Michelle Obama Takes Food Out of the Mouths of Poor, Hungry Children Funneling $’s from Food Stamps To Pay for her Pet Project, ‘Let’s Move’


Why does Michelle Obama want to starve poor, needy, hungry children?

As reported by the NY Post, some 76 million meals a year will vanish from NYC children as President Barack Obama diverted money from SNAP to first lady Michelle Obama’s signature program, Let’s Move anti-obesity initiative, $4.5 billion Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. According to the report, the food grab began in 2010, when President Obama, with Michelle and the US Department of Agriculture chief at his side, signed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. At the time, he admitted taking cash from one pocket to feed the other.

Stop Stealing Food

As you dig into your Butterball with all the trimmings this Thanksgiving, remember that millions of famished schoolkids around America may be forced to forgo classic turkey — and chow down instead on vegan black-bean patties and organic locavore quinoa salad.

On Nov. 1, sizable cuts were gouged into the federal food-stamp program (or, as it’s now called, SNAP, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), which feeds 47.6 million people, or nearly one in six Americans. In the city, 1.9 million folks get the bulk of their Jell-O and Campbell’s Soup from stamps.

But news has spread among the poor, like leafy green vegetables, that it wasn’t heartless Republicans who triggered the cuts.

Rather, some of the food-stamp cash was snatched to pay for Michelle Obama’s pet project, Let’s Move. What?

It’s come to this. Some 76 million meals a year will vanish from this city — poof! — partly because the president diverted money from SNAP to the first lady’s signature program, part of her Let’s Move anti-obesity initiative — the bean-sprout-heavy, $4.5 billion Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.

The rest of the $5 billion annual food-stamp cuts was taken when 2009 stimulus funds dried up. But with ObamaCare woes stealing the oxygen in Washington, there’s little urgency to replace dandelion greens served on recyclable trays with family-friendly buttered mashed potatoes.

Hey, why not … the MSM uses headlines like this all the time to describe Conservatives. Wonder how many MSM types will cover this story?

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  • Comments

    3 Responses to “Michelle Obama Takes Food Out of the Mouths of Poor, Hungry Children Funneling $’s from Food Stamps To Pay for her Pet Project, ‘Let’s Move’”

    1. super dave on November 12th, 2013 9:44 am


    2. BabyBear on November 12th, 2013 4:49 pm

      I wonder if Ms. “Let’s Move,” Michelle Antoinette ever took a look at her big butt in a mirror. She is in no position to tell others to lose weight.
      I wonder what she is really doing with the money.

    3. katablog.com on November 12th, 2013 8:32 pm

      perhaps Moochelle has another Princeton friend that needs a bit of cash? The Demorats will always tell you that they care about children and the poor – but follow the money. Ask Rev. Wright’s daughter and 12 others that STOLE money from the AIDs foundation.

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