Charlie Cook Calls Barack Obama … “a Metrosexual President” (VIDEO)


Wow, not only is Barack Obama the first black President, he is also according to Charlie Cook, of the famed The Cook Political Report,  a “Metrosexual President.”

How out of touch are these people? As reported at The Daily Caller, Charlie Cook thinks that Barack Obama does not play well in small towns because Obama is a “Metrosexual President”.  Sure it is. Because is has nothing to do with his failed economic policies, Obamacare and socialist agenda? Because that $787 billion stimulus worked so well and unemployment continues over 8%. Millions of Americans have fallen off the employment rolls and record numbers find themselves on food stamps. Let alone the US finds itself hopelessly in debt.

According to his co-guest David Drucker, a reporter for Roll Call, it stems from a dissatisfaction with Washington, particularly with ObamaCare.  However, Cook says it is something more.

“Small towns — states with a large small town rural populations, Democrats in general, the president has had a really hard time,” Cook said. “I mean, we have kind of a metrosexual president … that doesn’t go over well in the small town. And it’s just cultural. It is what it is.”

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  • Comments

    One Response to “Charlie Cook Calls Barack Obama … “a Metrosexual President” (VIDEO)”

    1. A Texas Grandfather on April 29th, 2012 8:38 am

      The Democrats are still searching for a message. The fact that their record is so dismal it cannot be used and “hope and change” has been exposed for the emptyness it represented makes it difficult.

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