Congressman Charlie Rangel Compares Tea Party To Hamas Terrorists (AUDIO)

If there was aver a reason for term limits or competency tests for politicians, the below audio of Charles Rangel is exhibit one.

In an interview expected to air tonight on Talkline Communications with Zev Brenner, Congressman Charlie Rangel (D-NY) compared the Tea Party to the Hamas terrorist group. Really Charlie, comparing the Tea Party to a terrorists group who kills innocent people? In a discussing with Rangel, who could barely make sense and struggled to connect the dots,  Rangel went on to say that the Tea Party wing of the Republican Party is equivalent to the Hamas terror group as part of the newly created Palestinian unity government.

Who knew the the principles of Our Founding Fathers were like Hamas? In the mind of a radical Leftist like Rangel, Constitutional Conservatives are terrorists. Who knew that a balanced budget, being fiscally responsible and spending withing your means with no deficit spending, protecting free markets, eliminating the national debt, eliminating excessive taxes and allowing the people spend their money not the federal government, reducing the size of government, promoting  civic responsibility and actually abiding by the United States Constitution was a terrorist act?

And Rangel says you can’t talk rationally to the Tea Party, eh? Sadly, this 84 year old fossil ethically challenged and tax cheat has been a Congressman since 1971 and will be reelected again.

JP Updates:

“We know that these victims these kids are being held by people that have no moral standards… the question is how do we handle these types of people who don’t mind dying. They hate so much that they don’t mind dying themselves,” Rangel asserted. “And you have to admit this complex to have someone to think that attacking human beings and innocent by missiles, and destroying the lives of children that they are going to get some reward after they die. That’s worst than the tea Party’s thinking.”

At this point, the radio host interrupted the congressman, “You can’t compare the Tea Party to Palestinian terrorists!”

“Well, i am just saying that is a cult type of thinking-its’ a poor analogy when you talk about terrorism-but when you talk about not recognizing the United States as a nation, not recognizing the president, trying to repeal bills that are already law and sticking to the principles of the civil war, you know these are people that you cannot talk rationally to and the president can’t,” Rangel explained the comparison. “And at some point, if the Palestinians come to the table and say they can’t control the people in the backroom, the same way Republicans say they can’t control the Tea Party — the Republican Party would no longer exits because they can’t control the Tea Party — and the Palestinian Authority… if they believe in this partnership with terrorists.. then they cannot come to the table.. You cannot talk to a person who says their primary goal is to have you distinguished. There is no conversation there.”

UPDATE 17:30:

“Comparing a vicious terrorist organization responsible for the murder of innocent civilians, including children to the Tea Party is offensive to the families of Hamas’ victims and to all Americans and Israelis,” Espaillat supporter Assemblyman Jeff Dinowitz told JP. “I find the Tea Party beneath contempt and disagree with their extremist policies on every issue, but it is reckless to put them in the same category as Hamas. I am surprised that the Congressman would make such a senseless statement.”

“This comparison minimizes the magnitude of the evil acts of Hamas and should be retracted,” Dinowitz added.

Daily Commentary – Thursday, June 19, 2014 – Last Father’s Day Was Particularly Dangerous in Chicago

  • 27 shootings, two of those shot died over the Father’s Day weekend

Daily Commentary – Thursday, June 19, 2014 Download

United States Patent & Trademark Office Cancels the Washington Redskins Trademark Registration … Says Football Team’s Name “Disparaging to Native Americans”


Don’t ask for things, you might just open Pandora’s box … The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office canceled the Washington Redskins’ trademark stating that Federal trademark law does not permit registration of trademarks that “may disparage” individuals or groups. However, the action does not prevent the NFL’s Washington Redskins from using the name, with no patent protection, the team could lose revenue from preventing others to produce and sell merchandise using the same name.

But of course it is only a coincidence that this issue has grown with the presence of a community agitator as president.

Washington Redskins

 The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office canceled the Washington Redskins’ trademark registration on Wednesday, a move that won’t force the NFL team to change its name but fuels the intense fight by opponents to eliminate what they view as a racial slur against Native Americans.

The 99-page decision by the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board said the team’s name and logo are disparaging. It dilutes the Redskins’ legal protection against infringement and hinders the team’s ability to block counterfeit merchandise from entering the country.

But its effect is largely symbolic. The ruling cannot stop the team from selling T-shirts, beer glasses and license-plate holders with the moniker or keep the team from trying to defend itself against others who try to profit from the logo.

From Eugene Volokh at the WAPO: 2-to-1 decision, Blackhorse v. Pro Football, Inc. (USPTO TTAB June 18, 2014). A quick excerpt:

[T]hese registrations must be cancelled because they were disparaging to Native Americans at the respective times they were registered, in violation of Section 2(a) of the Trademark Act of 1946, 15 U.S.C. § 1052(a) [which bars, in relevant part, registrations of marks that "may disparage ... persons, living or dead, institutions, beliefs, or national symbols, or bring them into contempt, or disrepute"]. This decision concerns only the statutory right to registration under Section 2(a). We lack statutory authority to issue rulings concerning the right to use trademarks.

Hmm, so who is next, the Cleveland Indians? And those of you at Atlanta Brave games doing the “tomahawk chop” will be arrested and cited for a hate crime.

Legal Insurrection opines, if the “Redskins” trademark is cancelled by USPTO as “disparaging,” are  “Negro” and “Colored” next? So does that mean the United Negro College Fund and National Association for the Advancement of Colored People should have their trademarks revoked?

Other names up for consideration, the Washington Scandals, Washington Tyranny, Washington PC’s, or my personal favorite the Washington Waste.

NBC/WSJ Poll: American Public Grown Dissatisfied with President Obama Foreign Policy and National Security Decisions … 37% Approval on Foreign Policy

Obama Administration falling apart …

According to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, just 37 percent approve of his handling of foreign policy, which is an all-time low in the survey, while 57 percent disapprove, an all-time high. In the video below, NBC’s Chuck Todd shreds Obama and his poor poll numbers. This poll is nothing short of a disaster for Obama … When asked their predictions on the rest of Obama’s term in office, 54% said they thought he “cannot lead and get the job done,” compared with only 42% who said the opposite.

  • Job approval: 41% approve – 53% disapprove
  • Handling economy: 41% approve  – 54% disapprove
  • Country headed in right or wrong direction: 25% right direction – 63% wrong direction
  • Foreign policy: 37% approve – 57% disapprove

NBC News:

“This is a bad poll for President Obama, and not a good poll for anybody else,” said Republican pollster Bill McInturff, who conducted the survey with Democrats Peter Hart and Fred Yang.

“Whether it’s [Vladimir] Putin, Ukraine, the VA hospitals, Bowe Bergdahl, the events have controlled Obama, rather than Obama having controlled the events,” Hart adds. “He may be winning the issues debate, but he’s losing the political debate, because they don’t see him as a leader.”

But it shows an American public that has grown dissatisfied with President Obama on foreign policy and national security decisions.

Just 37 percent approve of his handling of foreign policy, which is an all-time low in the survey, while 57 percent disapprove, an all-time high.

What’s more, by a 44 percent-to-30 percent margin, Americans disagree with the Obama administration’s decision to secure the release of U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in exchange for five imprisoned Taliban fighters.

The Full Poll can be rad HERE.

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, June 18, 2014 – What Are the Least Healthy Items on the McDonald’s Menu?

  • #1 is the Big Breakfast with Hotcakes and Large Size Biscuit at 1,150 calories and 60 grams of fat

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, June 18, 2014 Download

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