Justice Department Won’t Charge Former Ferguson, Missouri Policeman Darren Wilson in Michael Brown Death



Eric Holder’s DOJ eats crow again as there will be no civil rights charges brought be the feds against former Ferguson, MO police officer Darren Wilson. The Justice Department report found no evidence that “Wilson’s actions violated federal civil rights laws.” Of course he didn’t. All Officer Wilson did was his job in tying to arrest a punk who strong armed robbed a convenience store. The result was an altercation with a so-called, bias-media driven “gentle giant” who tried to assault officer Wilson and take his gun.  Question, does it really take an investigation from the DOJ to learn the obvious, when a street thug robs a store, assaults a police officer and tries to take their gun, one winds up dead. Police officer Darren Wilson was charged with the murder of Michael Brown and a witch hunt occurred by the liberal media and so-called black activists to get a scalp. Because heaven forbid, officer Wilson was just doing his job, protecting and servicing the public from a punk. In the end, Darren Wilson was 100% exonerated of all criminal and civil rights charges as a grand jury refused to even indict Wilson and not the DOJ knows it has nothing to charge him with either. It was all a show to trump up racial tension, create division and then find a scapegoat. The MSM’s, Al Sharpton’s and Eric Holder’s war on police failed in this case. But their actions have probably harmed him in that he can probably never get another job as a police officer, ever.

Darren Wilson2

A good man and police officer exonerated

Former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson’s attorney is reacting to the findings of the Justice Department investigation saying there will be no federal civil rights charges filed against Wilson.

Attorney Neil Bruntrager says Wilson is pleased with what amounts to an “exoneration” from the DOJ.

“Well, obviously the reaction is one of relief,” Bruntrager says. “It’s been a long road for him. Now he needs to get on with his life.”

The Justice Department report found no evidence that “Wilson’s actions violated federal civil rights laws.”

86 page DOJ doc into investigation of Officer Wilson to prove what we already knew, he did nothing wrong. There was never any “willful” act on the part of Officer Wilson to violate Michael Brown’s civil rights , ever. In fact, one might say that the only “willful” act in all of this was to railroad Officer Wislon in a race-baiting witch hunt. From page 86 below of DOJ’s report regarding the criminal investigation into the shooting death of Michael Brown.

As discussed above, Darren Wilson has stated his intent in shooting Michael Brown was
in response to a perceived deadly threat. The only possible basis for prosecuting Wilson under
section 242 would therefore be if the government could prove that his account is not true – i.e.,
that Brown never assaulted Wilson at the SUV, never attempted to gain control of Wilson’s gun,
and thereafter clearly surrendered in a way that no reasonable officer could have failed to
perceive. Given that Wilson’s account is corroborated by physical evidence and that his
perception of a threat posed by Brown is corroborated by other eyewitnesses, to include aspects
of the testimony of Witness 101, there is no credible evidence that Wilson willfully shot Brown
as he was attempting to surrender or was otherwise not posing a threat. Even if Wilson was
mistaken in his interpretation of Brown’s conduct, the fact that others interpreted that conduct
the same way as Wilson precludes a determination that he acted with a bad purpose to disobey
the law. The same is true even if Wilson could be said to have acted with poor judgment in the
manner in which he first interacted with Brown, or in pursuing Brown after the incident at the
SUV. These are matters of policy and procedure that do not rise to the level of a Constitutional
violation and thus cannot support a criminal prosecution. Cf. Gardner v. Howard, 109 F.3d 427,
430–31 (8th Cir. 1997) (violation of internal policies and procedures does not in and of itself rise
to violation of Constitution).

Because Wilson did not act with the requisite criminal intent, it cannot be proven beyond
reasonable doubt to a jury that he violated 18 U.S.C.§ 242 when he fired his weapon at Brown.

VI. Conclusion

For the reasons set forth above, this matter lacks prosecutive merit and should be closed.

Officer Wilson’s attorney, Attorney Neil Bruntrager, stated “Well, obviously the reaction is one of relief. It’s been a long road for him. Now he needs to get on with his life.” Yes he does and that is the question. How does Darren Wilson get on with his life and his life back after the smear merchants in the MSM, the race hustlers like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the bias and race card playing likes of Attorney General Eric Holder have all but ruined this good man’s reputation?

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  • Comments

    3 Responses to “Justice Department Won’t Charge Former Ferguson, Missouri Policeman Darren Wilson in Michael Brown Death”

    1. kashekamon on March 7th, 2015 5:22 pm

      The justice dept should not of been involved in the Ferguson incident. This was a state issue but eric(erupt)holder made it his business to involve Darren Wilson into a federal issue.

      An innocent police officer in the line of duty became a victim of racism because of holder’s insanity with the race card.

      Since Darren Wilson had to quit his job because of all the threats and to protect his fellow police officers, holder needs to find a means of providing a way of living for him hereafter. He has destroyed this young mans life. I guess lawsuits are the only answer.

    2. Two Police Officers Are Shot in Ferguson, Missouri … MOB GETS JUSTICE | Scared Monkeys on March 12th, 2015 8:24 am

      [...] The open season on police officers in Ferguson, MO takes place following the over the top, scathing Justice Department report alleging bias in the police department and court and the resignation of Ferguson police chief Tom Jackson. However, this is what happens when you pander to the mob. This is what happens when Attorney General vows to dismantle the Ferguson police department and at the same time he and Barack Obama fail to mention that “Stand Up, Don’t Shoot” was based on a complete and total lie. [...]

    3. On One Year Anniversary of Michael Brown’s Death … Tensions Flare in Ferguson, MO as Crowd of 50 People Looted Stores in the St. Louis Suburb | Scared Monkeys on August 10th, 2015 11:10 am

      [...] used to describe Michael Brown is a misnomer. The subsequent reports to this incident showed that Officer Wilson did nothing wrong and it was Michael Brown that was the aggressor. As Bill Maher stated, he was hardly a gentle giant [...]

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