MERRY CHRISTMAS 2014 FROM SCARED MONKEYS … “I Bring You Good News of Great Joy that Will Be for All the People. Today in the Town of David; a Savior has Been Born to You”


On this special day we would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and for all to always remember the true reason for the season. As you are unwrapping presents, spending time with family, friends and loved ones, eating your dinner and experiencing the joy of this day, always keep in mind the true reason for the season because  on this joyous day …  “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.”

Merry Christmas

Joy to the World, the Lord has Come … Wishing all a very Merry Christmas on this blessed day!!!

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.
And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men
And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.
And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger (Luke 2:10-16)

Merry Christmas monkey

Merry Christmas to all …

On this Christmas day I share with you some of my favorite versions of Scared Monkey’s favorite Christmas songs. God Bless and Merry Christmas.

 Silent Night – Bing Crosby

Nat King Cole – Away In A Manger

What Child Is This – Charlotte Church

“O Come Al Ye Faithful” – Martina McBride 

Go Tell It On The Mountain – Dolly Parton

Oh, Holy Night – Michael Crawford with Trans-Siberian Orchestra

Angels We Have Heard on High – Andrea Bocelli and David Foster

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing- Jewel

Joy to the Word – Mormon Tabernacle Choir

Daily Commentary – Thursday, December 25, 2014 – Merry Christmas to All From Scared Monkeys Radio!

  • Wishing everyone a joyous and safe Christmas and Happy New Year!

Daily Commentary – Thursday, December 25, 2014 Download

AMBER ALERT Issued for 2 Year Old Tristan Blue Missing Since 12/23/14 in Raleigh, NC (Update: Father, Steven Daniel Blue Charged With Boy’s Murder)(Remains Found ID’d as Tristan Blue )

Raleigh, NC toddler missing on Christmas Eve …

An AMBER ALERT has been issued for 2 year old Tristan Blue, who has been missing since Wednesday morning, December 23, 2014 in Raleigh, North Carolina. Tristan was last seen Wednesday morning around 7:45 by his father at his home at the Arbor Creek Apartments off of Buck Jones Road in the 5400 block of Portree Place. The Amber Alert was issued for Tristan late Wednesday afternoon after he was reported missing at 1:15 p.m. Police initially said they believed the child may have wandered outside. The ground search for the boy was called off due to darkness, and will resume Thursday morning.


  • light-complected black male
  • 3 feet tall and weighing about 35 pounds
  • 1-inch-long black hair and a faded scratch on his forehead.
  • Last seen wearing a Batman shirt and black and gray sweatpants. It’s believed he may have had on a pair of yellow and gray sneakers. He also had a blanket with him.


Tristan Blue

Click HERE to watch VIDEO via WRAL

Tristan Blue, a 2-year-10-month old male, was last seen at his home around 7:45 a.m. Wednesday by his father at his home at the Arbor Creek Apartments off of Buck Jones Road. Police initially said they believed the child may have wandered outside.

Tristan is described as 3 feet tall and weighing about 35 pounds. He is a light-complected black male with 1-inch-long black hair and a faded scratch on his forehead.

When last seen, he was wearing a Batman shirt and black and gray sweatpants. It’s believed he may have had on a pair of yellow and gray sneakers. He also had a blanket with him.

An Amber Alert was issued for Tristan late Wednesday afternoon after he was reported missing at 1:15 p.m.

UPDATE I: Darkness suspends search for toddler missing from Southwest Raleigh apartment.

UPDATE II: Missing Boys Father, Steven Daniel Blue, Charged with his Murder.

The search for missing Raleigh 2-year-old Tristan Blue has now turned into a homicide investigation after Raleigh police charged Tristan’s father with murder.

Steven Daniel Blue, 31, has been charged with murder and has been transferred to the Wake County Detention Center. He is being held without bond.

Tristan’s mother, Briana Dangerfield, 25, has been charged with misdemeanor child abuse in connection with the case. Dangerfield was also transferred to the Wake County Detention Center and is being held under a $100,000 bond. Neighbors said the news was heartbreaking for the community.

Missing 2-year-old Raleigh boy’s father charged with murder.

Investigators have arrested the parents of a missing 2-year-old boy, charging his father with murder and his mother with misdemeanor child abuse, Raleigh police said Thursday morning.

