House Majority Leader Eric Cantor Double Dog Dares Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to Hold Obamacare Repeal Vote


Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor dared Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to hold a vote in the US Senate on the repeal of Obamacare. Canotor laid down the gaunlet to Reid and stated that if he was so confident that he had the voted to prevent the repeal of the government take over of health care, then put it to a vote.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor isn’t one to hold his feelings back — especially when it comes to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

On Tuesday, the Virginia Republican threw a little more fuel on the fire, suggesting Reid (D-Nev.) was afraid to actually bring up the health care repeal vote in the Senate.

“If Harry Reid is so confident that the repeal vote should die in the Senate then he should bring it up for a vote if he’s so confident he’s got the votes,” Cantor said.

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Shooting Victim Eric Fuller Apologizes for “You are Dead” Threat to Tea Party Leader Trent Humphries

63 year old Eric Fuller, the Tucson, AZ shooting victim who was arrested for make a death threat against tea party leader Trent Humphries has apologized for his comments. Fuller was taken into custody following the taping of ABC’s town hall event,  “An American Conversation Continued” after Fuller said to Humphries … “you are dead”. Fuller was involuntarily committed to a county mental health facility following his death threat,

Dorothy DeRuyter, a companion of Fuller’s, provided CNN with a statement.

“I would like to tender my sincerest apologies to Mr. (Trent) Humphries for my misplaced outrage on Saturday at the St. Odelia’s town meeting,” Fuller said in the statement. “It was not in the spirit of our allegiance and warm feelings to each other as citizens of our great country.”

Dorothy DeRuyter went on to say that Fuller “is apologetic and very sad” about his outburst, he wishes he could go back and do things differently.” I am sure he does; however, making a death threat following the Tucson tragedy allegedly at the hands of Jared  Loughner that left 6 dead was hardly the words one would want to use to further to discussion.

Democrat US Senator Kent Conrad of North Dakota to Retire in 2012, Joe Lieberman Retiring as Well

Holding the US Senate for Democrats and Harry Reid in 2012 just got a little bit harder …

Democrat US Senator Kent Conrad has announced that he will not run for reelection in 2012 and will retire. The retiring of Conrad opens up a huge opportunity for Republicans in the “red” state of North Dakota. As it is Democrats face an uphill battle in 2012 to retain the Senate as Democrats have to defend 23seats, 21 Dems and 2 Indies who caucus with Dems while the GOP only have to defend 10. As stated by Hot Air, Senate Democrat to retire after his party lost six Senate seats in the midterms, but he probably won’t be the last.

North Dakota Democratic Sen. Kent Conrad announced today that he will not seek reelection, creating a potentially prime pickup opportunity for Republicans in a GOP-leaning state.

“After months of consideration, I have decided not to seek reelection in 2012,” Conrad said in a letter to constituents. “There are serious challenges facing our state and nation, like a $14 trillion debt and America’s dependence on foreign oil. It is more important I spend my time and energy trying to solve these problems than to be distracted by a campaign for reelection.”

President Obama said in a statement that he was “saddened” about the news of Conrad’s retirement. I bet he was; however, not as much as Harry Reid who might be moved to a smaller office after the 2012 elections.

Recently, US Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R.-Tex.) also announced that she will not run in 2012 as week; however, that GOP hold is a much different story than that of Democrats and Kent Conrad. It is rather unthinkable that a Democrat would win a US Senate race in the “red” state of Texas. Hard to believe indeed.

Recently, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R.-Tex.) announced her retirement. Today, Chris Cillizza reported that Sen. Kent Conrad (D.-N.D.) will be hanging it up.

The reaction to each is interesting and quite different. In Texas, the Democratic polling outfit Public Policy Polling tells us: “A look at 12 different possible head-to-head match ups for next year’s Texas Senate race shows the same outcome in every single one: a double digit lead for the Republican. This is going to be an extremely difficult seat for Democrats to pick up.” 

UPDATE I: US Senator Joe Lieberman (CT-I) is also retiring and won’t seek reelection in 2012. First it was Conrad and nopw it’s Lieberman. The obvious question is, who’s next?

Sen. Joe Lieberman is retiring from the Senate in 2012, closing out a two-decade career that saw him rise to the Democratic presidential ticket only to be dismissed by his own state party a few years later over his support for the war in Iraq.

Lieberman will announce that he will not seek re-election Wednesday in Stamford, Conn., ending months of speculation about whether Lieberman would run as an independent, a Republican, a Democrat, or simply retire.

The Dana Pretzer Show On Scared Monkeys Radio – Tuesday, January 18, 2011 – Special Guests: Clint VanZandt, Judith Rust & Robin Sax



Tonight Dana welcomes special guests:

  • Clint VanZandt – former FBI agent, author and security expert discussing the Arizona mass killing and the evil acts of gunman Jared Loughner.
  • Judith Rust discussing the death of her Son Sgt Patrick Rust and her quest to get answers about his death.
  • Robin Sax - Former ADA, author and crime news analyst with updates on Conrad Murray, Howard K. Stern and her thoughts on the Tucson, Arizona Shooting.

Return of the Jedi … Sarah Palin Says to Liberal MSM, “I Am Not Going to Shut Up”

The Momma Grizzly responds …

During an interview last night on Fox News, Sarah Palin stated to Sean Hannity that despite the constant attacks by Democrats and the liberal MSM, “I am not going to shut up.” Those who respectfully and rightfully petition their government for change cannot make us sit down or shut up. Getting rid of respectful dissent would destroy our Republic. You do not use a tragedy to try and stifle political debate.


Those of you on the LEFT might want to listen to her words. A stifling of free speech might just be one days be yours as well. The full interview can be seen at Sean Hannity.

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