
How can any one take what Obama says seriously, if he does not? What kind of a person tries to play on people’s emotions to drag them into a Middle East Civil Wat conflict by talking about children being gassed to death, then is so flip and plays golf? Sorry folks, this dude has issues. There is something not right with some one who operates like this. It is all like his job as President is just a joke to him and gets in the way of his golf game and vacations. I guess this is what a “community agitator” does, stir the pot and then just go about like business as usual.It would appear Legal Insurrection has the same issue.
It’s NOT the Golf itself, but the ability of Obama to compartmentalize.
One moment he’s giving a statement to the world about what he describes as a heinous breach of longstanding international norms the gravity of which has brought him to the decision to launch military action with almost no allied support, subject only to timing (and not necessarily even subject to congressional approval).
Within an hour or so he’s on the links.
Because after all, a poor economy, record food stamp participation, high unemployment, and bringing the US into a military action can’t stop Obama from playing his rounds of golf. Hey Obama, it’s 3 am and you are failing miserably and making the US look like a laughing stock.
As the Politico reported, Obama’s motorcade left the White House at 2:30 p.m., about 30 minutes after completing his statement. I wonder if he showed up for his tee time, 35 minutes late?
Obama goes golfing after deciding on Syria military strike … Don’t let a crisis you are peddling to the American people as in our national interest get in the way of playing golf.
President Obama played golf on Saturday following his major announcement that he had decided the United States should take military action against the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for using chemical weapons on civilians during that country’s civil war.
The president and Vice President Biden left for the course within minutes of his Rose Garden speech in which he asked Congress to first approve such action.
Posted September 1, 2013 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Community Agitator, Divider in Chief, Epic Fail, Golfer in Chief, Lost in Smallness, Narcissist in Chief, Obamanation, Syria, Vacationer in Chief, WTF | one comment |