J. Eric Fuller, Tucson Shooting Victim Arrested at Town Hall Meeting For Threatening GOP Rep Terri Proud & Tea Party Spokesman Trent Humphries At ABC Taping … “You’re Dead”
One week after the Tucson, AZ tragedy and there is an arrest at a town hall meeting for death threats … So much for that call for peace, calm and tranquility in the aftermath of the shooting last week at the hands of Jared Loughner.
Tucson shooting victim J. Eric Fuller threatened Trent Humphries, the Pima County Tea Party leader, stood up to speak during the event. He was being very respectful. Trent told the audience that before we start placing blame on individuals we need to get all the facts. J. Eric Fuller started screaming, “Trent Humphries you’re dead!” Oh and by the way, J. Eric Fuller is not a Tea Party member, he is not a Republican, he is not a conservative and he was not inspired by Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck Rush Limbaugh or bulls-eyes … HE IS A LEFTY! I guess it’s safe to say that J. Eric Fuller did not receive a “Together We Thrive” t-shirt at this past weeks memorial/pep rally.
How bizarre and ironic is it that one week from the terrible Tucson tragedy that left six dead and 14 injured, including US Rep Gabby Giffords (AZ-D), that one of the shooting victims would be arrested for making death threats in what was billed as a continuation of the Town hall meeting, after there was a memorial where there was a call for civility. Bizarre indeed.
J. Eric Fuller
The theme of the event was “An American Conversation Continued”– the idea being to continue the conversation that a madman’s brutal rampage had interrupted. So it was inevitable that the conversation would eventually turn to politics. It did, toward the end, with Amanpour leading a discussion on a very touchy but obvious topic: gun control.
That’s where the atmosphere turned tense. When Tucson Tea Party founder Trent Humphries rose to suggest that any conversation about gun control should be put off until after the funerals for all the victims, witnesses say Fuller became agitated. Two told KGUN9 News that finally, Fuller took a picture of Humphries, and said, “You’re dead.”
When State Rep. Terri Proud (R-Tucson) rose to explain and clarify current and proposed gun legislation in the state, several people groaned or booed her. One of those booing, according to several witnesses, was Fuller. Witnesses sitting near Fuller told KGUN9 News that Fuller was making them feel very uncomfortable.
The event wrapped up a short time later. Deputies then escorted Fuller from the room. As he was being led off, Fuller shouted loudly to the room at large. Several witnesses said that what they thought they heard him shout was, “You’re all whores!”
Fuller, age 63, is a political operative who specializes in gathering petitions for ballot initiatives. Before the program began, he passed out business cards to people sitting around him that read:
“Expediting Initiatives since 2006
“J. Eric Fuller
“Political Circulator.”
Leftist J. Eric Fuller was charged with with threats and intimidation and he also will be charged with disorderly conduct. Outspoken Leftist propagandist Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik could not be reached for comment as to who he could falsely blame. As Protein Wisdom states, “the new civility” from the Left continues.
Posted January 15, 2011 by Scared Monkeys Bizarre, Crime, Facebook, Jared Loughner, Media, Moonbats, Progressives, Tea Party, Tucson Massacre, WTF | 21 comments |
77% of Americans Agreee with Tea Party and not Democrats … Want to Cut Spending
Once again a majority of Americans are on the side of the Tea Party …
In a recent CBS poll, 77% of Americans agree with the Tea Party platform of cutting spending rather than raising taxes in order to cut he federal deficit. Only 9% said they wanted to raise taxes. The full poll can be seen HERE (pdf). The American public has lost their appetite for out of control government spending. I guess its fair to say that the folks in Illinois are livid over ther soon to be 66% tax increase.
A new CBS News poll finds that Americans strongly prefer cutting spending to raising taxes to reduce the federal deficit. While 77 percent prefer to cut spending, just nine percent call for raising taxes. Another nine percent want to do both.
Yet most Americans could not volunteer a program they’d be willing to see cut in order to reduce the deficit – only 38 percent could name a program they would support cutting. The top responses were military/defense (six percent), Social Security/Medicare (four percent) and welfare/food stamps (four percent).
However, Americans are more willing to consider cuts when presented with specific ideas, as the chart above illustrates. The most popular ideas for reducing the deficit are to reduce Social Security benefits for the wealthy, reduce the money allocated to projects in their own community, reduce farm subsidies and reduce defense spending. More than 50 percent supported reductions in each of those programs.
Weasel Zippers could not have stated it any better, In related news, 77% of Americans are now considered extremist teabaggers by the left. I guess its easy to see why Democrats were hammered in the 2010 election and if they keep it up will not fair any better in 2012.
