Barack Obama Says He Won’t Release Death Pictures of Osama Bin Laden


In an interview for ’60 Minutes’ President Barack Obama told Steve Kroft that he will not allow the release of the kill shot images of terror mastermind Osama Bin Laden.Obama stated that the US did not need to “spike the football” and that we do not need to put out such images as trophies.

“It is important to make sure that very graphic photos of somebody who was shot in the head are not floating around as an incitement to additional violence or as a propaganda tool,” said the president.

“We don’t trot out this stuff as trophies,” Mr. Obama added. “The fact of the matter is, this is somebody who was deserving of the justice that he received.”

Trotting out as trophies? Once again Obama has a complete disconnect with the American people and just compared photos of a dead Bin Laden to what terrorists do in hanging victims bodies from bridges, dragging them through the street and video-taping the beheading of infidels. The other excuse used by Obama to not release photos of Bin Laden was that it could make radical Islamists slaughter and defile Americans. Huh?  As further opined by the Gateway Pundit, don’t the Islamic terrorists already do this?

A partial transcript of the Barack Obama interview on ’60 Minutes’ can be read HERE, where Obama states, “Bin Laden will not walk this Earth again”.

The question that I have to ask of the planned US Navy Seal incursion is what did the Obama Administration think was going to happen when they decided to have US Seals go in, kill and capture Bin Laden and take pictures. If they had planned on taking photos and video of the raid, did they not plan in advance what to do with those pics once the mission was completed? How could anyone not have an advance plan as to how to handle the photos? Why is Obama making it sound like this was the first time this issue was discussed? So much for planning in advance. One would think that Obama would have experience in the lack of releasing documents to the American public. Guess not.

The Other McCain seconds the idea by Sarah Palin that the photos should be released to the public as a a warning to others as to what will happen to you. If the US can get Bin Laden, we will get you too. Who really thinks that a picture is worse than plugging two bullets into the head of Bin Laden?

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  • Comments

    23 Responses to “Barack Obama Says He Won’t Release Death Pictures of Osama Bin Laden”

    1. NGBoston on May 5th, 2011 7:21 am

      The photos will eventually leak anyway. Personally speaking, I will enjoy viewing them the same as I did watching Saddam Hussein hang from a rope.


    2. Moi on May 5th, 2011 7:23 am

      Zero is simply showing his cowardice. As if we could encourage any more violence from radial Islam? I mean, death to America is their cry. How much more violent does he think they can become? Cluess individual. Appeaser.

    3. Paul on May 5th, 2011 7:56 am

      Classy we shouldn’t lower ourselves to their standards. Good decision Mr. President.

    4. Jason on May 5th, 2011 8:16 am

      Gotta love how you speak for the American people…It would not be wise to release them.When the Secretary of defense and the secretary of State advise against it its probably best to trust their judgement.This is not some reality show where we all get to see the picture just so you can get off.
      SM; Actually, I do not need to see the pics, however, the polls show that Americans do. Just curious why Obama and you did not feel the same way about the Abu Ghraib pics.

    5. buster on May 5th, 2011 9:05 am

      Thats because he did not kill him !!! I think he has been dead for some time now and buck ofama is just trying to buy votes for 2012 !!! Or divert attention away from the fake birth certificate !!!

    6. Flippy on May 5th, 2011 9:06 am

      #4(SM) -
      Polls are fickle; they are more of a tool for fine-tuning an existing “party line message” than a tool for determining what a party line should be.

      According to some polls, the majority of Americans no longer favor repealing the health care bill but that isn’t going to make the issue go away either.
      SM: The majority of polls want Obamacare to be repealed. Anyone can take one poll that is different from the rest.

      That being said, my issue really is not whether the pics are released or not released. My bigger issue is how in the hell did Obama and his minions not already have a plan in place as to what to do with the pics from the US Seal team raid? They had to know that this would be an issue. All he had to do was look at his birth certificate controversy.

      He took 16 hours to get enough guts to make the call which could have cost the timing of the raid and then he never contemplated what to do with pics prior to the raid when they knew the whole point of the raid was to have pictorial and video confirmation of Osama’s death.


    7. Flippy on May 5th, 2011 9:13 am

      #2 -
      As if we could encourage any more violence from radial Islam? I mean, death to America is their cry.
      Lots of people screaming, a relative few are actually trying to do something about it.

      Let’s acknowledge the risk that releasing the pictures will unhinge 1 person somewhere in the world and push them towards suicide bombing an army checkpoint that kills 1 American soldier. Then the cost of releasing the pictures is 1 soldier.

