Gang of Eight Senators Reach Bipartisan Deal on Immigration Reform
Oh Boy … Gang of Eight reach bipartisan deal on immigration reform.
The Gang of Eight, Sens. John McCain (AZ-R), Lindsey Graham (SC-R), Marco Rubio (FL-R) and Democrats Dick Durbin (IL-D), Chuck Schumer (NY-D), and Bob Menendez (NY-D), have reportedly reached a bipartisan outline of a deal that would overhaul immigration in the United States. One of the tenants of the immigration reform is to “create a tough but fair path to citizenship for unauthorized immigrants currently living in the United States that is contingent upon securing our borders and tracking whether legal immigrants have left the country when required.”
From the Politico:
A powerful group of senators from both parties has reached a deal on the outlines of a comprehensive immigration overhaul, a development that will drive an emotional debate on a hot-button issue unseen in Washington for more than half a decade.
The group unveiled the basics of its proposal at a Monday news conference on Capitol Hill, essentially laying down a marker on the issue one day before President Barack Obama heads to Las Vegas to unveil more details about his own immigration proposal.
According to a five-page document provided to POLITICO, the sweeping proposal — agreed to in principle by eight senators — would seek to overhaul the legal immigration system as well as create a pathway to citizenship for the nation’s roughly 11 million illegal immigrants. But establishing that pathway would depend on whether the U.S. first implements stricter border enforcement measures and new rules ensuring immigrants have left the country in compliance with their visas. Young people brought to the country as children illegally and seasonal agriculture industry workers would be given a faster path to citizenship.
So two RINO’s, a Cuban-American wannabe 2016 presidential candidate and three liberals have come together to pave the way for immigration reform. Who just got a queasy feeling in their stomach? Sorry, but immigration reforms begins at closing the border, PERIOD!!! Until this is done, there should be nothing and I mean nothing to pave the way for illegals to get US citizenship. The closing of the US border should be done for national security purposes, let alone keeping illegals out. We have seen these types of promises from the LEFT before under Ronald Reagan. He granted amnesty with the promise from the LEFT to later protect the borders and guess what, it never happened. I will believe this when I see it. If the GOP actually think they are going to receive the Hispanic vote for passing immigration reform they are sorely mistaken.
Posted January 29, 2013 by Scared Monkeys Amnesty, Democrats, Gang of Eight, Illegal Immigration, John McCain, Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Senate | 14 comments |
The Hypocrisy of the LEFT … Government Officials Can Still Own Assault Weapons Under Sen. Feinstein’s Assault Weapons Ban Bill
We have known for quite some time that the LEFT have considered themselves better than “We the People” and that they live by a different set of rules, even though they tell us to do just the opposite. However, the hypocrisy from the LEFT might have hit an all time high, or low as the case may be. U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (CA-D) has for decades tried to ban assault-style weapons and infringe upon our Second Amendment rights. Her latest bill is just yet another attempt to take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens. But there is one little provision that seems to have been overlooked. For all of Feinstein’s grandstanding and exploiting the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting, for all of her appearances in the MSM calling assault-style guns and the other weapons on her banned list evil, government officials are exempt as weapons used by government officials and law enforcement will not be prohibited by the law!!!
Not everyone is exempted from owning military-style assault weapons under new legislation proposed by U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein.
Weapons used by government officials and law enforcement will not be prohibited by the law proposed by the California Democrat, which would prohibit the sale, manufacture and importation of 158 specifically named semi-automatic weapons and ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. Any weapons legally owned before the bill’s enactment would also be exempt, although those firearms would have to be registered in a national database.
In addition, more than 2,200 types of hunting and sporting rifles and manually operated firearms would also be exempt.
Check out all of the weapons under Feinstein’s bill that John Q. Public is not allowed to have, but the privileged class of the government is exempt from and will be able to own.
Since when is the government more important than “We the People”? Since when are the people treated like second rate citizens as compared to the ruling class? This is exactly what Our Founding Fathers set out to prevent when they created the United States of America. UNBELIEVABLE! Just curious, if these weapons are so dangerous, why would government officials be allowed to have them? Could it be because they are a great form of protection against the bad guys? This really is nothing more than a gun grab by the LEFT.
Posted January 28, 2013 by Scared Monkeys 2nd Amendment, Abuse of Power, America - United States, Barack Obama, collusion, Corruption, Diane Feinstein (CA-D), Government, Gun Control, Hypocrisy, Misrepresentation, Second Amendment, US Constitution, We the People | 12 comments |
President Obama Scolds FOX News for Not Giving Him A Media Pass Like the Rest of the MSM … Trying to Silence Those Who Dare Question Him
America, want to know why “We the People” have a First Amendment and there is “Freedom of the Press”? Our Founding Fathers provided us with these liberties to prevent exactly what Barack Obama is attempting to do in bullying the media not to question his policies and agenda. Greta Van Susteren references this very notion as she stated, ”apparently President Obama wants his usual media pass and Fox challenges his policies – which happens to be the media’s job.” Believe it or not America, it is American to question your leaders.
