Robert Reich Predicts Hillary Clinton Will Replace Biden as VP on 2012 Obama Reelection Ticket

Obama’s political shell game …

Robert Reich predicts Hillary Clinton will be in and Joe Biden out as VP on Obama’s 2012 Presidential reelection ticket. This is certainly not something that we have not heard rumored or speculated before. However, according to Reich he has no inside-baseball information to come to this conclusion, only a hunch. Reich states that Obama needs to stir the passions and enthusiasms of a disillusioned Democratic base and an increasing poor economy.

Check out the look of disdain on Hillary’s face as she gazes at Obama

My political prediction for 2012 (based on absolutely no inside information): Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden swap places. Biden becomes Secretary of State — a position he’s apparently coveted for years. And Hillary Clinton, Vice President.

So the Democratic ticket for 2012 is Obama-Clinton.

Why do I say this? Because Obama needs to stir the passions and enthusiasms of a Democratic base that’s been disillusioned with his cave-ins to regressive Republicans. Hillary Clinton on the ticket can do that.

Bill Clinton calls Obama a media driven fairy tale

In other words Reich is saying that Obama needs to create a diversion and to play a political shell game so that “We the People” will pay more attention to a change rather than the failed “Hope & Change” that Obama promised. Let alone a continued poor economy that has millions of Americans out of work. Barack Obama obviously cannot run on his record … so Reich wants Obama to play political diversion games. How nice. Reich then goes on to say that this would set up Hillary Clinton to be the 2016 Democrat Presidential candidate.

Of course this presumes that an Obama/Cinton ticket would win.

Explain how this could co-exist in the White House?

One, does Hillary Clinton really want to put all her political eggs in Obama’s basket and run on the Obama economy and Obamacare? Two, could Obama and Hillary Clinton really get along, add Bill to the mix. Talk about the political “Odd Couple”.  Three, does anyone really think that Joe Biden is the reason why Obama’s job approval numbers are so low? Biden has done everything for this President including selling his soul and acting the fool, even more so than usual. Four, imagine the political ads against Obama/Clinton taken from their 2008 primary battles. Five, does Obama have the ability, humility and personality to accept that he is the problem and Hillary Clinton is his Savior? Hardly, many had suggested Obama not run for a second term for the betterment of the party. That was never an option for Obama’s ego. Barack Obama has continually shot down the notion that Clinton and Biden would swap jobs. If he makes such a flip-flop now, it would show just how politically weak “The One” truly is. Also, he would be, if elected, a neutered President and everyone would know who really worse the “pantsuit” in the Oval Office.

OTB has more debunking of the Obama/Clinton fantasy ticket.

More Obama Sacrifice … 90th Round of Golf and Let Them Eat non-special 5 Course Meals


The do as I say, not as I do presidency of Barack Obama continues. In 2009 Obama told us that we all must sacrifice. Everyone Mr. President? Would that include you, the First Lady and the First family? Of course not.

“Everyone must sacrifice for the greater good… Everyone must have some skin in the game.”

Every one must have skin in the game except the very person who should be setting the example foe the American people. What has President Barack Obama sacrificed since he has been in office? Certainly not his 90 rounds of golf. Nor his 5 course meals,nor his repeated vacations to Hawaii or the land of the 1%, Martha’s Vineyard. Interestingly enough, Obama’s 90th round of golf was spent with his long-time friend Robert Titcomb, who earlier this year plead no contest to soliciting a prostitute in Honolulu.

More from the White House Dossier. Obama has a couple days left to break his yearly record of hitting the links.

But don’t worry America, its not like Obama has not provided you with two months of a payroll tax cut and an increase in the newly filed unemployment job claims. Wait until the holiday season is over and all the businesses let go those they hired just for the holiday season.

Occupy Pasadena Protesters Look to Ruin the Tournament of Roses New Years Day Parade

There is a time and place for protests, the New Years Day Tournament of Roses Parade happens not to be one of them.  I will say this, that if these fools mar this event in front of millions of onlookers, they will permanently seal their fate.

The Occupy Wall Street Pasadena protesters look to ruin the Tournament of Roses Parade and march in the parade against corporate greed. Huh? Maybe some one should tell these leaches that the individuals, bands, and organizations that are picked to march in the parade are done so years in advance. Lt. Plhunte Riddle of the Pasadena Police Department stated the protesters have the right to walk down the street after the conclusion of the parade. Maybe they can make themselves useful and pick up the horse dung after the parade is concluded.

Although an Occupy Wall Street protest group in Pasadena, Calif., tried to get a slot to march in the Rose Parade upcoming on Jan. 2, officials with the parade said no. The group now plans to march along after the end of the parade to protest what they view as corporate greed.

