26 Year Old Father Jonathan Adleta Given Two Life Sentences for Henious Sex Crimes Against His Own Kids … “This defendant is guilty of … the destruction and scarring of his own children.” (Update: Mother Sentnced to 54 Years on Child Porn Charges)


Finally, a judge with some common sense hands down a sentence where the sex predator will never touch another innocent child again.

The following sex crimes case might be one of the sick and most egregious ever seen in the Sunshine state. A father who, along with his wife, planned before the they were born to sexually abuse their children

26 year old Jonathan Adleta, a sex predator and deviant like we hope we never see again, was sentenced to two life terms in prison in Orlando, Florida federal court for the unthinkable and “heinous” sex crime against his two children and the child of another woman. Jonathan Adleta had been convicted in September 2013 of transporting minors across a state line to engage in a sex act and conspiracy. Upon handing down the sentence ti this monster, U.S. District Judge Roy B. Dalton Jr. said of  Jonathan Adleta, “this defendant is guilty of … the destruction and scarring of his own children.” His wife. 29 year old Sarah Adleta, who took part in the sexual abuse, was sentenced to 54 years in prison. She pleaded guilty to producing child pornography with her children as subjects.

Parents Plan Sexual Abuse – Most Vile Story Ever

An Orlando jury convicted Adleta on Sept. 12 of two charges: transporting minors across a state line to engage in a sex act and conspiracy.
On Monday, Dalton handed down two life sentences. He could have given Adleta as little as five years. Instead, he went with the government’s recommendation.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Karen Gable described Adleta’s acts as “despicable and egregious. … The defendant is a grave danger to children.”
The judge agreed, saying he chose two life terms, in part, because he believes Adleta would offend again.

“This defendant is guilty of the sexual exploitation of his own children,” Dalton said.

Evidence at Adleta’s trial showed that he abused his son and daughter and the child of another woman, children who ranged in age from 1 to 4.

To make matters worse, if possible after the hideous crimes of this scum bag, after the Adletas’ marriage ended, Jonathan found a new girlfriend, Samantha Bryant, who also had a daughter. Samantha Bryant told jurors at Adleta’s trial that she let him molest her daughter, too. OMG, HOW DOES A MOTHER LET A MAN MOLEST THEIR CHILDREN!!! Bryant was also charged with and pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting her daughter and allowing him to abuse the girl.

Former Marine Officer to Face Sex Abuse Sentencing.

A man whose parenting plan was detailed during a graphic child-sex trial in Orlando federal court this year will soon learn how much prison time he will serve for his crimes.

His ex-wife, 29-year-old Sarah Adleta, served as a key witness for prosecutors, explaining how having sex with their two children was part of their family parenting plan — even after they divorced.

Prosecutors said Jonathan Adleta had a “sexual appetite” for his own daughter and dreamed of the day when he could have “daddy-daughter sex.”

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