“Investigative developments overnight by Raleigh Police Department detectives have led the Tristan Blue missing-person case in a new direction,” spokesman Jim Sughrue said in a statement.

Steven Daniel Blue, 31, and Briana Loriel Dangerfield, 25, both of 5416 Portree Place, #1, Raleigh, were taken into custody Thursday morning. Blue was being held in the Wake County jail without bond; Dangerfield was jailed under a $100,000 bond.

UPDATE III: Late Friday, detectives found human remains at Beaver Lake Dam.

Police launched an intensive search for Tristan, who was 2 years and 10 months old. By 6 a.m. Thursday, they charged the child’s father, Steven Daniel Blue, 31, with Tristan’s murder. Dangerfield, 25, was charged with leaving the child at home unattended while she went to work.

Late Friday, detectives found human remains at Beaver Lake Dam in connection with the investigation. Those remains were taken to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner for identification, police said in a news release. The detectives had help from the Apex Underwater Recovery Team.

Police have not said Tristan’s body has been found or what led to Blue’s arrest.

If anyone as seen or has any information regarding the whereabouts of Tristan Blue, please call 911 or the Raleigh Police Department’s tip line at 919-834-4357.

UPDATE IV: Remains found in lake belong to missing Raleigh toddler.

Police said Monday that, although a positive identity isn’t yet available, they have concluded that human remains found late Friday in a lake in northern Wake County belong to a Raleigh 2-year-old who has been missing since last Wednesday.

More tests are needed to confirm that the remains are those of Tristan Blue, but police said the remains, which were found in Beaver Dam Lake, “are consistent with those of a child of Tristan Blue’s age.

Berkeley, MO Police Release Surveillance VIDEO Moments Before Shooting … Shows Teen Pointing Gun at Police Officer


As previously mentioned when first reporting on last nights white police officer shooting of a black male in Berkeley, MO, there would most certainly be some sort of surveillance video available as the shooting occurred at a gas station. Sure enough there was and the police have released the VIDEO that shows that 18 year old Antonio Martin pointed a gun at the police car.  What else was a police officer to do, not shoot? Let’s get this straight America, to all those no matter what color you are, black, brown, white, pink, purple or beige, you point a gun at a police officer, there is a 99.9% chance you will be shot dead. Thus was the case last night in Berkeley, Missouri. The police officer shooting of an ignorant thug, who was stupid enough to point a gun at law enforcement is only a story because of race hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jessee Jackson and race-agitators like President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder. In days gone by, an individual pointing a gun at a cop and in turn being shot dead in response would have made the back pages of the police blotter.  However, in today’s society where community agitators are now presidents and mayors, all police are racist and it must be racism why a white cop would shot and kill a black male.

berkeley sHOOTING gUN

“The Berkeley police officer exited his vehicle and approached the subjects when one of the men pulled a handgun and pointed it at the officer,” the county police department, which is leading the investigation, said in a statement. “Fearing for his life, the Berkeley officer fired several shots, striking the subject, fatally wounding him. The second subject fled the scene.”

Police released surveillance tape that showed the police car pulling into the gas station parking lot. The officer appeared to get out of the car, turn on his flashlight and speak for several seconds with two people.

The video was taken from a distance but the episode did not appear to turn confrontational until one of the men turned away, reached down and then turned back to face the officer, appearing to point his arm straight out. The police said the man was holding a 9 mm handgun. At that point, the video stops; the shooting itself is not shown.

KSDK -5 : Mom Claimed her choir boy son did not have a gun.

Hmm, no gun eh? Just another “Gentle Giant” I guess. I guess some one would need to explain why the video shows the 18 year old point a gun and why a 9mm handgun was found at the crime scene with the serial number files off. I am guessing that he did not have a permit for it. What is Rev. Al and his ilk going to claim on this one, the white police officer shot and killed the armed teen before he had a chance to shoot? The 18 year old, with the criminal past, didn’t intend to shoot, he was just representing.

Evidence #5 – The 9 mm that the deceased mom claimed he did not have

berkeley sHOOTING gUN2

Pic – KHQ

Investigators recovered a 9mm handgun at the scene. The weapon was “defaced,” meaning the serial number was unreadable. Belmar suspects the serial number was intentionally removed.

The 18-year-old had a criminal record, including arrests for armed robbery, armed criminal action, and unlawful use of a weapon, and was known to local police departments, Belmar said.