Posted January 15, 2011 by Scared Monkeys Federal Deficits, Government, Polls, Tax & Spend Liberals, Taxes, Tea Party | 4 comments |
A Peek inside the Mind of Tucson Gunman Jared Loughner …”We are examining the torture of students” and “This is genocide in America”
From the LA Times, come a VIDEO peak inside the like, times and evil mind of Tucson, AZ gunman Jared Loughner. The video was made by Loughner as he walked around his college campus. The video is also responsible for Loughner being booted from his community college. A campus police officer who saw the video and ”positively recognized the voice and the reflection in the window as student Jared Loughner … the same officer had removed Loughner from his biology class after a disruptive outburst.
Yup, just another “Tea Party” member who was brainwashed by the conservative right. Maybe the liberal MSM, Democrat party and Leftist blogs would like to try to put forth another lie. Much more at The Other McCain, ‘Obligatory: Video in Which Tucson Killer Jabbers About ‘Illegal Wars’ Like Your Average DKos Diarist or Cindy Sheehan’. Touche.
“We are examining the torture of students”
YouTube video that prompted the suspension of Tucson shooting suspect Jared Lee Loughner in September was released Friday by officials at Pima Community College and included rambling statements such as “We are examining the torture of students” and “This is genocide in America.”
The video, no longer on the website, was released to The Times following a public records request and offers the extended example of Loughner’s voice.
A campus police officer who saw the video “positively recognized the voice and the reflection in the window as student Jared Loughner,” according to a school police report. That same officer had removed Loughner from his biology class Sept. 23 after a disruptive outburst.
”Pima Community College School – Genocide/Scam – Free Education – Broken United States Constitution”
In the video, Loughner states, “The war that we are in right now is currently illegal under the Constitution”; “This is my genocide school. Where I’m going to be homeless because of this school”; “I haven’t forgotten the teacher that gave me a B for freedom of speech”; “This is Pima Community College, one of the biggest scams in America”; “If the student is unable to locate the external universe, the student is unable to locate the internal universe”; and “Thank you…. This is Jared … from Pima College.”
As Weasel Zippers states, this is yet another example of how the media wants us to believe that a guy who thinks the date is being manipulated by mind control was driven to mass murder by a target map released by Sarah Palin.
Posted January 15, 2011 by Scared Monkeys Bizarre, Blogroll, Crime, Gabrielle Giffords (AZ-D), House of Representatives, Jared Loughner, Mass Murder, Media Bias, Moonbats, Murder, Progressives, Tucson Massacre, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 7 comments |
Barack Obama, Bill & Hillary Clinton Pay Tribute to Richard Holbrooke at Memorial
President Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton and many others gathered at Washington’s Kennedy Center pay pay tribute to Richard Holbrooke at Memorial. Hmm, did they sell t-shirts at this memorial as well like the one earlier in the week that Obama attended in Tucson, AZ following the Jared Loughner shootings?
World leaders gathered at Washington’s Kennedy Center Friday to honor the legacy of Richard Holbrooke, a legendary figure in the world of foreign policy and a forceful diplomat who brokered peace in Vietnam and Bosnia.
Among those attending the ceremony were President Obama, President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari, Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton.
Holbrooke had been serving as the Obama administration’s Special Envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan when he suddenly took ill last month after a meeting at the White House. He died several days later.
Posted January 15, 2011 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Government, Jared Loughner, Politics, Tucson Massacre | no comments |
Doctors Amputate Zsa Zsa Gabor’s Leg, Did they Do it for the $’s as Barack Obama has Previously Stated
Zsa Zsa Gabor had her right leg amputated on Friday, according to doctors it was necessary to save her life. Gabor had an infection in her leg for several months after efforts to save her leg with antibiotics failed following a previous hip replacement surgery. Publicist John Blanchette said the wounds wouldn’t heal, so doctors had no choice but to operate.
Zsa Zsa Gabor was doing well after surgery to amputate her right leg — an operation that doctors said was necessary to save her life, her publicist said Friday.
Gabor’s blood pressure and heart rate were normal and she was resting comfortably hours after her surgery, publicist John Blanchette said. He said she’ll be in the hospital for another week or two and hopefully will be home by her 94th birthday on Feb. 6.
However, would Barack Obama agree? The President who now claims that we should all be more civil in our discourse has been far from it in the past, especially when it came to doctors and surgeons. Obama repeatedly attacked the medically community and accused them of doing procedures for profit. President Barack Obama, the man who once stated that surgeons amputate legs in order to get big money. I wonder if he feels the same with Zsa Zsa?
I guess its a good thing that Zsa Zsa did not have a sore throat or maybe her dissectors would have been taking out her tonsils as well. Oh that non-divisive president, what will he say next?
Posted January 15, 2011 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Celebrity, Healthcare, Obamacare, Obamanation, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 7 comments |