The Exploitation of Trayvon Martin: Parents of Murdered British Students James Cooper and James Kouzaris In Florida Rip Obama a New One For Lack of Compassion After Reaching Out Multiple Time … There was no “political value”
Barack Obama and the “political value” of death … HOW COME YOU NEVER HEARD OF THE MURDER OF JAMES COOPER AND JAMES KOUZARIS?
How come President Barack Obama does not think that if James Cooper and James Kouzaris was his son, they would look like them? How come Obama has no compassion for these two murdered boys? Maybe as the parents of the two murdered boys states, there was no “political value” and not worthy of a few minutes of his [Obama's] time.
25 year old James Cooper and 24 year old James Kouzaris were murdered in April 2011. The two were on vacation in Sarasota, FL . The two tourists were shot to death by 17 year old Shawn Tyson. The thug was just convicted on two counts of first degree murder.
Witnesses testified that Tyson told them he saw two “crackers” — a derogatory term for white people — walking through the neighborhood and that he intended to rob them. The tourists said they didn’t have any money and begged Tyson to let them go home. The men also told Tyson they were lost.
“Since you ain’t got no money, then I have something for your ass,” Tyson recounted to a witness, then added that he shot the men several times.
Posted March 30, 2012 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Crime, Deceased, Lost in Smallness, Murder, Obamanation, Politics, Racism, Trayvon Martin, WTF | 6 comments |
Daily Commentary – Friday, March 30, 2012 – Jet Blue Pilot Goes Bizerk and is Restrained by Passengers
- Makes you wonder what kind of psychological testing pilots go through
Daily Commentary – Friday, March 30, 2012 Download
Posted March 30, 2012 by Klaasend Bizarre, Dana Pretzer, FAA, Facebook, Scared Monkeys Radio | no comments |
LEFTY Roseanne Barr Tweets Address of Zimmerman’s Parents, Then Says She Will Go to Their House … What Was Her Intent?
Roseann Barr TWEETED the address of George Zimmerman’s parents and then sent another TWEET stating that she would go to their home. To do what exactly Roseanne? What is her intent, to stir up violence and fan the flames of the already out of control mob mentality? As stated by Weasel Zippers, Roseanne Barr appears to be picking up where Spike Lee left off. Are these people only going to be happy if someone gets hurt? Just curious, what happens if a crazed lunatic sees the TWEET, goes to the address and kills someone, will Roseanne be held liable?
There come a point and time where people need to act in a responsible manner. However, Tweeting one’s address and then tweeting that you are going to go to their home, what exactly is Roseanne’s intent? To many that is interpreted as a threat.
Just curious, what part about TWITTER rules does Roseanne Barr and the other vigilante loons not get?
“You may not publish or post other people’s private and confidential information, such as credit card numbers, street address or Social Security/National Identity numbers, without their express authorization and permission.”
As reported at The Smoking Gun … The TWITTER Vigilante Crew continues.
The comedian Roseanne Barr last night tweeted the home address of George Zimmerman’s parents to her 110,000-plus Twitter followers, only to delete the posting after “not fully understanding that it was private not public.”
Barr’s posting of the correct Florida address of Robert and Gladys Zimmerman came at the same time Spike Lee was issuing an apology for erroneously disseminating a tweet that purportedly contained the home address of George Zimmerman, who last month killed teenager Trayvon Martin.
Barr, who deleted her tweet in the face of criticism from some Twitter followers, noted that she first thought it “was good to let ppl know that no one can hide anymore.” That stance quickly changed, with Barr reporting, “But vigilante-ism is what killed Trayvon. I don’t support that.”
But while Barr deleted her original posting, the Zimmermans’s address remains in messages in her Twitter stream. Barr’s original tweet was a retweet of a post by a new Twitter user who appears devoted to disseminating the Zimmermans’s address and phone number, as well as contact information for Joseph Oliver, who has made numerous TV appearances in support of Zimmerman, a friend and former coworker.
Who is really going to be shocked when some one is hurt or killed because of this vigilantism?