      And the benefit is what, exactly? In this age of photoshop nobody who doesn’t already think he is dead is going to be convinced on the basis of a picture or two. The “send a warning” message is taken care of…we swooped into town in the middle of the night and killed him as his family watched and everyone knows that already.

    8. Black Friday on May 5th, 2011 9:18 am

      I think Osama has been on ice for 9 years. They won’t post pics because there is a way to see if it is really him.

    9. Dave Lucas on May 5th, 2011 9:28 am

      The photos will leak or otherwise surface just before election time 2012.

    10. TerryD270 on May 5th, 2011 9:38 am

      I guess it is time for Obama to make another trip to Pakistan and disgraced the United States – again. He will bowed or even get on his knees and asked for forgiveness..I wonder how much money we will give them? I would assume at least a few billion..

    11. Flippy on May 5th, 2011 10:39 am

      SM –
      My bigger issue is how in the hell did Obama and his minions not already have a plan in place as to what to do with the pics from the US Seal team raid?
      Agreed on the pics. The 16-hour thing is totally unconfirmed as far as I can tell; the only source seems to be an unsigned tabloid posting from the UK. If there is a more reliable source I would consider it.

    12. Michelle Smith on May 5th, 2011 12:32 pm

      Release the damn picture. Also release the damn video even with the 25 minute blackout. OBL’s daughter is saying that the Navy Seals captured him alive and then shot him. No, I’m not saying I believe her but we need to clear some things up. The USN does not need any negativity, they are heroes and should be treated as such.

    13. Scott on May 5th, 2011 12:54 pm

      Flippy – you are a total tool. What polls are you looking at where the majority of Americans do not want to repeal Obamacare. Those who want it repealed has NEVER been higher. Do you work at the WH and try to deliver the drool your libtards friends are feeding you? LOL….

      Do you not think the bullet in the head caused more of an uproar than releasing a picture? What planet do you live on? Have you not seen the news today; Pakastani’s burning US flags? Are you kidding me with your childish and immature vision? Let me guess; did you just graduate from college and are still wet behind the ears?

      Jason – you are the prime example of what a SHEEPLE is….you really believe what the government is feeding you? Or anything? They have been lying to the American people about everything from not taking over a car company; yet they did; not taking over banks; yet they did; not taking over healthcare; yet they did….

      Go trust Hillary (who says Pakistan is helping us at the tune of $18B) and Gates and Obama and follow the herd SHEEPLE! Fool!

      The pictures will be forced to be released.

    14. Moshe Sharon on May 5th, 2011 1:42 pm

      So here’s what we know: 1) The White House announced that a Navy Seal team raided Osama’s residence in Pakistan; 2) They allegedly conducted a DNA analysis and confirmed that the man shot in the head is Osama but never showed us the actual result or explained where they got the prior control sample to set up the profile for a match test; 3) They announced that they took the body to an aircraft carrier and dumped it overboard after a Muslim funeral; 4) They said they have pictures but are refusing to show them to the general public. Thus we don’t know anything about Osama being dead or alive because Obama ordered the military to get rid of the body and he now refuses to show us any of the evidence that he claims the military has in its possession.

      In view of the above, I’m certain that if the Seals unwittingly killed a look-alike decoy and Osama is still alive somewhere else, he won’t wait long before appearing on AL Jazeera Television to thumb his nose at the world (G-d forbid). So, unless Osama made a deal with Obama to trade information for witness protection, in the absence of any visible shred of corroborating forensic evidence, time will tell whether the dead chicken of the sea is really Osama Bin Laden or has Obama been Lying?

    15. Moi on May 5th, 2011 1:58 pm

      Flippy, let’s acknowledge the fact almost NONE of the Islamic community who pretends to be against radical Islam’s actions EVER speak out against it. Regardless they are for it if not against it.

      My sister had a good idea. Let the families of the victims of 9/11 have a private screening to see for themselves if they wish.

      As for getting even one individual upset, you really don’t get it. ALL of the radicals have no need for ANYthing to want death for America. How it is and will be until radical Islam is wiped out. If the “peaceful Islamic” people gave a hoot, they themselves would be after these folks and I’ve yet to see that even once. Get it?

      I have no need to see these photos. He’s dead. It’s over, done with. Now they can stop talking about it as if he were some hero. Let his name fade into the dirt as it should.

    16. Mark MyWord on May 5th, 2011 2:42 pm

      I think the President has exhibited some rare political savy. People who get grossed out by raw chickens, will flip when they see a corpse with two shots in the head! Also, the guy has a name similar to Obama. The strong shock could damage Obamas’ chances to get re-elected, and everybody will want to gawk at the face turned hamburger, for sure. The weak stomached voters could easily associate severe disgust, and voting for the incumbant. That is Obamas street smart calculation.

