FINALLY: First Dog Bo Takes a Well Deserved Vacation … Working Class Dog with Campaign and Caviar Tastes


Rest well America, now that you know that Bo, the first Dog, has arrived safe aboard his own MV-22 Osprey flight to Martha’s Vineyard. That is correct, Bo is taking a vacation that most Americans can only dream of. He is ready to frolic on the sandy, non-diverse beaches of Martha’s Vineyard. Play golf and ride his bike, although I am not sure how he folds the putter with paws.  This is the visual image that is presented from this elitist president and the first family. But that’s OK, because he is BO and you are not. Who finds it offensive that the First Family has no budget, no skin in the game, does not sacrifice, but yet these are the things that are asked of us by Barack Obama? Obviously presidents take vacations, but this one sticks it in America’s face as so many of “We the People” struggle to gain full time employment and a record number of Americans are on food stamps. But it is all fine for Barack Obama, the first family and BO to take such a lavish vacation because it is on the tax payers dime.

This president Bo has some gall to actually portray himself as for the working American people when all he does is live “life styles of the rich and famous”. The American Thinker has it 100% correct, “My problem is a ‘tone deaf’ administration who does not understand that moving BO around at taxpayers’ expense is a bit too much when we are blaming the “sequester” for government services. How can this president keep a straight face and talk about sequestration and government cuts in spending and then take a vacation like this to The Vineyard?


Some fantastic sarcasm from The People’s Blog. However, sadly, like all great sarcasm, so much of it is based upon the truth.

Americans can go to bed with a story to warm the cockles of their hearts tonight. First Dog Bo has been successfully transported to join the First Family on their well-deserved vacation on Martha’s Vineyard.

Bo was transported from Washington to the island on board a specially modified Marine Corps MV-22 Osprey. For security reasons similar to those of Vice President Joe Biden, President Obama and First Dog Bo cannot travel on the same aircraft, thus making a separate flight necessary.

While some might consider using a $69.3 million aircraft to transport a dog a bit extravagant, it must be pointed out that this was paid for with taxpayer money, not from the First Family’s accounts. Neither President nor Mrs. Obama are spendthrifts and are very careful with the family’s budget.

It is important that Bo accompany the First Family on this vacation, which the President surely deserves after all the hard work he has put in over the past few days. The president recently returned from a tortuous tour of speech-making, some of which were delivered in benighted flyover places like Tennessee.

How would would the MSM act if a Republican president was going on such lavish and posh vacations at such extravagant expenses as the people suffered? I think you all know the answer.

The US Economy in Disarray, Millions Out of Work, Record Number of Americans on Food Stamps … When the Going Gets Tough … Obama Goes on Vacation to Martha’s Vineyard Golfing

More from the ‘Golfer’ in Chief who could not give a damn about the American people or America … Let them eat my putter.

Wow, Barack Obama looks like he is focused like a laser on job creation for American’s doesn’t he? Seriously, how can any one take this president seriously that he cares about Americans working, creating jobs (full time ones), lowering the budget, the Middle East and dealing with the scandals that plague his presidency when he does everything to the contrary. In July 2010 President Barack Obama promised suffering Americans the following:

“I will not rest until everyone American who is able, and ready and willing to work can find a job. And a job that pays a decent wage and has decent benefits to support a family. (VIDEO)

What was Obama’s answer to the American people … another 100+ wounds of golf as his vacations with “Lief Styles of the Rich and Famous’ on Martha’s Vineyard. Just curious Mr. President, how’s that diversity on Martha’s Vineyard?

Sorry, but what would the MSM, NAACP, liberals et al outrage be if Barack Obama was a White Republican president, the black unemployment was as high as it is? Don’t be deceived by the faux stories that it is going down. The only reason why it has fallen a little is because of PT jobs and blacks have given up and left the work force as well.


EXIT QUESTION … How can any one play so many rounds of golf and still suck at the game? Nice chip Mr. President, NOT!!!

ARE YOU KIDDING!!! US Closes 21 Embassies Due to Al-Qaeda Threat … Obama Officials Meet on Al-Qaeda Threat and Barack Obama Goes Golfing

The don’t call him the “Golfer” in Chief for nothing … Barack Obama is a complete joke as President … When the going gets tough, Obama goes golfing.

So lets understand this, 21 US Embassies have been closed due to what ABC News reporting that Senior U.S. Official intercepted Al Qaeda communications indicate a planned attack ‘Big,’ ‘Strategically Significant’ … and our fearless leader goes golfing. UNBELIEVABLE. How is it that high level meetings can be taking place with such an unprecedented security threats that so many Embassies and Consulates are closed in the Middle East and North Africa and Obama’s sees fit to go golfing yet again? What is actually more important to this guy, he celebrate his birthday, or US security and the war on terror?

Seriously folks, how does Obama go golfing when there was supposed terrorist chatter that has not been seen since 9-11? What is wrong with this man that he cannot comprehend that the perception that he take terrorism seriously matters? There is something seriously psychologically wrong with Obama that he cannot stop golfing in the face of what is reported as the greatest terror threat since 9/11.


