Midterm Impending Democrat Doom … Republicans Jump to Historic Lead in Generic Congressional Ballot


The Democrat Party might want to take their head out of the sand and pay attention to the most recent Gallup poll which has Republicans ahead in the Generic ballot.

As Real Clear Politics states, a historic lead heading into the November midterm elections. Of course the GOP has much work to do between now and November; however, the moons are aligning. Look for numerous Democrats to suddenly use the word “independent” and move away from Barack Obama and his unpopular policies.

Gallup’s generic polling shows the number of voters saying that they would vote for Republicans rising three points from last week, while the number saying they will vote for Democrats dropped four points.  The 49%-43% lead for the Republicans is the largest that the pollster has ever recorded for the party.  Moreover, Democratic enthusiasm for voting this fall fell a point, while enthusiasm among Republicans stayed about fifteen points higher.  This indicates an even wider lead for Republicans once Gallup imposes a likely voter screen this fall.

As reported at Red State, the Gallup poll suggests a 45 seat pick up by Republicans which would swing control back to the GOP.

Rasmussen has the Generic Congressional ballot with a Republican lead over Democrats, 44% to 37%.

It will be interesting to see what these polls show closer to the election this November; however, one thing is for certain … Democrats are in trouble.

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  • Comments

    2 Responses to “Midterm Impending Democrat Doom … Republicans Jump to Historic Lead in Generic Congressional Ballot”

    1. Rusty Bridges on June 2nd, 2010 12:16 pm

      A little off topic but since the dems want to control guns and amunition.

      If this fellow was in my neck of the woods there would only be one person dead maybe two as he would have been dropped as he aimed at his first victim. He certainly wouldn’t be allowed to drive around and kill at his liesure.


      Notice in the article that this isn’t the first time this happened.

      It’s not so much about having the govt fearing an armed populace as it is foremost about protection of life and liberty.

    2. Rusty Bridges on June 2nd, 2010 12:21 pm

      Newsweek ponders whether killing terrorists makes less terrorism or creates more terrorists.

      I guess they didn’t get the memo that the Obama love thy terrorst agenda is losing favor with the american people.

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