Summer of Job Recovery? More Like Democrat Summer of Corruption … Eddie Bernice Johnson Awarded Scholarships to Relatives

So much for the Obama summer of job recovery, this summer’s motto has been the summer of Democrat corruption.

US Democrat Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX-D) is being accused of funneling thousands of dollars in college scholorships to four relatives and a top aide’s two children since 2005. Relatives of the Congresswomen are supposed to be ineligible. Once again we are witness to another Democrat with an ethical problem.

Dallas congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson has awarded thousands of dollars in college scholarships to four relatives and a top aide’s two children since 2005, using foundation funds set aside for black lawmakers’ causes.

The recipients were ineligible under anti-nepotism rules of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, which provided the money. And all of the awards violated a foundation requirement that scholarship winners live or study in a caucus member’s district.

Johnson, a Democrat, denied any favoritism when asked about the scholarships last week. Two days later, she acknowledged in a statement released by her office that she had violated the rules but said she had done so “unknowingly” and would work with the foundation to “rectify the financial situation.”

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South Carolina Senate Election 2010: Jim DeMint (R) 63%, Alvin Greene (D) 19%

Is there a more definitive political election polling category other than “SOLID REPUBLICAN”?

Incumbent GOP US Senator Jim DeMint holds a 63% to 19% lead over Democrat challenger Alvin Greene in the battle for the South Carolina US Senate seat. Actually the real question might be, how does Greene even get 19% of the vote? Alvin Greene, the surprise winner from out of no-where of the Democrat primary has many other issues other than name recognition and a popular incumbent Republican Senator facing him. Greene has also been indicted on two charges, including a felony charge of showing porn to a female teenage student.

Republican incumbent Jim DeMint remains far ahead of surprise Democratic nominee Alvin Greene in the U.S. Senate race in South Carolina.

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the state finds DeMint leading Green by a better than three-to-one margin, 63% to 19%.  Eight percent (8%) prefer some other candidate, and 10% are undecided. 


CNN Interview with Alvin Green … Yikes

Are they going to have debates in this race … that would almost be worth a pay per view event.

Even Jim Clyburn (SC – D), the number 3 ranking Democrat, House majority Whip, in the U.S. House of Representatives has stated that he will not support his party’s nominee for the U.S. Senate, Alvin Greene, when he goes into the voting booth Nov. 2, 2010. Clyburn represents the 6th congressional district of South Carolina, one of SC’s only majority-black district. It makes you wonder if Clyburn is not going to support Greene, just who is?

“No, I’m not going to vote for Mr. Greene,” Clyburn said in answer to reporters’ questions in Columbia. “Look, I have three daughters and a granddaughter. I think it would be an insult to them, if I did that.”

CNN mocks Alvin Greene and his bizarre campaign and rise from no where; however, maybe the liberal media might want to take a look at another angle rather than condemning Greene or calling him a plant … maybe the voters of SC were that disgusted with the other choices they were given. To the MSM I would say, you can mock Greene all you want, but what is worse and more deserving of mockery than Alvin Greene? The Democrats who lost to him in the primary.

Great sarcasm at Jumping in Pools with their commentary regarding the US South Carolina Senate race.

I think that the GOP and Jim DeMint can sleep easy, this general election was over before it began. We will wait until the ballots close in SC to call the race; however, trust me … one second after polls close with 1/10th of 1% of the vote in SM will call the race for the GOP and Jim DeMint

California Governor Election 2010: Meg Whitman (R) Takes Lead Over Jerry Brown (D), 48% to 40%

There has been a reversal of fortunes in the polling data in the California Governors race for 2010. Early this month, Democrat Jerry Brown had a 2% point lead over Republican Meg Whitman. However, according to the most recent Rasmussen poll Whitman (R) has a 48% to 40% lead over Brown (D).

The tie is broken for now, with Republican Meg Whitman, coming off last weekend’s state GOP Convention, moving out to her best showing yet in the race to be the next governor of California.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in California finds Whitman earning 48% support, while Democrat Jerry Brown picks up 40% of the vote. Six percent (6%) prefer some other candidate in the race, and six percent (6%) are undecided.

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Alveda King, Niece of Martin Luther King Jr, Speaks at Beck’s “Restoring Honor” Rally on Anniversary of ‘I Have a Dream’ Speech

“I have a dream too” … So said the niece of Martin Luther King, Jr. at the “Restoring Honor” rally.

