Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal Says, Barack Obama is “Most Liberal, Most Incompetent” President since Jimmy Carter



Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal statement about President Barack Obama what many people all already thinking. Jindal stated that Obama  was “the most liberal, most incompetent president in the White House since Jimmy Carter.” Jindal might have wanted to include Obama was also the first “Socialist” President ever elected. Obama’s comment regarding the private sector economy is fine might go down as one of the most ignorant one’s ever. You cannot back track from such a comment, especially when it came from an Obama called for press conference.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, whose star as a potential running mate for Mitt Romney has been rising in recent weeks, delivered a scathing critique of President Obama at the Chicago Conservative Political Action Conference here Friday, saying the private sector is like a foreign country to Obama.

“I suspect that many in the Obama administration really don’t believe in private enterprise. At best they see business as something to be endured so that that it can provide tax money for government programs,” said Jindal.

Responding to Obama’s statement that the private sector was doing fine, he added: “Mr. President, I’ve got a message for you: The private sector is not doing well when 23 million Americans are unemployed and underemployed in this great country. This president, the private sector is so foreign to him he might need a passport to actually go visit and he might need a translator to help him talk to folks in the private sector.”

Jindal, who has not yet campaigned with Romney, grabbed his chance Friday to try on the attack-dog role traditionally given to running mates. He called Obama “the most liberal, most incompetent president in the White House since Jimmy Carter,” and accused him of staying out of the Wisconsin recall election this week out of cowardice.

Not only did Jindal say what many Republicans were thinking, he also stated what many Democrats and unions folks were thinking as well. WHERE WAS BARACK OBAMA WHEN IT CAME TO THE WISCONSIN RECALL VOTE? Some how Obama could fund raise all around Wisconsin, but never come to help support Democrats and union labor.

“Did he not go to Wisconsin because he was afraid of hurting himself by backing a loser?” Jindal wondered. “He shrunk from this challenge. He elected to stay away from Wisconsin for fear of losing. That’s not what leaders do.”

The real question is how Wisconsin Democrats will react to Obama when he comes back to the state to pander to them and ask for donation and their vote.

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  • Comments

    4 Responses to “Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal Says, Barack Obama is “Most Liberal, Most Incompetent” President since Jimmy Carter”

    1. NGBoston on June 10th, 2012 1:48 pm

      Jihndal would be a good VP Pick for Romney, IMO.

    2. Scared Monkeys on June 10th, 2012 1:52 pm

      I like Jindal although I would like to see either New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez, FL Senator Marco Rubio or SC Senator Jim DeMint.


    3. NGBoston on June 11th, 2012 1:06 am

      I love Rubio and Martinez as well, either of those would be an excellent choice also. Especially since the MSM is reporting that Mitt may have some problems garnering the Hispanic Votes.

      I also like DeMint very much.

      Romney/Rubio ticket would be nice. I also wish Condi Rice would take the job, but I doubt she would.

    4. NGBoston on June 11th, 2012 1:22 am

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