On the day that almost two dozen U.S. embassies and consulates across North Africa and the Middle East are closed following the identification of a significant threat from an al-Qaeda affiliate, a senior U.S. official is providing new details about the communications intercepted from the terrorists, telling ABC News that al-Qaeda operatives could be heard talking about an upcoming attack. The official described the terrorists as saying the planned attack is “going to be big” and “strategically significant.”

“The part that is alarming is the confidence they showed while communicating and the air of certainty,” the official said, adding that the group — Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula — appeared to have a media plan for after the attack.

Authorities do not know the exact target of the planned attack, according to the official.

“We do not know whether they mean an embassy, an airbase, an aircraft, trains,” the official said.

Today on “This Week,” Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger, D-MD — the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee — said the intercepted communications called for a “major attack.”

“We received information that high level people from al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula are talking about a major attack,” Ruppersberger said. “And these are people at a high level.”

“It’s a very credible threat and it’s based on intelligence,” Ruppersberger continued. “What we have to do now is the most important issue, is protect Americans throughout the world.”

UPDATE I: Canadian mission in Bangladesh closed amid al-Qaeda threat.

More Sacrifice from Obama & the First Family … Obama Vineyard Vacation at $7.6 Million Private Resort …More than 75 Rooms Booked for Staff

Barack Obama, the phony working class President …

America, it’s time to admit you have a phony for the middle class president and come to the realization that Barack Obama is a 1%er. As most Americans stay home for their vacation, worry whether they can pay the bills, keep their home, their job and their insurance … Obama leads by example and shows his shared sacrifice by heading off to Marha’s Vineyard once again for vacation at a $7.6 million private resort. Nothing says for the middle and working class like life styles of the rich and famous of Martha’s Vineyard. I guess he will be focused like a laser on the economy and jobs for Americans while he is vacationing on the Vineyard at tax payers expense.  When is America ever going to wake up and realize that this president could care less? As record number of Americans are on food stamps, the unemployment rate continues to be about 7%, more part time jobs than full time ones are created and this elitist, phony president jets off for vacation.

Democrat Mayors were complain in 2011 about Obama’s vacations in Martha’s Vineyard and he has never stopped … as previously stated, Obama could care less, let then eat snow cones.

The Massachusetts island of Martha’s Vineyard, the exclusive playground for presidents and their families, is about to get its annual summer infusion of cash and attention as President Obama and his family prepare to arrive August 10 for an eight-day vacation.

Local reports indicate that the first family will likely be staying at a $7.6 million resort home on southern edge of the island in the town of Chilmark where homes feature water access to Chilmark Pond, tennis courts and swimming pools.

Staying at the home of Chicago corporate finance manager David Schulte is a break from past Obama vacations because the $21 million home they’ve rented, Blue Heron Farm, isn’t available. Schulte’s summer home sits on nine and a half acres, has ocean views and a basketball court.

While the president typically keeps to himself and carries with him only a handful of staffers to Martha’s Vineyard, security will be tight. As in the past, the Wesley Hotel in Oak Bluffs will house security and communications officials. The owner told the Vineyard Gazette that the Secret Service has booked 70 rooms and another five have been reserved for the Transportation Security Agency. Rates at the hotel run from $225-$345.

As the Gateway Pundit opines regarding Obama, “skin in the game for thee, not for me and Michelle”. It must be nice taking a vacation on someone else’s dime.

More Shared Sacrifice and ‘skin in the game’ from your ‘Vacationer’ in Chief

Reuters’ David Rohde on Obama Administration : “Terrible Optics” of President Barack Obama Golfing and Sec. of State John Kerry Yachting after Egypt Over-Throws Morsi

So somebody in the MSM finally decided to say it  … What the hell is Obama thinking?

David Rohde of Reuters criticized the Obama Administration on CBS’ Face the Nation this weekend. Rohde stated that the optics were terrible following what was supposed to be a strong statement by Barack Obama regarding the situation in Egypt. So some one in the media is finally questions Obama’s optics … “Terrible Optics” of Obama Golfing and Kerry Yachting as Egypt burns.

” … you have a bit now in Egypt where the president has a tough statement and then I don’t know how this happened, but it was terrible optics. The next day the President goes golfing, Secretary Kerry’s out on his yacht. What does that say to young people in Egypt, across the Middle East–whether they’re part of the debate–about America’s interest in the region?


Just curious, where has Reuters’ David Rohde been for the past 4+ years with regards to the “terrible optics” of Obama golfing or vacationing as record number of Americans are on food stamps, continued 7.6%+ unemployment, Americans are forced into part-time work rather than full time due to Obamacare and Americans losing their homes? How come no one has questioned those optics? Face it … Egypt and the Middle East is just learning what America has had to deal with, this president is apathetic and just does not care. Barack Obama has gone golfing 130 times since in office. Where was the MSM questioning those rounds of golf? Did theu just happen to missing those optics?

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