Christina Taylor Green, 9 Year-Old Tucson, AZ Shooting Victim’s Organs Donated to Boston, MA Girl
From something terrible and of unspeakable evil, comes something good and beautiful … Christina Taylor Green makes a difference beyond her years.
“She wanted to make a difference in her life. She wanted to make her mark, and she did so in so powerful a way that even she cannot imagine,” said Bishop Gerald Kicanas during his homily.
Billy Joel’s “Lullaby” was played at the mass of 9 year old Christina Taylor Green
Goodnight my angel now it’s time to dream
And dream how wonderful your life will be
Someday your child will cry and if you sing this lullaby
Then in your heart there will always be a part of me
Someday we’ll all be gone But lullabies go on and on
They never die that’s how you and I will be
Make no mistake about it folks, good always conquers over evil.From something terrible always comes something good. Such is the case of the eye-tearing and senseless loss of 9 year old Christina Taylor Green whose life was taken far to soon at the hands of an evil madman Jared Loughner. Christina Taylor Green was born on a day of unimaginable horror, September 11, 2001 and died on another, January 8, 2011 during the Tucson massacre. From the terrible loss of the little 9 year old girl who tugged at our hearts, COMES LIFE. The organs of Christina-Taylor Green have been donated to a Boston-area child. Christina Green lives on … and saves lives in death.
Rest in Peace, You made a Wonderful difference
The organs of nine-year-old Christina-Taylor Green, the youngest victim of last week’s shootings in Tucson, Ariz., have been donated to a Boston-area child, her father revealed to The Boston Globe
The Globe reports today that John Green told the newspaper that he received a phone call about the transplant, but does not know any further details about who received his little girl’s organs, or at which hospital.
A spokesman for the New England Organ Bank told the Globe he is unable to comment on donations.
Green told the Globe that the news that his daughter’s organs were able to save the life of another child “really lifted” his spirits, and he and her mother, Roxanna Green are proud of Christina, “who has done another amazing thing.”
Christina has made the greatest difference one could ever make, she has helped save a Boston area girl. She has fulfilled her wish of always wanting to make a difference. Christina’s parents were asked whether they would like to one day meet the girl who received their daughter’s organs … John Green responded and said, “yes, he would, I’d give her a big hug. It’s a blessing”.
Tucson Shooting Update: US Rep Gabby Giffords (AZ-D) has improved from critical to serious condition. More great news coming from the evils of the Tucson tragedy.
Posted January 16, 2011 by Scared Monkeys 9/11, Child Welfare, Facebook, Good & Evil, Tucson Massacre, You Tube - VIDEO | 8 comments |
Pennsylvania Gov. Edward Rendell Calls for Early Detection System for Mentally Ill to Prevent purchasing Firearms
During the Sunday talk show, CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell called for an “early detection system” designed to keep mentally unstable individuals from buying guns. So we are going to arbitrarily commit people to mental institutions who we perceive as mentally unstable? Really? Who makes that deceision and where to start. Rendell might want to start with 3/4th of those that post on Left-wing moonbat websites. As Weasel Zippers stated, “Does he realize that under this system liberals won’t be able to buy guns?”
Rendell might want to start with these folks from a moonbat march
Two high-profile politicians today called for sweeping reforms to the nation’s mental health system that would prevent individuals deemed ill from legally purchasing firearms.
Had numerous concerns about alleged gunman Jared Lee Loughner’s mental status placed him on a list restricting his ability to buy a gun, his Jan. 8 rampage might have been prevented, said former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, a Republican, and Pennsylvania Gov. Edward Rendell, a Democrat.
During a “Face the Nation” appearance, Rendell called for an “early detection system” designed to keep mentally unstable individuals from buying guns.
Giuliani said among the problems that led to the shooting spree, which left six dead and 19 injured, is the nation’s “inability to deal with mental illness.” He urged policy “adjustments” that balance things like an individual’s constitutional right to own firearms with keeping guns out of the hands of unstable people.
Wonder where the ACLU would stand on this one, the guns or the mentally unstable?
Posted January 16, 2011 by Scared Monkeys Bizarre, Government, Governors, Moonbats, Second Amendment, Tucson Massacre, US Constitution | 2 comments |
Barack Obama Attends Church in DC this Sunday … Churchgoers on Obama’s Attendance, “We’ve Been Waiting Two Years For This”
Hell just froze over … President Barack Obama attends church.
As reported at the Washington Post, one church goer stated “We have been waiting to see this for two years.” Maybe Barack Obama does not attend church on a regular basis because he misses the good old days of Rev. Jeremiah Wright and his inspiring sermons on love, togetherness and peaceful discourse. As the Gateway Pundit states, Obama has not been able to find a pastor who can match his former mentor’s spirit and insight.
Metroplian AME was filled with people who are waiting to see the Obama family.
“We have been waiting to see this for two years,” said one church member as he passed through a line of metal detectors.
President Obama and the first family will join D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray to worship at the Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church in Northwest during a service that will reflect on the spiritual fervor of Martin Luther King Jr.
