Yet Another Excuse for Poor Debate Performance, Barack Obama Now Says He Was “Just Too Polite” at Presidential Debate


WOW, add another excuse to the long list of one’s that the president, the MSM and his minions have come up with for Obama poor debate performance against GOP challenger Mitt Romney.

In a radio interview on the “Tom Joyner Morning Show,” Barack Obama told the host and his listeners that he was “just too polite”.  Really Mr. President, you were just too polite? Forget the fact that you have run one of the most nastiest campaigns of distraction so that no one focuses on your past four years of failure. Forget the fact that you have allowed your minions to call your opponent a murderer. Oh yea, you have just been too polite.

Conceding that he failed to deliver at last week’s debate, President Obama says he was “just too polite” and that voters should expect “a little more activity” next week in round two.

In a radio interview on the “Tom Joyner Morning Show,” Obama compared the presidential race to a seven-game basketball series in which he was ahead two-nothing and lost one game to Mitt Romney at the debate.

Obama compared the presidential election to a basketball series. Of course he did. Just one correction there Barack, you are not ahead, you would be behind as seen by the RCP polling averages.

“You have a seven-game series, we’re up two zero and we lose one,” he explained. “You know, this is a long haul and I think that it’s very important for folks to make sure that they understand that as long as people stay focused, we will win this thing.”

As stated by Doug Ross, polite, eh? What else hasn’t Obama done that has not already been nasty and over the line?

…Exactly what is Obama going to say that’s impolite and not already used? So far, the campaign (usually through their surrogates) has personally attacked Mitt Romney’s religion, upbringing, wife, children, business history, political history, affiliations, mannerisms, and habits; they have accused him of committing felonies, belittled his beliefs, and suggested that – I cannot believe that I have to write this – Mitt Romney gave someone cancer. What do they have left?

Yeah, I know: Big Bird.

So Mr. Obama, you mean the reason why you tanked in the debate was not the mile high altitude?

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  • Comments

    One Response to “Yet Another Excuse for Poor Debate Performance, Barack Obama Now Says He Was “Just Too Polite” at Presidential Debate”

    1. Helen Tritt on October 11th, 2012 8:41 am

      Obama is so delusional and deranged that he is definitely on another Planet!

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