California Senate Election 2010: Barbara Boxer (D) 44%, Carly Fiorina (R) 43% … Toss Up


US Senate incumbent Barbara Boxer finds herself in a dog fight with Republican challenger Carly Fiorina for the California US Senate seat. In the heavily “blue” state of California, Boxer only finds herself up by 1% in the latest Rasmuseen poll over Fiorina, 44% to 43%.

Democratic incumbent Barbara Boxer and her Republican challenger Carly Fiorina are now essentially tied in California’s U.S. Senate race, moving the state from Leans Democratic to a Toss-Up in the Rasmussen Reports Election 2010 Senate Balance of Power rankings. 

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in California shows Boxer with 44% support, while Fiorina picks up 43% of the vote. Five percent (5%) like another candidate in the race, and eight percent (8%) are undecided.

The race appears to be tightening as earlier this month Boxer had a 5% point lead over Fiorina and in JulyBoxer had a 7% point lead. Obviously,  the polling trend is moving toward Fiorina and it might just be the terrible economic situation in California. Only 2%, yes that is correct 2% of California voters believe the economy is good, while 67% state that it is poor.

Just two percent (2%) of all California voters rate the economy as good, while 67% describe it as poor. Twenty-one percent (21%) say the economy is getting better, but 51% think it’s getting worse.

RCP has the average polling date at +3.5% for Boxer; however, that includes July 2010 polling and does not include Rasmussen’s new CA US Senate polling. If only current polling is considered, Boxer is actually trailing Fiorina by 2%.

We head into the home strech and California is a toss up states and in play for a potential GOP pick up in the 2010 midterm elections.

With such a grim outlook on the economy in California, it kind of makes one wonder where the disconnect is that according to Rasmussen, ”55% of voters in California approve of Obama’s job performance as president. Forty-three percent (43%) disapprove”.

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  • Comments

    6 Responses to “California Senate Election 2010: Barbara Boxer (D) 44%, Carly Fiorina (R) 43% … Toss Up”

    1. Benito on August 26th, 2010 3:46 pm

      The Republicans are so funny, when the economy is good you say let’s all celebrate “Cinco de Mayo, my brothers” but when the economy is down “it’s all your fault, you damn immigrant”. When most Americans (with Latin America roots) go to the polls this November we will remember that the GOP has gone on a nationwide rant in proposing and passing several anti-immigration legislation (that our US Courts continue to strike down) and have continue to blame the immigrant for the flat economy or worse. We will remember who stands with us and who stands against us, so trying to stop it now is somewhat funny, but go ahead, you will not change our minds. Plus the more radical of the GOP are now attacking our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, in a misguided attempt to garner some much needed votes, they really are fools, and leading the GOP towards obscurity because they are no longer a party of ideas, just of empty suits. Your hate made you do it, in November; you will reap what you have sown. I wonder what Abraham Lincoln would say about todays GOP, he unlike the current GOP was a man of ideas.

    2. Greg the Mongoose on August 26th, 2010 4:01 pm

      Boxer thinks she is “Col. Nathan R. Jessep in the movie A Few Good Men” Carly Fiorina is going knock the shrew out of office.

    3. wheelsup on August 27th, 2010 8:17 am

      Time for boxer to be voted out, my state balanced it’s budget, and is not right we have to send money to all the states that can not. Time for these reps to quit voting themselves raises and do something worthwhile for once. The stimulus did not work, obamacare is a joke. We need to vote out reid, pelosi and try something that ensures we get some jobs, this country is broke. We need to get to work on it now.

    4. super dave on August 27th, 2010 12:51 pm

      benito : illegal i presume. that’s right, just
      like obama says he wants to give you amnesty.
      he doesn’t give a damn about you , but will take
      your vote and turn around and screw you in the
      same breath.

    5. Benito on September 1st, 2010 6:41 pm

      SDave: This is all about politics and November 2010 and nothing more. The most outrageous racial profile law was AZ SB1070, the one that failed in our US Courts that the proponents claimed was Constitutional. The current GOP wants to decide for you when they will apply our Constitution and Bill of Rights in the bent minds (Good luck with that). Considering that all the numbers of crime are down In AZ (even ex-governor Janet Napolitano agrees).

      So when we saw Brewer signing a bill (that she probably did not even read), lying about the crime rates in AZ, and now we find out that she is in the pockets of PRIVATE PRISONS who stand to benefit with the increase Federal jailing, please what BS.

      So quit lying, with your pathelic rhetoric, stand up and be men or women, no, no I am sorry your leaders are now just Birthers, Baggers and Blowhards and will continue to take the GOP towards obscurity because they are no longer a party of ideas, just of empty suits. Good bye, fawell……
      SM: No, instead we have a worthless governemnt that does not even uphold the laws or the Constitution.

      So sorry that you are full of hate, do you even know what a Tea Party person is? Probably not, those that have hate in their hearts do not.

      Cant wait to hear your whining the day after the 2010 midterm elections.

    6. Benito on September 9th, 2010 10:04 pm

      In the last four months Jan Brewer has been caught lying, three times and counting.

      The comments made on June 16, 2010, and June 27, 2010, clearly indicates that the Brewer says that immigrants are beheading people in the United States desert. She first ran away from the question and the press when confronted with the question. She finally when to FOX/ FAKE News to recant her lie.

      When Brewer was confronted with the fact the two of her top Advisors (Paul Senseman, Chuck Coughlin) are lobbyist for “Private Prisons” giant CCA she first ran away from the question and the press.

      In an attempt to gain sympathy, she first said her father had died in Germany fighting the Nazi in World War II (which ended 1945) but of course we find out the truth that her father was never in Germany and died in California in 1955. Do you see a trend here?

      Brewer signed into law SB 1070 Bill (Did she even read it?), lied about the crime rates in AZ (even Janet Napolitano knows that all crimes rates went down), and now we find out that she is in the pockets of PRIVATE PRISONS who stand to benefit with the increase Federal jailing, and thus they will pay her back, I wonder if it has to do anything about the fact that her son was transferred to a brand new prison, he was convicted for rape and sexual assault, I guess the fruit does not fall far the tree.

      “Private Prisons Lie”

      “AZ Crime Rates”

      “Father Lie”

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