    17. Flippy on May 5th, 2011 3:34 pm

      Flippy, let’s acknowledge the fact almost NONE of the Islamic community who pretends to be against radical Islam’s actions EVER speak out against it. Regardless they are for it if not against it.

      My sister had a good idea. Let the families of the victims of 9/11 have a private screening to see for themselves if they wish.

      Not a bad idea.

    18. Flippy on May 5th, 2011 3:37 pm

      Flippy – you are a total tool. What polls are you looking at where the majority of Americans do not want to repeal Obamacare. Those who want it repealed has NEVER been higher. Do you work at the WH and try to deliver the drool your libtards friends are feeding you? LOL….

      Follow the link that SM posted above to RCP. Less than 50% favor repeal. True that less then 50% oppose repeal, but the point is that less 50% are in favor of it.
      SM: Sorry Flippy, people are so bogged down with the $hit that this administration has hoist upon them that they are overwhelmed. Trust me, when we get closer to the election … repeal of Obamacare will go up. The evils of this terrible health care law have not truly kicked in yet and wait until all of the “waivers” are ended. Or if they are not, the American people will become even more livid.

      Obamacare only is not repealed if hell freezes over and Barck is not thrown out of govt.

    19. Flippy on May 5th, 2011 4:51 pm

      Trust me, when we get closer to the election … repeal of Obamacare will go up
      Perhaps, just saying that the polls should not govern. The polls should not repeal obamacare, the people who are elected have that option.

      You can either have politicians who listen to the polls or politicians who use their own judgement for what they think is is best.

      The first group are not respected because they “stand for nothing”; while the second group gets disrespect for going against the “will of the people”.

      Elections are how we resolve that.
      SM: And the polls show the will of the people and the will of the people certainly handed Obama and Democrats a shellacking in 2010. That is what happens when you screw with we the people and do not listen.

      Look for the same to happen in 2012.

    20. Flippy on May 5th, 2011 4:57 pm

      Trust me, when we get closer to the election … repeal of Obamacare will go up
      I was responding to Scott saying that those who want it repealed “has NEVER been higher” and, no matter how you justify it, that’s just not the case.

      If being a “sheeple” means thinking things through and learning a bit about the world while forming an opinion…then I argue the opposite is true. I have been posting here mostly because you disagree with me. It gets me thinking, and I look things up, and I learn quite a bit.
      SM: Obamacare will be a secondary issue in the 2012 election, the economy, jobs, unemployment and the national debt will be the primary. That being said, we will see just like in 2010 Democrats fleeing from the issue of the government takeover of healthcare. Its a dog with flees. Wait until healthcare premiums go up again at the end of this year just in time for the primary season and we will see just how many people polled find displeasure with it.

    21. Flippy on May 5th, 2011 5:01 pm

      SM: And the polls show the will of the people and the will of the people certainly handed Obama and Democrats a shellacking in 2010. That is what happens when you screw with we the people and do not listen.

      Look for the same to happen in 2012.
      Only if the republicans field a reasonable candidate. I really hope they do so; but I worry that anyone who gets through the primary won’t be someone I could vote for.
      SM: I am not sure how you can say that when you have no idea who the candidate will be. I can almost promise that no one in tonight’s debate in SC will be the nominee. American’s, namely GOP are not looking for a retread who has previously lost. The move is to new and fresh.

      I am guessing you are not a big NJ Gov. Chris Christie fan. ;-)

    22. Obama gets boost from the polls but does it really matter this early in the game? « THE STR on May 5th, 2011 5:55 pm

      [...] “Barack Obama Says He Won’t Release Death Pictures of Osama Bin Laden” and related… ( [...]

    23. Flippy on May 5th, 2011 7:05 pm

      Only if the republicans field a reasonable candidate. I really hope they do so; but I worry that anyone who gets through the primary won’t be someone I could vote for.
      SM: I am not sure how you can say that when you have no idea who the candidate will be. I can almost promise that no one in tonight’s debate in SC will be the nominee. American’s, namely GOP are not looking for a retread who has previously lost. The move is to new and fresh.

      I am guessing you are not a big NJ Gov. Chris Christie fan. ;-)

      ? I said I hope the republican is someone I would vote for…that is waiting.

      As for Christie, I don’t know enough but I did find the following quote ““He is a pragmatic conservative who is interested more in results than theory,” which is along the track I am looking for.

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