Posted March 30, 2012 by Scared Monkeys Celebrity, Deceased, Facebook, Justice, Moonbats, Racism, Roseanne Barr, Trayvon Martin, Twitter, Vigilantism, WTF | 9 comments |
George H.W. Bush Endorses Mitt Romney … Know When To Hold ‘Em, Know When to Fold ‘Em … Paul Ryan to Endorse Romney As Well
GOP Presidential primary candidate Mitt Romney has gained yet another big enforcement, this time it is former President George H. W. Bush. The former President Bush 41 called for Republican unity behind Romney as stated as Kenny Roger’s once sang, “You got to know when to hold ‘em and know when to fold ‘em … know when to walk away and know when to run”.
Spouting some home-grown Texas wisdom, President George H. W. Bush urged his party to coalesce behind GOP candidate Mitt Romney with a formal endorsement Thursday.
“‘It’s time when to hold ‘em and time when to fold ‘em,’” the elder Bush said, quoting Texas crooner Kenny Rogers after an interjected reminder from his wife, Barbara. “I think it’s time for people to all get behind this good man.”
Earlier this week Mitt Romney gained the endorsement from Tea party darling Florida US Senator Marco Rubio. The word on the street is that later today US House Representative from Wisconsin Paul Ryan will endorse Romney as well.
Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan, the icon of the anti-spending movement in the Republican Party, has communicated to former Senator Rick Santorum that he will endorse Mitt Romney, according to a source familiar with the conversation.
The move is also timed to end the Republican contest, coming after another major conservative leader, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, backed Romney. It badly undercuts Santorum’s case that he can rally a conservative opposition to the moderate frontrunner, and is likely to further squeeze the money and political support Santorum has sought to command.
The Hot Air Pundit has the Democrat video ad they had been holding waiting for the Ryan endorsement of Romney … “That’s Amore”. Actually, that’s rather lame.
Posted March 30, 2012 by Scared Monkeys 2012 Elections, George H.W. Bush, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan (WI-R), Primaries, You Tube - VIDEO | one comment |
George Zimmerman’s Father Blasts Obama, NAACP & Black Caucus: “So Much Hate Coming From The President”
Isn’t a leader supposed to rise above have …
Robert Zimmerman, the father of George Zimmerman, stated in an interview with My Fox Orlando that he was shocked and never foresaw the level of hate coming from President Barack Obama, the NAACP and the Congressional Black Caucus. Every one is trying to gain notoriety or profit from this in some way. Zimmerman;s dad says he hopes at one point every one will go beyond the hate that they have.
“It’s my understanding that Trayvon Martin got on top of him and just started beating him,” the 64-year-old Robert Zimmerman said.
He said he felt his son has been portrayed in the wrong way. He also said he and his family have received death threats and asked that we not show his face on camera.
Because there has been a lot of break-ins in the area, Robert said George thought it suspicious that someone would not be walking on the street or the sidewalk on a rainy night — that Martin would be walking between the town homes. He said after making those observations, his son decided to call the police
Of course President Barack Obama had to interject himself into the death of Trayvon Martin and really did nothing more than fan the flames. Doing so before really any facts were known of the case. We can remember that Obama did the same thing in Massachusetts with the Cambridge police acted “stupidly” and was quick to cry racism.
“When I think about this boy, I think about my own kids,” Obama told reporters when asked about the case during a Rose Garden press conference.
The father of George Zimmerman says the 17-year old Trayvon Martin threatened to kill George Zimmerman and then beat him so badly that it forced his son to shoot him.
“Trayvon Martin said something to the effect of, ‘You’re going to die now’ or ‘You’re going to die tonight,’ something to that effect,” Robert Zimmerman told Orlando TV station WOFL. “He continued to beat George. At some point, George pulled his pistol. Did what he did.”
Posted March 29, 2012 by Scared Monkeys Al Sharpton, Barack Obama, Crime, Deceased, Hate Crime, Jesse Jackson, NAACP, Race Card, Racism, Trayvon Martin, You Tube - VIDEO | no comments |