Last year the president delivered a major address the Sunday before Martin Luther King Jr. Day at the Districts Vermont Avenue Baptist Church where King spoke when he was alive.
Reverend Wright, he is a wonderful man … so says Barack Obama
One of the church members above stated, “we have been waiting to see this for two years.” Funny, the unemployed in America have been saying the same thing about getting a job under this president.
Posted January 16, 2011 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Obamanation, Politics, Religion, You Tube - VIDEO | 12 comments |
Tucson Shooting Victim James Eric Fuller Will Undergo a Mental Health Evaluation after Arrested for Making Death Threats in ABC’s An ‘American Conversation Continued’ … Will MSM Blame Themselves for His Actions?
As if the situation could not get any more strange with the Tucson, AZ shooting and the days that follow … So much for civil discourse and will the MSM blame the LEFT, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik and themselves for J. Eric Fuller’s actions?
Talk about bizarre beyond all comprehension. J. Eric Fuller, a Tucson shooting victim of the hideous Tucson Massacre, has been arrested for make a death threat to a Tea Party spokesman during a taping of ABC’s an ‘American Conversation Continued.’ He yelled “YOU’RE DEAD”during the taping to Trent Humpries of then AZ Tea Party. J. Eric Fuller will also under go a mental health evaluation.
A Tucson mass shooting victim was taken into custody Saturday after yelling “you’re dead” at a Tea Party spokesman during the taping of an ABC-TV town hall event hosted by Christianne Amanpour.
The Pima County Sheriff’s Office said J. Eric Fuller, 63, was involuntarily committed to an undisclosed medical facility, NBC News reported. The Associated Press said he was undergoing a psychiatric evaluation.
He faces charges of threats and intimidation and disorderly conduct, according to Tucson TV station KGUN.
After all the comments to refrain from harsh rhetoric, to try and be more peaceful, during ABC’s an ‘American Conversation Continued’ town hall meant to move on from the terrible happenings of one week ago … J. Eric Fuller took a picture of Humphries and shouted, “You’re dead.” WHAT!
KGUN reported that Fuller took exception to comments by Republican state Rep. Terri Proud and Tucson Tea Party spokesman Trent Humphries.
Fuller was in the front row and apparently became upset when Humphries suggested that any conversations about gun control should be delayed until all the dead were buried, KGUN reported.
Fuller took a picture of Humphries and shouted, “You’re dead.”
Some media reports said Fuller kept booing and making other remarks before deputies escorted him from the church.
So let’s understand the craziness. We have a gunman in Jared Loughner who by all accounts is “bat S#it” insane where numerous people have stated that he was a menacing individual and they feared that he would one day bring a gun to class. We have the evil Jared Loughner who was kicked out of a community college after doing the following VIDEO, yet he was never made to take a mental health eval. This evil punk then went on a shooting rampage that leaves 6 dead. We then have a bias sheriff who is agenda driven provide his opinion, rather than facts and evidence that it was political rhetoric from the RIGHT that was to blame, even though he had and there was zero proof.
Now we are witness to one of Loughtner’s shooting victims at a town hall setting meant to move on threaten another with death threats and he is sent for a mental health evaluation. Can it get any stranger? As Powerline states, ”isn’t the only untreated mental patient on the Left. And we haven’t even started talking about the New York Times’s columnists”.
So what will come from J. Eric Fuller’s verbal death threats? Will the liberal MSM blame themselves for his actions seeing that ever since the evil acts of Jared Loughner, they have blamed the Right, Republicans, talk radio,Sarah Palin, Rush and Glenn Beck.
So who is to blame for J. Eric Fuller’s death threats … can you say J. Eric Fuller!!!
Posted January 16, 2011 by Scared Monkeys ABC News, Bizarre, Gabrielle Giffords (AZ-D), House of Representatives, Jared Loughner, Mass Murder, Media, Media Bias, Murder, Obamanation, Republican, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Tucson Massacre, WTF | one comment |
Fantastic … US Rep Gabrielle Giffords (AZ-D) Breathing on Her Own & Off Ventilator
From the LA Times, US Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (AZ-D) taken off ventilator. Fantastic news from such a tragic event. With all the negative news, speculation, false accusations, and hideous and senseless acts of violence by gunman Jared Loughner … it is great to se this uplifting and positive news that Gabby Giffords is well on her way on the mend … good luck Gabby and our prayers are with you.
Doctors in Tucson take shooting victim Gabrielle Giffords off a ventilator, which means she is breathing on her own.
Surgeons at Tucson’s University Medical Center removed Rep. Gabrielle Giffords from a ventilator Saturday and inserted a tracheotomy tube into her neck to assist her breathing, according to the center.
Removing her from the ventilator, which means she is now breathing on her own, allows the medical team to assess her ability to speak and is another step toward stabilizing her condition so she can leave the intensive care unit and be moved to a regular hospital room.
Posted January 16, 2011 by Scared Monkeys Gabrielle Giffords (AZ-D), House of Representatives, Jared Loughner, Tucson Massacre, You Tube - VIDEO | 2 comments |