MSNBC … The Least Trusted Name in TV News … FOX NEWS, The Most Trusted

Go figure, who would have thunk it?

A recent Brookings and Public Religion Research Institute poll seeks to name the most “Trusted name in News”. Needless to say, MSNBC was not it, in fact they were the least trusted name in TV news. Fox News Channel was ranked as the most trusted name overall with 25% of respondents. The Washington Free Beacon reports, MSNBC was also the worst choice among independents (4 percent) and moderates (5 percent), getting thumped by Fox News in both categories.

Read the full survey here.


Among all Americans surveyed, only 5% identify MSNBC as their “most trusted” TV news outlet, while Fox (25%), broadcast networks (23%), and CNN (21%) make up the top three. Now, of course, the argument could be made that MSNBC’s just trusted by the fewest because of exposure (CNN and Fox are much bigger household names; and broadcast networks are still the dominant news outlets in the ratings).

Also interesting is the fact that despite Jon Stewart‘s reputation as being the news source for younger demographics, among all age ranges, he only garners 8% of people’s “most trusted” label.


Trusted Name in News_2014


ABC Interview: Hillary Clinton Says We Were “Dead Broke” After Leaving White House (Update: Hillary Backtracks on Dead Broke Comments)

Cry me a river … Hillary Clinton says that Bill Clinton and her were “dead broke” after leaving the White House. Really Hillary, dead broke?

Bill and Hillary Clinton were as “dead broke” as Sir Edmund Hillary was Hillary’s namesake.  Dead broke. I guess the promised money of book deals and speeches at $200,000 are considered “dead broke” by this elitist liberal. I am sure the many Americans who are struggling today with record numbers on food stamps, under-employed and who have just stopped looking for work can empathize with the poor Clinton’s. Sorry, she cannot help herself from lying or exaggerating. Just what we need in 2016, another president who just cant tell the truth.

Work is just so tough when you make $200,000 to $500,000 a speech. Yeah, you are not too out of touch with the American people. Care to change your statement Hillary?

The Washington Free Beacon:

Hillary Clinton, who recently raked in $5 million dollars in speaking fees in 15 months, recounted to Diane Sawyer the sad tale of her former destitution, telling her, “We came out of the White House not only dead broke but in debt.”

According to Clinton, she and her husband, who has made over $100 million since leaving the White House, “struggled to, you know, piece together the resources for mortgages for houses, for Chelsea’s education, you know, it was not easy.”

But, as Clinton’s story goes, the two hard-working, middle-class millionaires somehow managed to put food on the table in their multiple houses, even though they “had to make double the money, because of, obviously, taxes, and then pay off the debts and get us houses and take care of family members.”

Although Sawyer wondered if Americans would understand why Hillary Clinton needs a speaking fee of $200,000, “five times the median income in this country for one speech”, Clinton assured her that she’s taking the high road: “I thought making speeches for money was a much better thing than getting connected with any one group or company as so many people who leave public life do.”

UPDATE I: The backtracking begins: Hillary hustles to halt fallout from ‘dead broke’ controversy.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was forced to explain — and recast — what she meant when she complained of her family’s financial struggles after leaving the White House.

The subject was broached on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” when host Robin Roberts asked Mrs. Clinton if she could understand America’s head-scratching reaction to her claim that the Clintons were “dead broke” upon leaving the White House and needed to hit the lucative speaking circuit to build their bank accounts.

Her speaking fees sometimes hit the $200,000 level, while Bill Clinton routinely pockets $500,000 per 45-minute pep talk.

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, June 11, 2014 – Yet Another Sensless Shooting, This Time in Las Vegas

  • When will the next one be? Where do these people get their ideas? What are we to do to stop it?

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, June 11, 2014 Download

WOW, Just WOW … Dave Brat Defeats Incumbent Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in Virginia GOP Primary, 55.5% – 44.5%

Down goes Frazier Cantor, down goes Frazier Cantor, down goes Frazier Cantor!!! 

Establishment Republicans were rocked this evening when US Rep. Eric Cantor, the Republican House Majority Leader lost to virtual unknown Dave Brat. To borrow a line from Al Michaels from the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid, NY was the USA defeated the Soviet Union, “Do you believe in Miracles … YES!!! It was thought by many in the establishment that Cantor was the next in line for the Speakership; however, “We the People” had other ideas.  So much for the notion that money wins these elections, Brat trailed Cantor in fundraising, pulling in $200,000 this cycle compared to Cantor’s $2 million.

KUDOS to Dave Brat!!!


In an upset for the ages, Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia, the second-most powerful man in the House, was dethroned Tuesday by a little-known, tea party-backed Republican primary challenger carried to victory on a wave of public anger over calls for looser immigration laws.

“”This is a miracle from God that just happened,” exulted David Brat, a political science professor, as his victory became clear in the congressional district around Virginia capital city.

Speaking to downcast supporters, Cantor conceded, “Obviously we came up short” in a bid for renomination to an eighth term.

The victory was by far the biggest of the 2014 campaign season for tea party forces, although last week they forced veteran Mississippi Sen. Thad Cochran into a June 24 runoff, and hope State Sen. Chris McDaniel can prevail then.

Dave Brat

So much for Eric Cantor’s internal polling that showed him ahead of David Brat by 34 points. Oops, missed it by that much.

The poll, shared with Post Politics, shows Cantor with a 62 percent to 28 percent lead over Brat, an economics professor running to Cantor’s right. Eleven percent say they are undecided.

The internal survey of 400 likely Republican primary voters was conducted May 27 and 28 by John McLaughlin of McLaughlin & Associates. It carries a margin of error of +/-4.9 percentage points.

VA GOP 2014 Primary_Brat_Cantor


Eric Cantor Concedes.

Cantor conceded the race around 8:25 p.m. — shortly after the Associated Press pronounced Cantor’s 13-year political career at least temporarily over. With nearly 98 percent of precincts reporting, Brat had 55 percent of the vote, while Cantor had 44 percent. People close to Cantor said internal polls showed him hovering near 60 percent in the runup to the race.

It’s one of the most stunning losses in modern House politics, and completely upends the GOP hierarchy in both Virginia and Washington. Cantor enjoyed a meteoric rise that took him from chief deputy whip, to minority whip to majority leader in the span of 13 years.

Cantor was seen by many as the next speaker of the House, biding his time until Ohio Rep. John Boehner wanted to retire.

UPDATE I: Victory Speech … Dollars do not Vote, You Do!

The Dana Pretzer Show – Tuesday, June 10, 2014 – With Special Guests Diane Dimond and Fred Rosen



The Dana Pretzer Show – Tuesday, June 10, 2014 Download Podcast

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