Gallup: NRA Has 54% Favorable Image in United States, Only 38% Unfavorable

Before Barack Obama and the rest of the anti-Second Amendment right, anti-gun Democrats over-reach and attempt to exploit the horrendous actions of a crazed, lone, insaneoid gunman Adam Lanza who murdered his mother and then went on a shooting rampage at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT killing 26, including 20 children … they may want to take a look at how Americans feel about those who Democrats and the MSM want to demonize. According to a recent Gallup Poll, 54% of Americans have a favorable image of the NRA, while only 38% have an unfavorable one. This even after the liberal MSM has tried to smear the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre for his press conference comments and ’Meet the Press’ interview asking to protect children by arming individuals in the schools.

The NRA’s positions on guns and gun control legislation have received significant attention from media and politicians during the last week after the association’s top lobbyist, Wayne LaPierre, held a press conference in the wake of the Newtown school shooting. LaPierre denounced the idea of additional gun control legislation and instead called for armed guards in the nation’s schools. The press conference came midway through the field period of this Dec. 19-22 USA Today/Gallup poll.

Other polls have shown that Americans place gun control only fourth on the list for protecting children, following police presence in schools, greater focus on mental health screening and decreasing gun violence in movies, TV and video games.

Death of an American Hero … US Army General Norman Schwarzkopf Dead at 78 … Rest in Peace

This is truly the death of an American Hero … US Army Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf has died at the age of 78.

Retired Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf has passed away in Tampa, FL at the age 78 from complications from pneumonia. Many remember Gen. Schwarzkopf as the commander of the United States led international coalition that drove Saddam Hussein’s forces out of Kuwait in 1991 during Desert Storm. Schwarzkopf had a long and distinguished military career after graduating from West Point.

An American Hero: General Norman Schwarzkopf – Rest in Peace

Truth is, retired Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf didn’t care much for his popular “Stormin’ Norman” nickname.

The seemingly no-nonsense Desert Storm commander’s reputed temper with aides and subordinates supposedly earned him that rough-and-ready moniker. But others around the general, who died Thursday in Tampa, Fla., at age 78 from complications from pneumonia, knew him as a friendly, talkative and even jovial figure who preferred the somewhat milder sobriquet given by his troops: “The Bear.”

That one perhaps suited him better later in his life, when he supported various national causes and children’s charities while eschewing the spotlight and resisting efforts to draft him to run for political office.

He lived out a quiet retirement in Tampa, where he’d served his last military assignment and where an elementary school bearing his name is testament to his standing in the community.

From the New York Times comes the explanation of Schwarzkopf’s bravery. He was awarded a Silver Star for his actions. This one just one of three Silver Star that he was awarded during is service in Vietnam.

On May 28, the colonel ordered his helicopter down to rescue troops who had wandered into a minefield. Some were airlifted out, but he stayed behind with his troops. A soldier tripped a mine, shattering his leg and wounding the colonel, who crawled atop the thrashing victim to stop him from setting off more mines. Three other troopers were killed by an exploding mine, but the colonel led the survivors to safety. The incident sealed his reputation as a commander willing to risk his life for his men.

Rest in Peace.

Posted December 28, 2012 by
Deceased, heroes, Military, Obituary | one comment

Happy New Year America from Barack Obama … Turbo Tim Geithner Says US will hit $16.4 trillion debt limit? on New Year’s Eve

An early Happy News Year’s greetings from Barack Obama, according to Obama’s Treasury Secretary Turbo Tax Timmy Geithner, the United States will hit $16.4 trillion debt limit? on New Year’s Eve. Sadly, as the crystal ball drops in Time Square, NY ringing in the new year, the debt clock will be ringing in its own welcome to 2013 and $16.4 trillion. As Americans attempt to budget for 2013 and the impending fiscal cliff, Obamacare taxes and payroll taxes, Obama goes another year without a budget and more deficit spending.

The United States will reach its $16.4 trillion borrowing limit on Dec. 31 and undertake “extraordinary measures” to avoid default, the Treasury Department informed congressional leaders in a letter on Wednesday.

The notice about the debt ceiling came packaged with a stark warning from Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, who said the policy uncertainty stemming from the “fiscal cliff” makes it impossible for him to say with certainty how much time lawmakers have left to raise the borrowing cap.

“Given the significant uncertainty that now exists with regard to unresolved tax and spending policies for 2013, it is not possible to predict the effective duration of these measures,” Geithner wrote.

Daily Commentary – Thursday, December 27, 2012 – William Spenger, 62, Lures Firefighters Kills Two Injures Two

Daily Commentary – Thursday, December 27, 2012 Download

Barack Obama, the Disability President … Disabled Workers Hit New Record in December: 8,827,795

It’s an Obamanation … No wonder he is against right to work states, he seems to be adverse to jobs.

More records set by President Barack Obama.  Disability benefits hit a record 8,827,795 in December 2012, up from 8,805,353 in November. Not only is Obama the Food Stamp president, he can now also be considered the Disability one as well. The problem is he cannot call himself the job growth president. How bad is it? In August 2012, only 16.2 people working for each person collecting disability. As compared in August 1967 when 65 Americans working for each worker collecting disability.

From CNS News:

The Social Security program ran a $47.8 billion deficit in fiscal 2012 as the program brought in $725.429 billion in cash and paid $773.247 for benefits and overhead expenses, according to official data published by Social Security Administration.

The Social Security Administration also released new data revealing that the number of workers collecting disability benefits hit a record 8,827,795 in December–up from 8,805,353 in November.

The overall number of Social Security program beneficiaries—including retired workers, dependent family members and survivors and disabled workers and their dependent family members—also hit a record in December, climbing from 56,658,978 in November to 56,758,185 in December.

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