Meanwhile, the officer involved in the shooting, a six-year veteran of the Berkeley police force, has been placed on administrative leave.

“He will carry the weight of this for the rest of his life, certainly for the rest of his career,” Belmar said of the officer. “So there are no winners here.”


I am going to go out on a limb and say that this will not even be presented to the grand jury, which will probably still cause riots and protests.

TOP 10 AP Sports Stories of 2014 … NFL Domestic Violence #1 … However, They Missed a Few, Including #22 Lauren Hill

AP has released their TOP 10 stories of 2014. Some I would agree with; however, I think they missed a few glaring oversights, in favor of the cause-celeb issues of the day. At least in the mind of the media and not the common sports fan. AP made the NFL domestic violence issues their top story, which sadly, I do agree with. Although, it is not like domestic violence is something new to the NFL. It has been around for decades, it has just been swept under the carpet, much like the steroids and concussion issues.

Does anyone notice a glaring omission from AP’s stories below? With all the clamor about the Washington Redskin’s and their offense name, how come that one was no where to be found?

1. NFL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: Baltimore Ravens star running back Ray Rice knocked his now-wife unconscious in an Atlantic City casino elevator Feb. 15, but it wasn’t until July 24 that domestic violence cases spiraled into a crisis roiling the NFL. Commissioner Roger Goodell suspended Rice for just two games, which drew widespread derision. More than a month passed before Goodell admitted he “didn’t get it right” and announced harsher sanctions for future domestic violence offenses.

But the NFL’s problems were only beginning. On Sept. 8, TMZ Sports released video from inside the elevator that showed Rice punching his then-fiancee; the Ravens responded by releasing him and Goodell suspended him indefinitely. And on Sept. 12, one of the league’s biggest stars, Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson, was indicted on felony child abuse charges for using a wooden switch to discipline his 4-year-old son. The Vikings initially planned to play him just over a week later, reversing course only after the ensuing uproar. [editors note: looks like AP forgot Carolina Panther's DE Greg Hardy, Arizona Cardinals RB Jonathan Dwyer, and San Francisco 49ers defensive lineman Ray McDonald who was just released by the 49ers after another allegation of domestic violence.

The year ends with Rice reinstated by an arbitrator but without a team and Peterson suspended and suing the NFL. Chastened by those and other cases, the league is pushing a new personal conduct policy, but the players' union is balking at Goodell's role in the disciplinary process.

4. FIRSTS FOR GAY ATHLETES - [editors note: not sure if this story gets top 10, not because of not being important, more so because Michael Sam never made a starting roster and was eventually cut from the Ram's practice squad and never resigned by another team].
6. COLLEGE FOOTBALL PLAYOFF PAYS OFF – [editors note: This was a huge story for college football; however, it will soon be changed to 8 teams and not 4.]
9. SEAHAWKS WIN SUPER BOWL – [editors note: Once again QB Peyton Manning choked in the big game as the Legion of Boom and Seattle Seahawks dominated the Denver Broncos 43-8. I am not even sure if the game was that close. The score was 36-0 before Broncos decided to score a meaningless TD.]

Many of the above stories were covered by Scared Monkeys, I think a couple should be added that are glaring commissions from AP’s top 10.

All my life I have been a Boston Red Sox fan and have hated the vile NY Yankees, but I will be the first to admit that the retirement of Derek Jeter should have easily been in the top 10. What about the NCAA College basketball center of the universe being located in Storrs, Connecticut? In 2014 the UCONN Huskies Men’s and Women’s teams were proved they were both “Best in Show” as they won National Championships. The  men for the 4th time as the #7 seed University of Connecticut Huskies defeat the #8 seed Kentucky Wildcats, 60-54. Then, the following night, Geno Auriemma’s (40-0) Lady Huskies routed Notre Dame 79-58  for their 9th title.  This accomplishment had only happened one time before in D1, by the UCONN Huskies in 2004.


Maybe the best sports story of 2014 and maybe the most inspirational of 2014, which was completely missed by all sports pundits, is the story of freshman forward Lauren Hill of the Division III Mount St. Josephs. Lauren is dying of inoperable brain cancer. It is a story that will touch your heart. I will write more about this in a separate post as it is my #1 story of 2014 in a year that had so many negative ones.

Lauren Hill

Lauren Hill

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