CNN Poll: More Americans Believe Obama’s Radical Agenda Will Fail & Trust GOP Congress Over Obama to Handle Issues
Who said Obama was the come back kid and on a rebound?
In the most recent CNN/Opinion Research poll, more Americans believe that Barack Obama’s radical policies will fail. Just one year ago a majority of Americans thought Obama’s policies would succeed. However, that was until they fully realized what his radical policies were all about. Also, Americans have confidence in Republicans over Barack Obama, 40% to 35%, to handle the problems facing the country.
Full CNN poll results HERE(pdf).
President Barack Obama enters the new year with a growing number of Americans pessimistic about his policies and a growing number rooting for him to fail, according to a new national poll.
But a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Wednesday also indicates that while a majority of the public says Republican control of the House of Representatives is good for the country, only one in four say the GOP will do a better job running things than the Democrats did when they controlled the chamber.
As stated at the Politico, 61% percent of Americans surveyed said they hope Obama’s policies succeed. As compared to a year ago, 71% hoped for Obama’s policy success. What Weasel Zippers said, “Succeed at what? Destroying the country?”
The 2010 midterm election pickups in the House and Senate were a direct result because of the fact that the American public wanted Obama’s policies stopped. If they wanted them to really succeed as implemented by Obama, the Democrats would not have suffered such catastrophic loses. The people also do not believe that Obama believes in American “exceptionalism”. Obama faces some serious problems in 2012 because in the end, “We the People” do not believe in or trust him to handle matters.
Posted December 29, 2010 by Scared Monkeys 2012 Elections, Barack Obama, CNN Opinion Research, Hope and Change, Obamanation, Polls, Presidential Election, Republican | 7 comments |
Daily Commentary – Wednesday, December 29th, 2010 – Remembering the Stars Who Passed This Year
- We lost many well-known actors this year. Dana reflects on their lives and works.
Donna Simpson Chowed Down 30,000 Calorie Christmas Dinner on her Way to 1000 Lbs
New Jersey’s Donna Simpson has goals … hers is to reach a weight of 1000 pounds. Maybe some one might want to tell the single mom that she will probably die before she ever reaches any such weight and her child will be with out a mother. She obviously needs help, hopefully some one will bring some sanity to this woman who wants to weigh 1000 lbs. Although, she has the right to do it, hopefully common sense prevails.
Donna Simpson has nothing on Monty Python’s Mr. Creosote
A New Jersey woman who hopes to become the fattest woman in the world got 30,000 calories closer to her 1,000lb goal with a festive feast that could have fed dozens of revellers.
46-stone Donna Simpson, sitting in a reinforced metal chair, chowed down on the world’s biggest Christmas dinner as she ate for two straight hours on Saturday.
The single mother-of-two tucked into two 25lb turkeys, two maple-glazed hams, 15lbs of potatoes (10lbs roast, 5lbs mashed), five loaves of bread, five pounds of herb stuffing, four pints of gravy, four pints of cranberry dressing and an astonishing 20lbs of vegetables.
The following is Simpson’s complete Christmas Dinner. How does anyone even afford this much food? Hey at least she had some healthy green salads.
2 portions of 25lb oven roasted turkeys
2 portions of 15lb maple glazed hams
10lbs of roast potatoes
5lbs of mashed potatoes
5lbs of chopped carrots
5lbs of sweetcorn
5lbs of roasted butternut squash
5 parcels of house-baked bread
4 pints of cranberry relish
4 pints of home-made gravy
5lbs of herbed stuffing
1 tray of mixed green salad including salad dressing.
No Shirtless Pics of Barack Obama on Vacation in Hawaii … How Will We Live?
The MSM worried about no shirt pics of Obama as Americans face 9.8% unemployment.
Breaking news from the MSM, there will be no shirtless pictures of President Barack Obama on vacation in Hawaii. The horror. As the NY Times wrote, “All you folks who wanted shirtless pictures of the president: Forget it.” Um, who actually wants to see shirtless pictures of the President? The adoring MSM will just have to think back fondly of vacations of yore. The heck with a shirt, this president is an empty suit.
The White House is taking extra steps to prevent photos of a shirtless President Obama on vacation in Hawaii.
The president and his family are on a snorkeling trip in Hamauma Bay Nature Reserve, and traveling press are under “explicit instructions that there will be no long lenses or other sneaky attempts to take pictures,” according to a pool report.
But pictures aren’t likely to come out of Tuesday’s trip to the beach. “All you folks who wanted shirtless pictures of the president: Forget it,”writes The New York Times’s Sheryl Stolberg in her pool report.
At least Obama is able to take a vacation and go snorkeling, unlike most in America who are struggling to keep their head above water.
Posted December 29, 2010 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Lost in Smallness, Media, Media Bias, Obamanation, Obamanomics | 4 comments |
Daily Commentary – Tuesday, December 28th, 2010 – Australian Group Trying to Ban Drunken… Walking?
- They give a laundry list of reasons to stop people from walking in public places while under the influence of alcohol.
Posted December 29, 2010 by Scared Monkeys Dana Pretzer, Podcast, Scared Monkeys Radio, World | no comments |