The ultimate bully
This was in response to President Barack Obama’s interview with The New Republic where he called out FOX News and Rush Limbaugh for being the problem with the dysfunction in Washington, DC and the gridlock due to GOP obstruction. Obama claimed that it if FOX News would not punish and bully Republicans when they do compromise, that things would be different. Does some one need to inform Obama that it is the media’s role to always question our government, not agree with them? But for Obama, the Imperial president, who seems more comfortable acting as a dictator than he does working under the confines of the US Constitution and our Republic.
President Barack Obama’s comments during his interview with the New Republic via Free Republic:
President Obama in response to a question about working with Republicans: “One of the biggest factors is going to be how the media shapes debates. If a Republican member of Congress is not punished on Fox News or by Rush Limbaugh for working with a Democrat on a bill of common interest, then you’ll see more of them doing it. I think John Boehner genuinely wanted to get a deal done, but it was hard to do in part because his caucus is more conservative probably than most Republican leaders are, and partly because he is vulnerable to attack for compromising Republican principles and working with Obama.
The same dynamic happens on the Democratic side. I think the difference is just that the more left-leaning media outlets recognize that compromise is not a dirty word. And I think at least leaders like myself—and I include Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi in this—are willing to buck the more absolutist-wing elements in our party to try to get stuff done.
Greta Van Susteren went on to call out Obama and Democrats for the bullies that they really are. Which plays into the age old adage that we have known all along that if you are accusing some one else of doing something, you yourself are probably the guilty one. Who does not believe that Democrat leadership pressure and intimidate their members not to go on Fox News and if they do are provided pro-Obama talking points?
And do you know what else? Brace yourself for this one! Some Democrats have told me that they want to come on Fox to discuss issues but they get heat from their Leadership for appearing on Fox. Does President Obama know that? So which Party is intimidating its members? And to say Senator Harry Reid is willing to compromise is just wrong. He has not allowed a budget to get to the Senate Floor for years to even begin a discussion. The budget process is where all compromise begins and ends and ended it before it even got started.
This is not the first time that Obama has done this. From the outset that have tried to marginalize and prevent Fox News from having the same access as the rest of the complicit, corrupt media complex. Otherwise known as the Obama propaganda machine.
Posted January 28, 2013 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Divider in Chief, FOX NEWS, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Hope and Change, Imperial President, Media, Media Bias, Obamanation, Partisan hack, Rush Limbaugh, Transparency, US Constitution, WTF | 3 comments |
Daily Commentary – Monday, January 28, 2013 – JonBenet Ramsey Murder Over 16 Years Later … Grand Jury had Voted to Indict Parents in 1999
- Mistakes were made and questions still remain … JonBenet Ramsey grand jury voted to indict parents in 1999, but DA refused to prosecute.
Posted January 28, 2013 by Klaasend Dana Pretzer, Facebook, JonBenet Ramsey, Justice, Legal - Court Room - Trial, Scared Monkeys Radio | 3 comments |
39 Year Old Sarah Majoras Missing Since early Saturday Morning, January 26, 2013 in New Hope, PA – Lambertville, NJ Area
39 year old Sarah Majoras has been missing since early Saturday morning when she was last seen leaving John and Peter’s after 2 a.m. Saturday. Sarah Majoras is a bartender at John and Peter’s, but was out with friends the night she disappeared. According to friends and co-workers, Majoras left on foot and was headed towards the bridge that separates New Hope from Lambertville, NJ to cross back to her home in Lambertville. Sarah shares a place with her boyfriend on North Union Street in Lambertville, NJ. She never made it home and she never showed up for work the following day. Her boyfriend, Adam Baker, called the bar looking for her when she did not return home. Sarah Majoras was last seen wearing a green camouflage jacket, white knit hat, and glasses.
Missing: Sarah Majoras
“It was a normal night at the bar,” said manager Patty Gabriel in a phone interview. “She walked home like she always does, over the bridge (New Hope-Lambertville Toll Supported Bridge) and onto her street — she’s done it a million times.”
Gabriel said that search parties had been out looking for the bartender, who Gabriel called a fixture in the community.
If you have any information, organizers of the search ask that you contact the New Hope Borough Police Department, the Lambertville Police Department or employees of John and Peter’s at 215-862-5981.
New Hope, PA – Lambertville, NJ
UPDATE I: Scuba divers search beneath canal ice for missing Sarah Majoras
As the search for Sarah Majoras, 39, continues, holes were cut in the ice of the D&R Canal and scuba divers went in this afternoon, Jan. 27, but found nothing before they quit at dusk.
Lt. Frank Nester of the Garden State Underwater Recovery Unit of Milford said that the underwater search was made at the request of Lambertville police. He said the police had specified the sites, which were north of Coryell Street.