As the liberal MSM and Al Sharpton condemn Glenn Beck for daring to have his Restoring Honor” rally of the anniversary of MKK Jr’s “I Have a Dream” speech, I wonder how they will respond to this “Restoring Honor” speaker? Alveda King,  the niece of Martin Luther King Jr., spoke today at the “Restoring Honor” rally honoring her uncle on the 47th anniversary of his “I have a Dream”.

This is a must see video … “I too have a dream too, its in my genes.”

“Faith, hope and love are not dead in America …. We still Trust in God!”

This must have driven the liberals and the Al Sharpton brigade to have Alveda King speak at Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally. As American Power stated, the libs heads must have exploded to have such an event occur. It’s kind of hard for ReverendAl and the bias and hateful MSM to claim that the Beck rally to dismiss it with MLK Jr’s niece attending. The following is from ABC News:

On the 47th anniversary of her uncle’s historic “I Have a Dream” speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, politician and activist Alveda King has joined conservative commentator Glenn Beck at the same spot to bring people together in paying tribute to America’s soldiers and “restoring honor” to America.

King, the niece of civil rights activist Martin Luther King, Jr. and daughter of his brother activist A. D. King, is currently the director of African-American outreach at the pro-life group Priests for Life and has recently stepped into the spotlight after several appearances on Beck’s radio program.

“I am attending this rally to help reclaim America,” she told “Good Morning America’s” Ron Claiborne today from Capitol Hill. “I’m joining Glenn to talk about faith, hope, charity, honor. Those are things that America needs to reclaim. Our children need to remember to love each other how to honor each other, their parents, God and their neighbors. I agree with Glenn on all of those principles. So that’s why I’m here. For me it’s principles over politics.”

Amen sister!

Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” Rally a Huge Success … “America today begins to turn back to God.”


Four  score and seven years ago, Martin Luther King Jr. stated in his “I have a Dream” speech, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
I have a dream today”.

Today was a day for individuals of all race, creed and color to reflect on the content of their character.

Glenn Beck’s, “Restoring Honor”rally, a tremendous success … it was not about LEFT and RIGHT, ite was not about Republicans and Democrats … it was about God, Honor and Country! Today was a day to “Remember the Dream” and to take back America and restore its honor. A special thank you to Glenn Beck for having the will and courage to out the “Restoring Honor” rally together and making it happen and to those he came, and they came in such vast numbers. Beck stated the following,
“This is the beginning of the end of darkness. We have been in darkness for a long time,” Beck told followers in a preview of his “Restoring Honor” rally.

“Something that is beyond man is happening,” Beck said from the base of the Lincoln Memorial. “America today begins to turn back to God.”

Wow, and the Patriot came …

An enormous and impassioned crowd rallied at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on Saturday, summoned by Glenn Beck, a conservative broadcaster who called for a religious rebirth in America at the site where the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech 47 years ago to the day.

“Something that is beyond man is happening,” Mr. Beck said in opening the event as the crowd thronged near the memorial grounds. “America today begins to turn back to God.”

It was part religious revival, part history lecture, as Mr. Beck invoked the founding fathers and the “black-robed regiment” of pastors of the Revolutionary War and spoke of American exceptionalism.

If you missed Sarah Palin’s tremendous speech, listen to it at Freedom’s Lighthouse where she spoke as a mom of a soldier.

Some are reporting that there were 300,000 people. Ten’s a thousands reported by the MSM.

How sad that the predictable MSM would be divisive on the day that MLK Jr. gave his famous “I have a dream” speech. The NY Times reported, Where Dr. King Stood, Tea Party Claims His Mantle. One has to ask them self why the MSM feels the need to provoke and fan the flames of intolerance? Maybe, just maybe because they have a vested interested in keeping folks at each other’s throats.

However, Glenn Beck was the one with character today as the MSM displayed nothing but bitter hatred and contempt. Glenn Beck stated the following at the Restoring Honor rally:

Beck exhorted the crowd to “recognize your place to the creator. Realize that he is our king. He is the one who guides and directs our life and protects us.” He asked his audience to pray more. “I ask, not only if you would pray on your knees, but pray on your knees but with your door open for your children to see.”

Does its really look like only 87,000 people werwe at the ”Restoring Honor” rally as CBS is claiming?

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