In November, the Occupy group announced its plans to “occupy” the parade, but the Pasadena Tournament of Roses provided a statement on Wednesday to saying that protesters would “not be taking part in the Rose Parade” because only official entries, approved by the tournament well in advance of the event, can take part in the event.

par·a·site? ?/?pær??sa?t/  Show Spelled[par-uh-sahyt] 

a person who receives support, advantage, or the like, from another or others without giving any useful or proper return, as one who lives on the hospitality of others.

The following comes from the parasites at It is true, these protesters are parasites. They need a host in order to survive, they cannot do things, i.e. protests, on their own because no one would give a flip they were even there.  I truly hope that the media covering the Tournament of Roses parade, ABC, NBC and HGTV do not actually cover these individuals who  look to get free publicity off the backs of others, namely the sponsors that they protesters so detest.

The site also states: “Please join us on-site in Pasadena on Jan 1-2, 2012 for an Occupy Human Float and demonstration that will be seen by 50 million Americans and 200,000,000 people around the world — LIVE. Our primary messages ‘Corporate Money Out of Politics,’ ‘OCCUPY’ & ‘Corporations are Not People.’”

Check out the reason why they think its ok to interfere with an event. Who died and made these dirt bags the decision makers of America? The Occupy protesters hate the US military and troops as seen by their disdain that the 2012 Grand Marshall, J.R. Martinez dare be an Iraq war soldier.

Why Occupy the Rose Parade? The answer is simple.

The Rose Parade is an ideal messaging vehicle. Not only has it become far too militarized (see, for example, the choice of this year’s 2012 Grand Marshall, J.R. Martinez– an Iraq war soldier) and far too corporatized with major banks & financial institutions increasingly undwriting many of the floats. Tens of thousands will converge to protest the complete breakdown of U.S. Justice & Wall Street’s revolving door and the 1%’s de facto control & takeover of America’s political, cultural & economic systems.
I.e., the corporate/banking takeover of public spaces & the militarization of events such as the Pasadena Rose Parade.

How pathetic is it that cities have to pay more money by beefing up law enforcement to deal with these menaces? Pasadena police had to ramp up for Occupy the Rose Parade protesters. You know when police must ramp up for events, when there are terror concerns. You make the comparisons.

In response to the planned demonstration by Occupy, the Pasadena Police Department has doubled down on the number of law enforcement agents that will patrol the streets and skies during the Rose Parade and Rose Bowl Game on Jan. 2, police Lt. Phlunte Riddle said.

The exact number of additional police officers, sheriff’s deputies, California Highway Patrol officers and federal agents remains secret.

“We have partnered with federal, state and local agencies and have sufficient coverage for the Rose Parade,” Riddle said. “We have increased staffing this year but what the number is, is something we don’t share.”

UPDATE I: Thanks for the link, Gateway Pundit.

Fellow Monkey and Tarzan Co-star Cheetah dies at Palm Harbor Sanctuary at Age 80

Sad news from the Simian world … Cheetah of Tarzan fame has passed away at age 80.

When I first read this story this morning I had to do a double take. Cheetah, the simian Tarzan co-star died. I thought, surely Cheetah had died long ago, this must be another one. An 80 year old chimp is quite rare. Nope. Cheetah the chimpanzee, who acted in classic Tarzan movies in the early 1930s with Johnny Weissmuller, died of kidney failure  at the age of 80 Saturday at Suncoast Primate Sanctuary in Palm Harbor, Florida. The chimp was one of the original Cheeta’s who acted in a handful of Tarzan adventures from 1932 to 1934, among them the classics Tarzan and His Mate and Tarzan the Ape Man. Cheetah came to Suncoast around 1950 from Weissmuller’s estate in nearby Ocala and there he remained as one of its most famous residents.

Cheetah acted in the 1932-34 Tarzan movies, Cobb said. Movies filmed during that timeframe starred Johnny Weissmuller and include “Tarzan and His Mate” and “Tarzan the Ape Man,” according to the Internet Movie Database.

Sometime around 1960, Cheetah came to the sanctuary from Weissmuller’s estate in Ocala, Cobb said.

In the wild, the average chimp survives 25 to 35 years and at zoos chimps typically live 35 to 45 years, she said.

Cheetah, the most famous of the sanctuary’s 15 chimpanzees, liked to see people laugh.

UPDATE I: Hmm, I really hope that this story is true and not a hoax. Some are questioning whether was the chimp who died really Cheetah from Tarzan movies?

Posted December 28, 2011 by
Deceased, Obituary | one comment

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